<br /> �'�. Hazardous Subs�an��5. As used in this Sec��on 2I: (a} "I�aza�clo�cs S�cbstc�nces"are th
<br /> ose subs�a��es
<br /> de�ned a��ox�c or hazardous substances, p��lu�arits, or�wastes by E�nv�ronmenta�Law ax�d the fal�
<br /> ovv�ng
<br /> subs�ance�: gasoline, kerosene, other flammable o�-�ox�c pe�ra�eum products, �oxzc estic�des and h
<br /> �ro�a���e solven�s, mater�als confa�ning asbestos or formaldeh d p �r�����-es,
<br /> y e, ar�d rad�oact�ve ma�erza�s; �b}
<br /> ".�nviYon�nental Lc�w"means federa� Iaws and�a�vs of th�jurisdictian�rhere the Pra er� �s located
<br /> relate to health, safety or e���ronmental rotec�ion• c "�' • p �' that
<br /> � , ( � nvrYnnmental�`leanzzp" �nclud�s any response
<br /> action, �-emedia�action, or remo�al action, as defin�d in Env�ronmental Lav�; and d an "Envi�an
<br /> C'anc�ition"means a condi��on that can c � � mentc�l
<br /> ause, contr�bute t�, or�therwrse tr�gger an En�vironmen�al ��eanup.
<br /> Borrower shal�no�ca�.�se or permxt�he presence, use, disposal, s�orage, or release of an Hazardo
<br /> Subs�ances, or threa�en�o r�lease any Hazardous Substances on or�n t�e pr y us
<br /> a aperty. Ba�ro���r shall ria�do,
<br /> nor ai�o�r anyone e�se to do, anythirig affec�ing the Proper�y�a) �hat is in��ola��on of an Environmerita�
<br /> Law, (b}�vhzch crea�es an Env�ranmentai Cand��ion, o�• c which due�o�he y
<br /> � ) , presence, use, or release flf a
<br /> Hazardous Substance, crea�es a coridi�ion�ha�adverse�y affects the value of the Pro er� . The rece '
<br /> senteri�es shaii no�apply�o�he pres�nce, use or s�ara e on �° �' p d�ng two
<br /> � g the Proper�y of sma1� quant���es of Hazardous
<br /> Subs�ances�ha�are generally recogn�zed to be appropriate to norma�res�den��al us�s ax�d to mainte
<br /> nance of
<br /> �he Prflper�y�inc�udzng, but no�Iimrteci to, hazardous subs�anc�s �n cor�sume�• roducts .
<br /> p }
<br /> Bo�'ro�v�x-sha11 promptly give Lender vvr�f�en no�ice of(a�any investi�ation, claim demand �awsui
<br /> � , t or o�he�
<br /> act�an by any�overnmen�al ar regulatory agency or pr�vate par�y�nvo�v�n�the Pro er� and an H
<br /> Substance or Env�rox�men�a�Lavv of�hich Bo�•rower has actual p y Y azardous
<br /> kno�v�edge, �b� any Env�ranmen�a�
<br /> Condz�ian, includzrig bu�no��imi�ed to, any spi�Iing, leaX�ir�g, discharge, reiease or�hreat af releas
<br /> eofariy
<br /> Hazardous Substarice, and�c� any cond�tion caused by�he presence, us�ar re�ease of a Hazardous
<br /> wh�ch ad�ersely affec�s�he vaiue of�he Pro ert . Zf Borrow Subs�ance
<br /> p y er�earns, or xs no���ed by any go�vernmen�a� or
<br /> �-egu�atory authori�y, or any pr��a�e party, �ha�any remo�al or other remed�a�ion of an Ha�ardous Su
<br /> affectir�g�he Proper�y�s necessary, Borr�wer sha11 rom �� � � bs�ance
<br /> � � y ake a�I necessary remedxal a�tzo�as�n
<br /> accordance wi�h Environmental Law. No�hing here�n sha�� �rea�e any ab�igation on Lender for an
<br /> EnW�ronmen�ai��eanup.
<br /> Non-Unifarm �v�enan�sA Borr��re�•and Lender Covenan�and a�ree as fal�o�vs:
<br /> ��. AGceleraf�on; Rerr�ed i�s. I�ender shal��iye noti�e�o$orrower rior ta a�ce�.�r°ation f •
<br /> p o��orv�ng
<br /> Barrotiver's breach flf any co�enan�or agreement�n this Secur�ty Ins�rur�aQnt but no� r�or to
<br /> acceZera�ion under Se��io�� 18 unless A � p
<br /> pplicable La�v pro��des otherwise�. The�otice sha�l specify; {a}
<br /> the default; �b�the act�on required ta cure�he defau��; �c} a dat�, no�less tl�an 3 Q d� s from�
<br /> �he no��ce�s g�ven�v 13orrower, by wh�ch�he default mu �' h�date
<br /> st be cured; and�d} that fai�ur�to �ure the
<br /> defau�.t on�r before the da��spec�fied�n the no�ice may result Yn a�ce��rat�an of the sums secure
<br /> th�s�ecurYty In��rumen�and sale of the Pra ert . The noti d��
<br /> p Y ce sh�.�Z further inform B�rro�ver�f the
<br /> righ�to reinsta�e af�er�cceleratinn and the r�ght ta br��xg a caur�act�on�o assert�he non-existe
<br /> defaui�or any�ther�.efer�se of B�rrower�a acce�erat�on and sa��. I n���f a
<br /> f�he default is nvt cured on or
<br /> before�he da�e spec�fied�n�he notice, Lender at its option ma�require�mmediate � men��n f
<br /> ai� sums secured by�h�s SQcur��y Ins��•umen�tiv��hou�further p �' u�l of
<br /> derr�and and.may�nvo�e�he povver of sa�e
<br /> and any o�her rem�d�es perxnit�ed by App�icable Law� Lend�r sha�I be e�����led to col�e��al�ex en
<br /> ���curred in pursuing the remedies prov�ded�n this Sec�ion��, �ncludin� � �e�
<br /> �,, but no�limited t�, reasonable
<br /> at�orneys' fees a��d.cos���f�it�e evide�ice.
<br /> $8��7�3�50
<br /> N�BRASKA-Si�gl��arni�y_�an�€ie MaelFreddie M ac UNfFQRM lNSTR�M�NT WlTH M�RS �$��TO����
<br /> VMP� Farm 3��8 11�1
<br /> Wofters Kluwer Finar�cia�Services VMP�A[NE}��3��}
<br /> Page 14 af 17
<br />