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��15�3��� <br /> en�it� �l�nown as the "L�an �e�rvi��r"} that Gallec�� peri�di� �ayment� due under the Na�e �nd thi� Se�urit� <br /> In�t.rum�nt.There als�may be on.e o�mare�han�es�f the Laan�er�ic�r unrela�e�.t�a sa��of th�Note.IF th�re i� <br /> a change oF�he L4ar���rvicer,B arro�v�r w�.��be g�ven v`rritt�n natice of th��l�ange in a�C�rdance �rith the se�tion <br /> �i�1ed�oti��s and Appli�abl�I1avv. The natice w�ll stat� the ��am� and address �f the n��v L�an S�rvicer �nd th� <br /> add�e�s t� �hich paym�n�s �hai�ld be made. Th� natice wi�l �lso con�:ain ar�y a�her informatian �req�ured b� <br /> A�plic�.�Ie L1aw. <br /> Hazardnus�u�stan��s.Borr�w�er shall not caus� or p�rmit the pr�sence, �.�s�, dx��asa�, st�rage, or releas�of an� <br /> �azardous Sub��an�e�on�r in the Pr�perty.Bflrrow�r sha��n�t da,nar�ilow anyone�lse to d�, an��hing aff��ting <br /> �he Property tha� is in �io�ation �af any En�rir�nmen�al Law. The preceding twa �en��n�es shall n�t a����r �a t.he <br /> �re�enGe,use,Qr st�ra��an t�ie Fr�per�y of�ma.�l quant�t�es af Ha�ard�us 5�.���tances that are�en�rally reco�nized <br /> �o be ap�ropria�e�o r�orm��r�s�ci�.n�al us�s maintenance af the Praperty. <br /> Bo��wer�ha�l prornptly give L�r���r�vri�ten notice aF any inv�s�zgation, c�aim, demand, law�ui�ar oth�r actio�b� <br /> any go�enlmenta� or regul��ary ��gency or pr�vat� p�.rty involving th� Pr.op�rt� and any Ha�ardaus 5ubs�an�e �r <br /> Enuiranmen�a� La�v of w�uch :Borrov�r�r has ac�ua� kno�l�d�e. If I3�rr�w�r �earn�, �r �s notifi�d by any <br /> gov�rnm�rit�.l or r�gulat�ry auth��rity,that any r�moval flr a�her remediati�n�f any Ha2ardous �ubstance aff�ctin� <br /> fh� Pr�perty �s neces�a�y, B�rr�wer �hal� pr�mptl� take all nec��sary re�nedia� a�tx�ns � a�cordance vv��h <br /> Enviro��mental Law. <br /> �1� ��sed in this paragraph, „Ha�ardou� Sub�tances" ar� those st�bs�ances defined as taxi� ar hazar�ous substance� <br /> by En�irQnrn�n�a� Law and t�e f�llowing sub�ta�.ces; gasalxn�, kerasene, o�h�r flan�ma�le or t�xic petraleum <br /> pro�iu���, t��xc pe��ici��s and hffrbi��d��, v��a�ile sa�vents, ma�erxa�s c�nta�ning asbe�to� or forma�d�hy�le, and <br /> radiaa�t�v�materxals. As us�d�n�his paragraph, "En�ironmen�al Law" m�ans fed�ral la�vs and��ws of�he s�at��f <br /> Nebras�a tl��.t relate�a heal�h, s�f�ty or�n�iron�nen�a�p�ratecti�n. <br /> Acc�lerat��n; R�m�di�s. Lenc���r shal� g�ve notic� t� B�rrc�vver pr��r t� ���elerati�n f�I��win� B�rr�wer's <br /> br�ach �f an� �oven�nt or a�r�eement in thYs Secur�ty In�trument ��ut r��� pri�r �� acce��ratzan uncler the <br /> sectian�ftl�c�'�'ransf�r af the I'roper�y or�Ben�fi��al In�ere�t in�arraw�r,un�ess App�ica���Law pr�vid�s <br /> oth�rwi�e). The natice �ha�� �p��cif�: �a} the c�efault; �b) the act��n requ�red t� cur� th� defaul�; ��� a �l��e, <br /> not les�than the mi.�im.�m nurY�ber r��'c�ay� e�tablished by Appl�cable Law fr�m the dat� �h�n�tice�s g�ven <br /> to Borrawer, �y�hich �he def��ult mus�b� cur�t�; anc� �d� �hat faiiure �a cure the default on �r��f�r� th� <br /> date�p���#i�d in �he ��ti�e rna�� r�sult�n ac�e�eration of the 5�ms se�ur�d b� this S��urity Instrument anc� <br /> saie of the Prap�r��. To the ex1:e��perrtutted�y�aw, the ��t�c�shall furt�er ir�f�rm Borr��v�r of the ri�h� <br /> t� reinstat� aft�r acce�erati�n��n� �he right to bring a c�u�rt aC�ivn ta ass�rt�he non-��isten�� of a de�'ault <br /> or any a�h�r defens� �f�orra�+�er to a�c�leratian and �a�e� If th�defaul�is�xo� cur�d ar�or b�fore the dat� <br /> specif�ed xn the n�ti��, Lender �t its op���n may require imr.�.��ate �a��nen�in #ull�f a�.� sums secur��l by <br /> th�s Security Ir���rument�v�itha�lt furth�r de�rnand an�rnay�nvoke t�e pawer af sal�and any�ther rern�di�� <br /> permitted by A�a�Iic�bl� Law�, To the ����n� �erxr�itted �� �a�, L�nd�r �ha�l be entit�ed to ��lle�t all <br /> e�penses incurred in pursuing the remedies pro�id�d in �his S��ti�n, ineluding, l�u� no� limif:�d t�, <br /> rea�ana�le att�rn�y�'f�es an�l���s�s of tit�e evid�nce. <br /> If the�ower nf sal�is�nv�l��d,Truste�shall record a nati�e af defau��in�a�h�aun��in wh��h any part�f <br /> th�Property�s locat�d and sha�.l mail copi��af such notic�in th�mtanner pr�scribed by.A,pPlica��e Law�� <br /> �3orr��er and t� the �ther per�s�ns pre��ribed �y App��c�bl� Lav�. After the ��rne requir�d by Appli�able <br /> Law, Trustee sha�� �aubli� notice of �ale �� th� persons and in the mann�r pr�s�ribed b� Applicab�� <br /> Law. Trust�ea tiv�.�hou�t d�mand an Barr�tiv�r,�hall sel� �h�Prope�-ty�t pu�li�auc�i�n�u th�hi�hest bidder <br /> a�the tirn�and�alace and unde�r the��rrn�designat��in th�noti�e of sale�n�n�or mar�parce�s and in an� <br /> arc�er Tru�te� det�rmines. Tr�u��ee may p���t}�on� sal� �f all or an� par�el af the Propert� by public <br /> ann�unc�m�nt at the�ime an�pl�ce�f any pr�viously sch�duled�ale.I1�n��r or�ts d�signee may purcha�e <br /> t�i�Property at any s�le. <br /> U�an r�ceipt of pa�ment af th�� pr��:� bid, Trustee sha�l deli�er t� the pur�haser Truste�'s r�eed ��nv�yYng <br /> the Praperty. The rec�t�ls xn t�.e Tru��.�e'� d�ed shall b�prxrna fac�ie evi�.ence of the tru�h�f the sta��mcnts <br /> made therein. Trust�e shall a�ppl� the pr��e�c�s af the sal� in th� fol�o�vix�� �r��r: �a� ta all cos�s �nd <br /> ��0�-2U14 Compliance Syst�ms,In�.FD�D-8214-�'.�]3L2.]�.1.$95 <br /> Cnnsurtt�r Real Estatc-Sccurity Instrument i]L?��6 Pagu 6 vf 7�lian�esysten�s.cpnt <br />
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