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��15�3�59 <br /> con�inue tQ pa�t� Lender�he amoun�of�he separate��desi�na�ed pa�rments that�er�due v�rhen�he <br /> �nsurance coverage ceased to be in effec�. Lender w�ll accep�, use and reta�n these payments as a <br /> non-refundable lass reser�r�in�i�u of Mflr��age �nsuranc�. Suc� �oss reser�e shall b�non-r�fundahle, <br /> no��v��hstandin��he fac��hat�he L.�an �s u�t�mately pa�d in full, and Lender shall not be requ�red to pay <br /> Borr�w�r any interes�or earnings on such�ass r�serve. Lender can no longer requ�re loss reserv�pa}�ments <br /> if Mor�gag�Insurance�o�erage (in the amaunt and for�he per�fld that Lender requir�s}provided b� an <br /> insurer sele�ted by L.ender again becomes ava�labie, �s ��tained, and Lender requires separa�ely d�signated <br /> paymen�s toward the prem�ums for Mor�gage�nsurance. �f Lender required Mortga�e�nsurance as a <br /> condx��on of making�he L.oan an.d Borrower was required to m.ake separateiy designa�ed pa�rments toward the <br /> premiums for N�ortgage�nsurance, Borrower s�all pay�he premiums requ�re�to main�ai� Mor�ga�� <br /> Insuranc�in eff�ct, or to prn��d�a non-refundable�oss reserve, un��l Lender's requir�ment for Mflrtgage <br /> �nsuranCe ends in accardance with any written agreement between Borrov�rer and Lender pro�vid�ng f�r such <br /> �erminat�on or until termination�s required by App�icabl�Law. Nothing in�his Sec�ion �Q affects <br /> Barraw�r's�b�igat��n to pay �nteres�at the ra��pro��ded in�he No�e. <br /> Mor�gage�nsurance reimburses Lender�ar any entity tha�purchases the Note} for cer�a�n�nsses it ma� incur <br /> if Borrovver does not repay�h�Loan as agreed. Borravver�s no�a par�y to�he Mor�gage�nsurance. <br /> Mortgage insurers�va�uate the�r to�ai risk on a�� such �nsurance in force fro�n t�me�o time, and may en�er <br /> �nto agreemen�s wi�h ather par��es tha�share or mod�fy their risk, or reduce Iosses. These agr�emen�s are on <br /> terms and�ond��ians that are sat�sfactor��� the mor�gage insur�r and the o�her par�y �or par�xes} �o these <br /> agreements. Thes�a�reements ma� require th�mor�gage insurer�a�make payments us�ng any source of funds <br /> tha��h�mortgage insurer ma�ha�e availabie�v�hich may �nclude funds�btained from Mortgage Insurance <br /> premiums}. <br /> As a resul�of these agreements, Lender, any purchaser af the Not�, another insurer, any reinsurer, an�flther <br /> en�it�, or an� af���ate of an�of�he foregoing, may receive�direcrl�or ind�r�ct��} amounts tha�derive from <br /> �ar migh�be charac�erized as} a port�on of Barrou�er's pa�m�nts f�r Martgage�nsurance, in exchange for <br /> �har�ng ar modifying the martgag� �nsurer's risk, or reducing Iosses. If such agreement prav�d�s�hat an <br /> affiiiate of Lender takes a share�f the insurer's r�sk in ex�hange for a share of the premiurn�.s pa�d to�he <br /> insurer, the arrangen�zent �s�f�en�erme� "cap�ive r�insurance." Fur�her: <br /> �a� Any 5u�h agreements w��� not affect the arnaun��thafi �flrrower has agreed tfl pay for Mnrtgage <br /> Insuran�e, or any o�her�erms af the Loan, Such agreenr�en�s v����no� increase the amount <br /> Borrawer wi��owe for Mflr�gage Insurance, and the� will no�ent�t�e Borrower�a any refund. <br /> �h� An.y�uch agreemen�s wi��not affect the righ#s I�orr�vver has-if any -�w��h res��c����he <br /> N�or�gage Insurance undEr the Iwiomeowners Protec��on Act of 1998 or any other Iaw. These righ�s <br /> may include the r�gh��a receive certain d�sc�osures, �o reques� and abtain can�e��a�ion of the <br /> Mortgage Insurance, �o ha���he Mor�gage Insurance terminated autv�rna���ally s andlor to recei�e <br /> a refund of any Martgage Insuran�e premiums that were unearned at�he time of su�h <br /> can�el�ation or termination. <br /> �'t. Ass�gnment vf M�scel[aneous Proceeds: Farfeiture, A�l Misce�ianeous Proceeds are here�by assi�ned to <br /> and shai� be paid t� Lender. <br /> If the Proper�y is damaged, such N�iscelianeaus Pro�eeds shall b�applied to res�oratifln flr repair af�he <br /> Propert�, if�he restora�ian or repa�r is ecan�m�ca�Iy feasible and L.�nder's securiC� �s nat Iessened. Du�ring <br /> su�h repa�r and res�oration p�riad, Lender shall hav��he r�gh�to h�id such Misc�ilaneous Pr�ceeds until <br /> L�nder ha�had an oppor�unity�o �nspe�t such Proper�y �o ensure�he�vork has be�n comple�ed to L�ender's <br /> NE6RASKA-Single Family-Fannie MaelFrer�die Mac LJNIF�RM(NSTRUM�NT Farm 30�8 11�� <br /> VMP Q VMPfitNEy i13��f <br /> Woiters Kluwer�i�ancial Ser�ices Page 9 of 17 <br />