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(c) Declarant intends that the Community comply with the Requirements for <br />Exemption. Therefore, (i) at least one Resident in each occupied Residence must <br />be 55 or older, except as provided below; (ii) the Board is directed to publish and <br />adhere to policies and procedures that demonstrate an intent to provide housing <br />for persons 55 or older; and (iii) the Board is directed to comply with HUD rules <br />for verification of occupancy. <br />(d) HUD rules applicable to HOPA contemplate that up to twenty percent (20 %) of <br />the occupied units in a community may be occupied by persons under the age of <br />55 without loss of the exemption and that the eighty percent (80 %) requirement <br />does not apply until twenty -five percent (25 %) of the units are occupied. <br />Accordingly, upon application by an Owner or Purchaser, the Board shall have <br />the right and option, in the Board's sole and absolute discretion, to allow a <br />Residence to be occupied by persons under the age of 55 provided that the Board <br />takes appropriate action to comply with the Requirements for Exemption. The <br />Board shall exercise its discretion based upon criteria determined by the Board, <br />which shall include (by way of illustration and not limitation) information then <br />known to the Board concerning potential or pending changes in occupancy of <br />other Residences and the ages of any Occupants likely to remain in such <br />Residences, proximity to the age of 55 of Occupants of other Residences who are <br />then under the age of 55, and any other information known to and deemed <br />relevant by the Board in its sole and absolute discretion. The Board shall have the <br />right and power to establish rules and regulations to the extent necessary or <br />convenient to comply with the Requirements for Exemption. <br />(e) Each time a Residence in the Community is sold, as a condition to such sale, the <br />Owner shall be required to provide to the Board a certification signed by a <br />member of the household over the age of 18 asserting that at least one member of <br />that household is 55 years of age or older. Such certification shall be <br />accompanied by a copy of either a driver's license, birth certificate, passport, <br />immigration card, military identification, or any other state, local, national, or <br />international official document containing a birth date of at least one of the <br />persons 55 years of age or older who will be a Resident. <br />(f) In addition to certifications obtained at the time of any sale of a Residence, at <br />least once every two (2) years, an Owner or Occupant of each occupied Residence <br />shall be required to respond to a survey undertaken by the Board for the purpose <br />of confirming that at least one Resident in each occupied Residence is 55 years of <br />age or older. The Board shall maintain documentary evidence of each such <br />survey and a summary of the occupancy surveys shall be available for inspection <br />upon reasonable notice and request by any person. <br />In the event that no timely response to any occupancy survey is received by the <br />Board from an Owner or other Occupant of a Residence, the Board may impose a <br />monetary fine pursuant to Section 13.1 hereafter. <br />(g) <br />Page 16 of 69 <br />201503252 <br />
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