<br /> Transfer of the Property or a Bene�c��l In�ere5t in B�rrow�r. �f al�or any par�of the Proper�y or any in�eres�
<br /> in it is sold ar transferred �flr if a benef�ia� in�erest in Borrav�er is sold or transferred and B�rrower �s not a
<br /> natural persan} �ithout Lender's prior wri�ten consent, Lender may, a� i�s opt�on, requir� �mmediate paymen� in
<br /> fu�� af alI sums secured b� this Secur��y �nstrum�nt. H��ve�er, t�115 apt�on sha11 na� �e exer�ised by Lender if
<br /> exercise is prahibi�ed�y federal Xaw as of the da�e af th�s Security�nstrument.
<br /> �f Lender exercises this vp�ion, Lend�r shall g�ve Borro�rer notice of acc�l�rati�n. The not�ce sha�� pra�ide a
<br /> per�od of not less than �he m�nimum number of days es�abl�shed �y Applicab�e Lav� firam the da�e the no�ice is
<br /> deliv�red ar mailed wi�hin v�hich Borrovver mus� pay al� sums se�ured �y this Security Instrumen�. �f Borrower
<br /> fails tn pay these sums prior�o the expiration of th�s peri�d, Lender may �n�ol�e any remed�es perr�it�ed by �his
<br /> S e�ur���ns�rumen��ithou�fur�her n��ice or d�mand on B orrower,
<br /> Bvrrvvver's R�ght ta Re�n�tate. If Barrow�r meets �er�ain cond�t�ons, BorroWer sha11 ha�e �he right �o ha�e
<br /> �nforcemen�of th�s Security Instrument discon�inued at any�ime pr�ar ta�he earlrer of: �a} 5 days ��r such other
<br /> periad as App�rcable Law may speGify for reinstatemen��before sale of the Proper�y pursuant to any power of sale
<br /> con�ained in th�s Security Instrument; �r �b� entry �f a �udgment enforcing this �ecurrty Instrumen�. Those
<br /> �onditians are that Borrower: �a} pays Lender a�l sums �vh�ch then vvould b� due under this Secur�ty �nstrument
<br /> and the Contract as�f no ac�elera�ion had occurred;�b�cures any default af any�ther co�enants�r agreements;�c}
<br /> pays a11 expenses in�u.rred in enfar��ng�his Se�urity Ins�rumen�, in�luding,but n�t Iimited to,reasonab�e a�torneys'
<br /> fees�Q�he exten�permxtted�y�aw; and�d�takes such act��n as L�nder may r�as�nably require�o assure�hat the
<br /> �ien of this Security Ins�rument, Lend�r's righ�s in the Proper�y and Borrovsrer's o�iigat�an ta pay�he sums secured
<br /> by this Securifiy Ins�rument shal� cfln�inue unchanged. Upon re�ns�a�emen�by Barrower, this Secu.r��y �nstrumen�
<br /> and the obligations secured hereby shall remain fully effe�ti�e as if no acceleration had occurred. Ha�ve�er, this
<br /> r�ght t�reins�ate shall no�app�y in the case�f a�cel�ra��fln under�he sec�ifln�itled Transfer af the Prvperty or a
<br /> Bene��ial Interest in Borrower.
<br /> Hazardous Substances. Borr�wer sha�l n�t cause or per�ni�the presence,use, disposal, storage, ar r��ease of any
<br /> Hazard�us Subs�ances on or�n�he Proper�y.Borrower sha.Il not da,n4r all�w any�n�else to do, a.ny�hing affect�n.g
<br /> �he Praperty �ha� �s in ��ola�ifln of any Environmental Law. The preceding ��o sentences sha�l no� apply �� the
<br /> pr�senc�,use,or s�orage�n the Property of sma��quan���i�s of Ha.�ardaus Substances�ha�are generally r�cognized
<br /> to be appropriate�o narmal residen��al uses and�o maintex�ance of the Property.
<br /> Borrov��r shal�promptly gi�e Lender vvr�t�en nQtice of any in�estig�.tion,cla7m, d�mand, Iawsuit ar o�her act�on by
<br /> any govern_men�a� �r regulatory agency or privat� par�y involving the Property and any Ha�ardous Su�stance or
<br /> Enviro�mental Law of which Borrower has a�tual know�edge. If Barr�wer �earns, or xs nat�f��d by any
<br /> ga�ernmen�a�or regulatory authority,�ha�any remo�a�or other rern�dia�ion of any Ha�ard�us Subs�ance affect�ng
<br /> �he Property xs necessary, Borrovtr�r sh�.�l pramptly take a�l ne�essary rem�d�a� actions in accordance wi�h
<br /> Envxronmental Law.
<br /> As used in�his paragraph, "Hazardous Substances" are those subs�ances defined as t�xic or hazardous subs�ances
<br /> by Environmental La�v and the folloWing substances: gasol�n�, kerasen�, o�her flammab�e or toxic pe�roleum
<br /> praduc�s, tox�c pest�cides and herbi�ides, �o�ati�e so�vents, mat�rials c�ntaining asbes�os or formaldehyde, and
<br /> radioac�ive ma�er�als. As used in this paragraph, "Enviror�men�al Law"means f�deral l�.ws and lavvs�f the s�a�e of
<br /> Nebras�a that relate�o heal�h,safety or environmen�al pro�ection.
<br /> Acceieration; Remed�es. Lender shall give not�ce to �orrower° pr�vr t� ac�el�ra�ion fo�io�zng Borrower�s
<br /> breach of any covenant vr agreement in this Secur�ty InStrumen�or�he�a�tract under wh�ch accelerat�on
<br /> is permi�ted (but not prior to acce�erat�on under the�ection titled Transfer of th�Proper�y ar a Bene��ia�
<br /> In�ere�t in Barr�wer, unless Applicable Law pro�ide� �therwi�e�. Th� notice sha��specify: �a} the default;
<br /> ��� the action re�uired �o �ure the defaul�; �c� a da�e, no# �e�s �ha� �he minxmum number of days
<br /> establ�shed by Applicable Law from th�date�he not�ce�s given to Barro�ver, by�vhich the defau�t must be
<br /> cured; and [d] that failure tv cure the default on ar before the da�e spe��f�ed in the not�ce may resu�t in
<br /> accelerat�an of the sums 5e�ur�d by this Security Instrument and sale of the Property. To �he extent
<br /> permitted by law, the n�tic� sha�l further �nform B�rrower af the right �o reinstate after accelerat�an and
<br /> the right to br�ng a court act�on to assert th�non-exis�ence of a defau�t or a�y other defense of�3orrawer to
<br /> acce��rat�on and sale. If the defau�t is r�at cured on or befnre the date sp�c�fied �n �he natice, Lender at its
<br /> opt�on may require immedia�e paym�nt in ful� of al� sums se�ured hy �his Securr�y InStrument without
<br /> further demand and may �n�oke �he power of sa�e and any Qther remed�e� permi�ted by Applicab�e I.�aw.
<br /> To the extent perm�tted by law, Lender sha�� be en�itled ta ���Iect all expenses incurred in pursu�ng the
<br /> remedies prouid�d in this Section, inc�uding, but not l�mited �o, reasonable attorr�eys' fee� and �o5�s of title
<br /> e�iden�e.
<br /> If�he power of sale i� ir��oked,Trustee shal� record a no�i�e af default in each county�n wh�ch any part of
<br /> the Proper�y is Iocated and sha��mail copies af such no��ce in the manner prescr�bed by App�icable Lavv to
<br /> Borrovver and to �he �ther �ersons pres�r�bed by Appli�able Law. After the tirn�e requ�red by Applicabie
<br /> Law, Trustee �hall give publ�c notice of sale to the persons and in �he manner pres�r�bed by Appli�ab��
<br /> Law, Trustee,wi�haut demand fln Barrvwer,shall sel��he Property at publ�� auction to the highest b�dder
<br /> at the time and pla�e and under the term�designated �n the not��e af sale�n one�r more parce�s and in any
<br /> arder TruStee determines. Tru�tee may postpane sal� of a�� or any parcel af the Praperty by pub��c
<br /> announcernent at�he t�me and place of any previously schedul�d sa�e.Lend�r or its designee may pur�has�
<br /> the PropQrty at any saleo
<br /> Upon recef pt of paymer�t �f the price bid, TruStee sha�� dex��er ta the pu��ha�er Trus�ee's de�d c�nveying
<br /> the Prvperty. The reci��is in the Trustee's deed shal� b� pr�ma facie e�idenc�of�he truth of�he st�tements
<br /> C�2�44-2�14 Campliance Systems,Inc.FD6�-A4DB-2�I3L2.10.1.895
<br /> �onsumer Real Estate-Se�uri#y Instr��xent DL2436 Pa�e 4 of 5 w�v4v.campliancesystems.com
<br />