<br /> Loan Na: �1��8135 ��ontinued� Page 6
<br /> tcf Trus�ee may in the manner pro�id�d by law postp�ne sale vf all vr any portian of the Prvperty.
<br /> R�medies Not E�c�usi�e. Trustee and Lender, and each ❑f th�m, shall be ent�ifi�ed t� enfar�e payment and
<br /> pertormance of any indebtedness❑r abligatsons secured by this de�d❑f Trust and ta exerc�Se all righ�s and powers
<br /> under this Deed of Trust, under the Note, under any of the Related Do�uments, �r under any ❑ther agreement or
<br /> any laws nvw or hereafter in fvrGe; notwi�hstanding, same or all of such indebtedness and �bligat�vns secured by
<br /> this Deed of Trust m�y navv or hereaft�r he vth�rwise secur�d, whsther hy mortgac�e, deed of trust, pled�e, li�n,
<br /> assignment a� vtheruvise. Neither the ac�eptance vfi �his De�d of Trus� nor its enforcem�nt, whe�her by caurt
<br /> a�tion ar pursuant tv the p�wer of sale or other powers �ontained in this ❑eed a� Trust, shall prejudice ❑r in any
<br /> manner affect Trustee's vr Lend�r`s righ# to reaiize upan �r enfvr�e any o�h�r se�urity naw or hereafiter held by
<br /> Trustee a�r Lender, it being a�reed that Trustee and Lender, and each v�th�m, shall be entitled�v er�fvrGe this ❑eed
<br /> vf Trust and any vxher security n4�►v or hereafter held by Lender or Trustee in such vrder and manner as th�y vr
<br /> �ither ❑'� �hem may in th�ir absolu�� discretian determine. Na remedy �onferred upon vr reser�sd t❑ Trus�ee or
<br /> Lendet. is intended tv be exclusi�e vf any ❑ther remedy in this Deed of Trust Qr by iaw pro�ided vr permitted, but
<br /> ea�h shall be cumu�ati�� and shalE be in additian ta �very nther �emedy gi�en in this Deed of Trus� or now vr
<br /> hereafter existing at taw or in equity or by statute. E�erty pQwer or rernedy c�i�en by the Not� nr any Q�the Rela�ed
<br /> C]o�umen�s ta T�u��tee or k�ender ar tv whi�h either o� them may b� otherwi�e enti�led, may be exer�ised,
<br /> eonGurr�ntly vr independ�ntly, from tim� tv time and as �ften as may be deemed expedient by Trustee or L�nder,
<br /> and e�ther v# them ma� pursue inconsistent remedies. Nothing �n thss �7eed o� Tru�t shall be construed as
<br /> prohibiting Lend�r#rvm seeking a d�fici�ncy fudgment a�ainst the Trustar to the extent such a�t�on is permitted by
<br /> law. Elec�ion by Lendsr t� pursue ar�y remedy shall no� exclude pursuit o� any v�h�r remedy, and an electian to
<br /> make exper�diture� ar to take actian to perform an abligatian d�Trustor under this Deed o�Trust, a�er Trus�or's
<br /> failure tv perfarm, sha�� not affec#L�nder's right to declare a defau�t and exercise its remedies.
<br /> Reques#fvr 1Vvti�e. Trustc�r, on t�ehalf vf Trustor and Lender, hereby reque�ts�ha�a �vpy of any Nat�ce vf Default
<br /> and a cvpy vf any Notice a�f �aEe under this C]e�d af Trust be mailed t❑them at the addres�ses set far�h in the�irst
<br /> paragraph❑f�his Deed�f Trust.
<br /> Attvrneys' Fees; Expenses. If Lender institutes any suit or action to enforce any of the terms ❑f this Deed of
<br /> Trust, Lender sha1� be entit�ed tv reco�er su�h sum as the caurt may adjud�e reasvnat�ie as attarneys` fees at trial
<br /> and upvn any ap�pe�l. Whether or nvt any court activn is in�vl�ed, and �o the �x�ent nnt prahibited by Eaw, atR
<br /> reasonabie expenses Lend�r in�urs that in l�ender's opinivn ar� necessary.a� any time fvr the prate�tivn of its
<br /> interest ar the enfarcement af its rights shal� hecome a pa�t o�the �ndebtedness payable an demand and sha11 bear
<br /> interest at the Note rate frQm the dat�af the expenditure unt�� repaid. Expenses cQ��red by this paragraph include,
<br /> ►rvithout limitation, hQWe�er 5ubject ta� any limits under a�plicabFe fa►�►►, Lender's attorneys` fi�es and Lender's iegal
<br /> expenses, whether ar nvt there is a lawsui#� �nc�udin� attorneys' fees and eacpenses for bankruptcy proceedings
<br /> �inc�uding effvrts�� mvdify ar�aca�� any au�r�matic st�y❑r injunctivn�, �ppea�s, and any anticipated pvst-judgment
<br /> colle�tian serWi�es, the c�st o�searching records, obtaining title reparts tincluding fvre�fvsure reportsy, su��eyors'
<br /> 1'B�]Df�S, and appraisa� tees, title insurance, and �ees for the Trustee, t❑ the �xten� permitted by ap�licable lavv,
<br /> Yrustvr aEso wi�� pay any court costs, in additivn to all ��her sums pra��ided by law.
<br /> Rights o�Trustee. Trustee shall ha��all of the rights and duti�s of Lend�r as set�ar�h in this section.
<br /> POWERS A1VD �BL�GATI�NS QF TRU�TEE, Th� fQllawtng prQ�isions relating t❑ the pawers and vb�igations of Trustee
<br /> are part of�his Deed af Trust:
<br /> pvwers af Trustee� fn addi�ion ta ali pvwers a�Trus#e� arising �s a mat��r o�law, T�ustee shall ha�e the powv�r t�
<br /> take the following a�tians r�ith respect to the Property upan the written request ❑f Lender and Trust�r: (a� join in
<br /> preparing and fifing a map or plat �f the R�al Praperty, in�luding th� dedicatian of streets ❑r D�FI��' fii�ht5 t0 the
<br /> public; �by join in granting any easement or creatFng any restriction on the Real Property; and �cj join in any
<br /> �ubordina��vn ar o�her agreement atfecting this deed af Yrus�a��th� intere�t❑f Lend�r und�r�his Deed❑f Trust.
<br /> Trustee. Truste� sha�� meet a�l qualifica�ians required for Trustee under applicable law. In addition to the r�ghts
<br /> and �em�dies set torth abo�e, wi�Ch respe�t to all vr any part of the Prvperty, the Trustee shall have the right to
<br /> �arecfQse by nati�e and sa�e, �nd Lend�r shall ha�� the right t� foreclose by ju�icial fv�eclasure, in e'r�her case in
<br /> �ccordance with and t�th�full exten�pro�ided by applic�able law.
<br /> Successvr Trustee. Lender, a# Lender's vption, may fram time to time appoint a successor Trustee t� any Trustee
<br /> appointed undsr this Deed of Trust by an instrument executed and acknovuledged by Lender and recorded '+n the
<br /> vf�i�e o� the r�corder af HALL Gounty, State vf Nebraska. The ins�trument sha�l contain, in additian ta �il oth�r
<br /> matters r�quired by state law, �h� names vf the original Lend�r, Trus�ee. and Trustor, the bovk and page (or
<br /> comput�r sVstem ref�rencef where this Deed vf T�ust is recvrded, and th� narne and address vf t�e sucC�ssvr
<br /> trustee, and the instrument shail be e�ecu�ed and a�knowledged by.all the bene�i�iari�s under this Deed of Trust or
<br /> their suc�essors in �nterest. The successQr trustee, withvut eon��yance vf the Prvpe�ty, shali suc�eed tn aIE the
<br /> titEe, power, and du�ies con�erred upvn the Tru�te� in this Deed o�7rust and by ap�pli�able la�nr. Thi� pracedur��vr
<br /> substitution af Trust�e shall go�ern ta the exclusion v��II vther prouisions for subs�'rtution.
<br /> NQTICES, Any nvtice required to be gi�en under th�s Deed af Trust, ineluding without �imitatifln any notice of default
<br /> and any notice of sa�e shall be gi�en �n writing, and sha�f be effective wh�n actua�ly deli�ered, when actually rec�iv�d
<br /> by tel��acsimile �unless�rxherwise �equired by iawf, when deposited wi�h a natianally re�t�gni�ed o�ernight cr�urier, or, if
<br /> mail�d, when depasited in the united Sta�es mail, as ��rst �t�ss, certified or registere�l maE� pas�age p�-ep�id, dire�ted t�
<br /> the addresses shown near the beginning vf this Deed ot Y�ust, All cvpi�s ofi notices of #vre�lasure frvm the hvlder�f
<br /> any lien which has privrity o�er this Qeed c�f Trust shall be sent to Lender's address, as sha�wn near the beginning v'�
<br /> this Deed o� Trust. Any party may chang� ifs addr�ss for notic�s under this C]eed af Trust by �iving farmal writ�en
<br /> nvti�e tv the o�her par�ies, spec�fying that the purpase a� the nv�i�e is tv change �he party�5 addres�. Fvr notice
<br /> purpQses, TrustvT agr��s to k�aR Lender infarmed at all times of Trustvr's current address. UnRess oth�r'�vise pro�ided
<br /> or required by faw, i'f there is more than ons Trustor, any nvtFce given by Lan�ler to any TrustQr is deemed to be nvtice
<br /> gi�en tv afl Trusta�s.
<br /> M15CELLANE[]L�5 PRC7VI�I�NS, 7'I�e f�llowing miscellaneous pra�isians are a part of this Deed a�Trust:
<br /> Amendments. This Deed af Tsust, toge�her with any F�elated Uvcuments, �vnstitutes the entire understanding and
<br /> agreement_�f#he parties as t❑ the matters set forth En this Qeed of Trust. fVo alteratian of ❑r amendment tQ this
<br /> �eed Qf Trust shalE �a� effecti�� unless gi�en in writing and signed by the party or p�rties svught tv be charged or
<br /> ,
<br /> bvund by�the a�tera�ian vr amendmen�.
<br /> Annuaf Reports. lf the Praperty is used �or purpvses ❑ther than Trustor's residence, Trustvr shall fiurn�sh ta
<br /> Lender, upon request, a certified statement af net operating income receF�ed from �he Proper#y during T�us�or's
<br /> pr��ious fiscal y�ar in suGh form and detail a� L.ender shall r�quir�. "Net �peratin� inGame" shall m�an alE cash
<br /> receipts from the Property less all ca�h expenditures made in connectian with th�vperatian vf the P�raperty.
<br /> Caption Headings. �aptian headings in this Qeed a'� Tsust are for con�enience purpases only and are not to be
<br /> used ta interpret�❑r define the pro�isions of this ❑e�d vf Trust.
<br /> IVl�rger, There shaR� be no merger of xhe intere��or�sta�� creat�d by this �]eed �fi Trust with any ather interest or
<br /> estate in�he Prvp�rty at any time held by or fvr the ber�efit vf Lender in any�ap�city, withvut the written cvnsent
<br /> of Lender.
<br />