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��15�3195 <br /> DEED �F TRUST <br /> Loan No: �"1��8735 �Cor�tinued� Page � <br /> Tru�tor's ownership v�the Pra�erty, there has be�n no us�, genera�ion, manufactur�, storage, �reatmenfi, d�spvsal, <br /> re�ease or threaten�d release af any Hazardous Substance by any persan on, under, about o�' fram the Praperty; <br /> t�f Trustar has no knowledg� af, or reasvn tv beEie�e that there has been, except as previ�usly disclvsed t❑ and <br /> ackn�vuledged by Lender in writing, �a} any breach vr �rolation of any En�iranmenta� Laws, �b� any use. <br /> gener�tion, manufaCture, storage, treatm�nt, disp�sal, release �r thre�t�ned release o� any Hazardous 5ul�stance <br /> �n, under, abou� or fr�m the Prvperty by any privr ovorn�rs Qr occupants v� the F�raperty� or �c} any actual or <br /> threatened li�igati�n ar claims a� any kind by any Rerson relatFng tv such m�tters; and �3y Except as pre�iously <br /> disclosed to and acknowledged by Lender in writtng, �a} neither Trustor nor any t�nan#� contractar, agent�r other <br /> auth�rized user of the Property shall use, gen�r�te, manufacture, st�re, tr�at, dispose ❑f vr release any Ha�ardous <br /> Substance on, under, ahcaut❑r frQm the �roperty; and [b1 anV such acti�ity shal� be conducted in compliance with <br /> a!I appli�abl� federal, state, and local la►rvs, regulativns and ordinances, including without limit��ivn all <br /> Envir�nmental Law�, Trustvr authvriz�s Lender and i�� agent� t� enter upon �he Property tv m�ke such <br /> inspeGt�ans and tests, at Trust�r's expense, a� Lender may deem apprvpriate to determine compEiance ofi the <br /> Prvp�rty with this se�tion vf the Deed �f Trust. Any inspectians ar tests made by Lender shafl bs far Lender's <br /> purpvses anly and shall not be construed tv create any responsibility or liability on the part of Lende�t❑Trustvr or <br /> to any vth�r per�on. The representations and warrar�ties con�ain�d herein are based ❑n T�ust�r'� due diligence in <br /> in�estigating the Prvper�y for H�zardaus �ubstan��s. Trustvr her�by {�) releases and wai��s any future claims <br /> agaEnst Lender for indemnity or cantribu��on in the e�ent Trustor becomes liable fvr cleanup ar other casts und�r <br /> any su�h �aws; and ��� agrees ta indemnify, defend, and hold harmless L�nder against any and all claims, losses, <br /> liabilities, damages, pena�ties, and expenses which Lender may directly or indir��tly sustain or suffer r�sulting from <br /> a hr�a�h vf this sectian of the Deed ❑f Trust ❑r as a cansequenGe �f any us�, generativn, manufacture, stvrage, <br /> disp�sal, reieas�or threaxened rele�se v�curring prEor to Trus�or's ovun�rship ar intere�t in the Pr�p�rtV� whether or <br /> nat the same was a� shauid ha�e been kr�ouvn ta Trus�ar. The pra��si�ns o� this section of �he Deed of Trust� <br /> inc�uding the abligation to indemnify and d�fend, shafl sur�i�e the payr�ent ofi the Indeb�edness �nd the satisfa�tion <br /> and recon�eyan�e�f the lien of this Deed ❑f Trust an� shall nvt b� affected by Lender's a�quisit'son ❑f any interest <br /> in the Property, wheth�r by foreclosu�e or otherwise. <br /> Nuis�n�e, Vllas�e. Trus�or shall nat caus�, condu�� ❑r perm�t any nuisance nor c�mmit, Rermi�, vr suffer any <br /> stripping ❑f or waste Qn or tv th� Prvperty ❑r any portion af the Property. 11Nithout limiting the general��y of th� <br /> faregaing, Trusto� wi�� not remo�e, or grant t� any other party the right t� remv�e, any tir�nber, minerals {including <br /> oil and gasy. coal, c1ay. scoria, saE�, gra�et ar roc�products without Lender's prior►rvrit�en�ansent. <br /> Rema►►a�vf ImproW�ments. Trustor shaEl not demolish or remove any Impra��ements fr�m the Rea! Property�rvithaut <br /> Lender's pr�or written Gansent. As a cvndition tv th� rem�a�al vf�ny lmpro�ements, L�nd�r may require Trustor ta� <br /> mal�� arrang�ments sati�factory �o Lend�r t❑ repl��e su�h Imprv�ements wi�h Improvements o� a� leasr equal <br /> �a[ue. <br /> Lender's Right tv Enter. Lender and Lender's agents and r�presentati�es may e�ter up�vn the i�eal Prvperty at all <br /> reasanabEe timss ta attend t❑ Lender`s interests and tn inspect the Real Property far purpvses af Trustvr's <br /> camp�iance with the terms and conditinns of this Deed of Trust. <br /> �ompliance with Go�ernm�ntal Requirements. Trustor shail pramp�ly cvmp�y with a�l �a�nrs, drdinan�es, and <br /> regulations, n�w ❑r h�reafter �n effect, o� all go��rnmenta� authori�i�s appliGahle tv the use �r occupan�y �fi the <br /> Pr�perty, including withvut �imitation, the Americans VIl�th Disabilities Act. Trustor may c�ntest in gvod faith any <br /> such law, ordinance, ❑r regulation and ►nrithhold compliance during any proceeding, including appropriate appeafs, <br /> sa �ong as Trustor has notified Lender in writinc� privr to daing sv �nd s❑ long as, in L�nder's sole vpini�n, Lender's <br /> �nteres�s in the PraRerty are not jevpardi�ed. Lend�r may require Trustor tv p�st adequate security or a surety <br /> bond, reasonably satisfactory t�a L�nd�r, ta protect Lender's interest. <br /> Duty to Pra�ect. Trus�tor agre�s neith�r ta abandon or le��e unattended the Proper�y. Trustor shal! dv all other <br /> acts, in addition to those acts set forth abo�e in this section, whiGh fram the character and use of the Pr�perty are <br /> reasonabiy necessary to protect and preser�e the Property. <br /> ❑UE DN SALE -�L7N�ENT BY LENDER. Lender may, at�.ender's op�tion, decEare immediately due �nd,payable a�l sum� <br /> �ecur�d by this L�e�d of Trust upan the saie or transfer, with�ut Lender's prior written cvnsent, of a1t Qr any part af�he <br /> Real Propefty, ❑r any interest in the Real Prop�rty. A "sale or�ransfer" means the �an�eyance vf R�al Prvp�rty ar any <br /> right, title ❑r interest in the Real Property; whether legal, b�n�ficial or equitable; whether �o�untary or in�vtuntary; <br /> whether by vutrigh� sale, deed, insta��ment sale c�ntract, land can�rac�, contract for deed, �easehald interest with a <br /> term greater than three �3� years, iease-aption cantr��t, �r by sa�e, as�ignment, ❑r trans#er of any beneficial interest in <br /> Qr ta any land trust holdtng fii�le to the Real Property, ar by any v�her methQd of con�eyance of an int�rest in the Rea� <br /> Property, Hawev�r, this op�ion shall not �e exercised by Lend�r if such exerGise is prahibited by federal law or by <br /> Nebraska lavv, <br /> TAXES AND LIENS. The fvllowing prv�is�ons relat�ng to the taxes and liens on the Property are part of this ❑eed of <br /> Trust: <br /> Paym�nt. Tru��ar shal� p�y when du� �and in all ��ents prior�Co delinqu�n�y} atl�axes, specia�taxes, assessments, <br /> �harges �including water and s�wer}, fines and impositivns I��ied against or �n acG�un� Qf th� Property, and shall <br /> pay when due al� claims far uvork dane an or for s�r�ices rendered ❑r materia� furnished to th� Property. Trustor <br /> sha[I maintain the Prvperty free of a�l �iens ha�ing priority v�er❑r equal to�he interest of Lender under this Deed ❑f <br /> Trust, except fior th� f�en of taxes and assesSments nat due, except fvr the Existing Ind�btedness r�ferred t� <br /> bela�w, and exc�pfi as otherwtse pra�ided in this Deed vf Trust. <br /> Ri�ht to Cante�t. Trus�or may withhald p�yment��any ta�, assessment, or Gtaim in Gonnection v+rith a goad faith <br /> dispute o�er the obligation tv pay, so Ivn� as Lend�r's in�er�st in the Proper�y is not jeQpard��ed. If a ii�n arises or <br /> is filed as a result af nonpayment, Trustar shall within fifteen �15j days after th� lien arises or, if a iien is fised, <br /> wi�hin fifte�n �15y days after Trustor has noti�e of �he filing, seGure the dis�harge of the li�n. or if r�quested by <br /> Lender, deposi�with L�nder cash vr a sufficient c�rporate surety hond�r other security satisfaGtory t� Lender in an <br /> amoun�sufficient to dis�har�e the lien plu� any cos�s and attorney�' fees, vr o�her char�es tha�t could acGrue as a <br /> resulr�af a fioreclosure car saie under the lien. In any contest, Trusta�shall defend itself and Lend�r and shall satisty <br /> any ad�erse judgment�refore enforGem�nt agains��he Property. Tru�tor shall name Lender as an addi�ianal obligee <br /> under any surety bond furnish�d in�he cantest prvc�edings. <br /> Evidence a�F Paym�nt. Trustvr shail upon demand furnish tv Lend�r satisfa�tory��idence ❑f�ayment of the taxes <br /> ❑r asses�m�nts and shall authorize the apprvpriat� gv�ernmentai affi�iaf to deliver to Lender at any�ime a written <br /> statement�f th�taxes �nd ass�ssments a��inst the Prvpe�ty. <br /> Noti�e of Canstruct�a�n, Trustar shall na�ify Lend�r at leas�f�fteen �15y days befare any wor�. is camm�nce�f, any <br /> ser�iGes are fuxnished, or any mat�rials are supplied to the Property, if any mechanic's lEen, materialmen`s �ien, vr <br /> other�lien cnuld be asserted on a�caunt of the work, ser�ices, or materials. Trustor witl upan request �f Lender <br /> fu�nish ta Lender advance assurances satisfa�tory to Lender that Trustor can and will pay th� c�st of such <br /> impro�ements. <br /> PR�PERTY DAM�,GE INSURANCE. The fvllowing pro�isivr�s rel�ting to insuring the Property are a part vf this Deed of <br /> Trust. <br /> Maintenance a�f InsuranGe. Trustvr sha1� prvcure and main�ain po�ici�s vf fire insurance with standard extended <br />