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. ��15�3��5 <br /> �) '�R5'r is Mortgage Electronic Registration Systems, Inc. MERS is a separate corporatian that is acting <br /> s�lely as a naminee for Lender and Lend�r's successors and assigns. MERS is the beneficiary under thi�Security <br /> Instrumen� MERS is organi�ed and existing under the laws of Delaware, and has an address and telephone number <br /> of F.�. Box 20�6, Flint, MI 485��-2�26, tel. �588}679-MERS. <br /> (� '�1ate"means the pramissory nate signed by Borrower and dated MAY �, 2�15 . <br /> The Not�states that Barrawer owes Lender �NE HUNDREI� F�URTEEN TH�USAND ANI� <br /> Q Q�1 Q p Do1la,rs�LT.5. $ 114� �D� . �D }pius interest. <br /> Borrower has prvmis�d �o pay this debt in regular P�riodic Payments and to pay the deb� in fu11 no� later than <br /> JLTNE 1. ��4 5 . <br /> (�} '�roperty"means the property that is described below under�he heading"Transfer of Rights in�he Praperty." <br /> (H} '�aan"means the debt e�iden�ed by�he Nate, plus interest, any prepayment�harges and iate charges due under <br /> the No�e, and a�1 sums due under th�s Security Insri-ument, plus�nterest. <br /> � '�ders"means alI Riders to th�s Security Instrument that are executed by Borrower. The follovWing Riders are <br /> to be execu�ed by Borrower �check box as applicable�: <br /> � Adjus�a.ble Rate Rider [] Planned Un�t De�el�pment Rider <br /> [] Ballvon Ri.der � Biweekly Payment Rider <br /> [] 1-4 Family Rider � 5econd H�m�Rider <br /> � �andominium Rider [] �ther(s} [specify] <br /> (J} "Applicable Law"means ali contr�lling applicable federal, s�ate and loca�statutes,regulatians, ordinances and <br /> adminis�rati�e rules and orders��hat ha�e the effect of law} as we�� as al� appl�cable f�nal, non-appealable judicial <br /> apinians. <br /> (K} "Cammunity A�saciat�on Dues, Fees, and Assessments"means a11 dues, fees, ass�ssmen�s and other charges <br /> that are impased vn Borrower ar the Proper�y hy a condominium associati�n, homeowners associatian ar similar <br /> organization. <br /> [L} '�lectr�nic Funds Transfer"mean�any transfer of funds, a�her�han a transac�ion ariginated by check, draft, <br /> or similar paper �nstrument, which�s ini�iated through an electranic terminal, telephanic instrument, computer, or <br /> magnetic tape so as to arder, uistruct, or authorize a finar�cial �nstitution ta debx� or credit an account. Such term <br /> includes, hut is not limi�ed ta, pain�-of-sale transfers, au�nmated teller mach�ne transactions, transfers initiated hy <br /> te�ephane, wue transfers, and automated clear�nghouse transfers. <br /> (M} "Escrow ItemS"means those i�ems�hat are described in Section 3. <br /> (N} '�Viiscellaneous Proce�ds"means any �ompensation, settlemen�, award of damages, or proceeds paid by any <br /> �hird party �other�han insuran�e proceeds paid under the co�erages described in Section 5� far: (i} damage�o, or <br /> destructian af, the Property; [��}condemnation ar other taking of al�ar any part of�he Praperty; (iii�con�eyan�e in <br /> lieu af c�ndemna�ion; or �iv}misrepresentatians of, vr amissions as to, th��aiue andlor con�ii�ian of the Praperty. <br /> �Q� '�VlQrtgage Insurance"means insurance protecting Lender agai.nst�he nonpayrnent of, or default on,the Loan. <br /> �P} '��riodic Payment"means the regu�arly s�heduled amount due for�i}principal and interest under the Na�e, <br /> plus�ii�any amaunts under Section 3 af�his Security Instru.ment. <br /> (Q� 'ZtESPA"mean�the Rea�Estate Settlement Procedures Act �1� U.S.�. �2541 et seq.} and its imp�ementing <br /> regulat�on, Reguiation��12 C.F.R. Part 1�24], as they might�e amended from time to ti_me, or any additional or <br /> successor legislation or regu�ation that go�erns the same subj�ct ma�ter. As used �n this Security Instrumen�, <br /> "RESPA" refers to ail requ�remen�s and restr�c�ions that are impos�d in regard to a"federaliy reiated mortgage�oan" <br /> even if the Loan dves not qualify as a"federaily r�lated mortgage loan" under RESPA. <br /> NEBR►4SKA-Single Family--Fannie MaelFreddie Mac L1N�FQRM INSTRUMENT- MERS DQc:�a�lc <br /> Fo�'m 3D28 '�101 Pag� 2 of �5 <br />