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��15�3��5 <br /> under th�s Security Instrumen�unless Lender agxees to such release in writing. The co�enan�s and agreements of this <br /> Security Ins�ru.ment shall bind(except as pro�ided in Section 2Q}and benefi�the su�cessors and assigns of Lender. <br /> 14. Laan Charges. Lender may charge Barrower fees f�r ser�ices perfarmed in c�nnectian with Borrower's <br /> default, for the purpase of protecting Lender's ir�terest in the Property and rights under this Security Instrument, <br /> inc�uding, but not limited to, attarneys' fees,property inspec�ion and�aluat�an fees. In regard to any o�her fees, the <br /> absence of express authority in this Security Instrument to charge a specif c fee t�Borrawer sha�1 not be construed <br /> as a prohibition on the charging�f such fee. Lender may no�charge fees tha�are expressly prohibited�y this Security <br /> Instrument ar by Applicable Law. <br /> If the Laan is subject to a law which sets maximum lvan charges, and that lavW is fnally interpreted so that the <br /> interest or other ioan charges cvllected or ta be cfllle�t�d in connection vvith the Loan exceed the permitted limits, <br /> #hen: �a}any such loan charge sha�1 be reduced�y the amount necessary to reduce the charge to the permitted limit; <br /> and�b�any sums already coll�cted frnm Borrawer which exceeded permitted 1imi�s wil� be refunded to Bvrrower. <br /> Lender may choase to make th�is refund by reducing the princ�pal awed under the Note or by making a d�rect payment <br /> to Borrower. If a refund reduces principa�, the reduction wiil be treated as a partia� prepayment without any <br /> prepaymen�charg��whether or not a prepayment charge is provided for und�r the Note}. Borrower's acceptance of <br /> any such refund made by d�re��payment ta Borrower wi1�const��ute a wai�er of any right of action Borrower might <br /> ha�e arising out of such overcharge. <br /> 15. Notices. All notices given by Borrower or Lender in connec�ion with�his 5ecuri�y Instrument must be in <br /> wr��ing. Any notice to Bnrrawer in connection with this Security Instrumen�shall be deemed to have been gi�en to <br /> Borrawer when mailed by fust class mail or when actually deli�ered�o Borrovver's notice address if sen�by other <br /> means. Notice to any one Barrower shall constitute nati�e to aIl Borrowers unless Applicable Law expressly requires <br /> otherwise. The notice address sha11 �e the Property Address unless Borrower has designated a substitute notice <br /> address by notice ta Lender. Borrower shall pramptly notify Lender of Borrower's Change of address. If Lender <br /> specifi�s a pracedure far reporting Borrower's change uf address,then Borrawer shali only report a change of address <br /> �hrough that specified procedure. There may be only�ne designated notice addr�ss under this Security �nstrument <br /> at an}r vne tune. Any notice to Lender shal�be gi�en by d�li�ering it or by ma��ing it by firs�class maii�o Lender's <br /> address st�ted herein unless Lender has designated another address by no�ice to Barrov�er. Any no�ice in connec��on <br /> w�th th�is Security Instrurnent sha11 nat�e deemed�o ha�e been gi�en to Lender until actual�y recei�ed by Lender. <br /> If any notice requu-ed by this 5eeur�ty Instrument is also required under Applicable Law, the Applicable Law <br /> requirement will satisfy the corresponding requirement under this Security Instrument. <br /> 16. Go►verning Law; Se�erability; Ru1es af Construction, This Security instrument shall be go�erned by <br /> federal law and the 1aw of the jurisdictian in which the Property is located. All righ�s and abligat�ons contained in <br /> this 5ecurity�nstrument are subject to any requirements ar�d limita�ions of Appl�cable Law. App�icable Law m�ght <br /> explicitly or i_mplicitly allow the parties to agree by contra�t or it might be silent, but such s�lence sha�l no� be <br /> c�nstrued as a prahibitivn agains�agreement by contract. In the e�ent that any provision or c�ause of this Security <br /> Instrumen�ar�he Note conflicts with Applicable Law, such confl�ct shall not affect ather pro�isions of�his Security <br /> Instrumen�ar the Note which can be gi�en efFect without the c�nflicting pro�ision. <br /> As used in this Security Instrument: �a�words af the masculine gender shall mean and include corresponding <br /> neuter words�r words of the fem�nine gender; �b}words in the singular shal�mean and include the plural and�ice <br /> �ersa; and�c)the word"may" g��es sole discretivn without any abligation to take any action. <br /> 17. Borrower's Capy. Borrower sha�1 be gi�en one copy of the Note and of this Security Instrument. <br /> 18. Transfer af the Property or a Beneficial Interest�n Borrower. As used in this Sec�ion 1$, "Interest in <br /> the Property" means any legal or beneficial interest in the Property, inc�uding, but not �imited to, thase benef cia� <br /> �nterests transf�rred in a band for deed, contract for deed, installment sales contract or escrow agreement, the intent <br /> af which is the transfer of title by Borrower a�a future date to a purchaser. <br /> If all flr any part of the Property or any Interest in the Pr�perty is sald or transferred�or if Borrower is nnt a <br /> natural person and a beneficial interest in Borrower is svld ar transferred}without Lender's prior written consent, <br /> Lender may requue immediate payment in fuil�f a11 sums secured by this Security Instrument. Howe�er,this option <br /> shall not be exercised by Lender�f such exerc�s� is prahYbited by Applicable Law. <br /> NEBRASKA-Single Family�-Fannie MaelFreddie Mac UNIFQRM INSTRUMENT- MERS p��a�lc <br /> Form 3�28 11�1 Page �� of 15 www.dv�magi�.cam <br />