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��15�3�73 <br /> A�SI�Nl�E�T �F RENT� <br /> �oan No: �'�'�'�?�4�3 �Cant�nu�d} Pag� 3 <br /> Lender in response�fl Lender's demand shall satis�y the c�bli�ations fa�which�he payments are made,whe�he�ar <br /> nvf any proper gr�unds fior th�demand exis�ed. Lender may exerG[se its rights under th[s subparagraph �ither in <br /> persan,by agen�,or�h�ough a recei�er. <br /> 4ther Remedies. Lend�r shall have afl other righfis and remedies pra�id�d in �his Assignment or the No�e or by <br /> I aw. <br /> Eiection o�F Remedies. E�e���an by Lender to pursue any remedy sha�i not exc[ude pursui�of any other remedy, and <br /> an elec�ivn ta make expenditures ar to take ac�ion�o perform an obligatian af�rantor under this Assignment, after <br /> Granfor's fa€�ure to perfarm,shall not affec�Lender's righf�o declare a default and exercise its remedies. <br /> A�tarneys' Fe�s; Expenses. If Lender insti�u��s any sui�or action�o en�vrce any o�F�he�erms of fihis Assignment, <br /> Lender shall be en�i�[ed �o recover such sum as �he cou� may adjudge reasonabfe as afitornays'fees a��rial and <br /> upon any appeaL Vllhefiher or not any cvurt ac�ion is inWvlved, and �o �he ex�en� na�t prohibited by �aw, ail <br /> reasanable expenses Lender in�urs �ha� in Lender"s apinion are necessary af any time far the protec�ion o� its <br /> interes�vr�he en�orcement af i�s righ�s sha[[ become a pa�of the Indebtedness paya�ie on demand and sha�l bear <br /> interesf a��he Note rafe from�he da�e of�he expenditure unf'r[repaid. Expenses cv�ered by�his paragraph inc[ude, <br /> wifihou��imita�ion, howe�e�-sub�ect�a any Iimits under applicabl� law, Lender's attorneys'�ees and Lender's legai <br /> expenses, whe�her�r nat fihere is a lawsuit, inc[uding attvrneys" fees and expenses for bankruptcy proceedings <br /> �in�Iuding e�Fvrts to modify or�aca�e any au�omati�s�ay Qr in�unctinn}, appeals,and any an�icipated pos��udgment <br /> �o[1ec��on se�v��es,�h�cvs�af searching rec�rds, obtaining�itle reports �including fQrec�osure repor�s}, su�veyors' <br /> repvr�s, and appraisal fees, �itle �nsurance, and fees far the Trustee, to �he extent permitted by applicab�e [aw. <br /> Granfor a�so will pay any�ourt costs, in addition to a�l vther sums pro��ded by[aw, <br /> N1�SCELLANEOUS PR�VISI�NS. The fo[farrvin�misce[laneaus p�o�isions are a par�of fihis Assignmen�: <br /> Amendments. This Assignmen�, together with any Rela�ed Documents, consti�utes the entire understand�ng and <br /> agreement of�he parti�s as fi� the matte�s se�fvr�h in �his Ass��nment. Na altera�ion af vr amendment�o �his <br /> Assignmen�shafl be effec�i�re unless gi�en in wri�ing and signed by fih� party or par�ies sou�ht tv be charg�d ar <br /> baund by the a�teration❑r amendment. <br /> �aption Headings. Gapt�nn headings in�his Assignment are far can�en�ence purp�ses on�y and are na��o be used <br /> tv in�erpre��r define the pro�isions af this Assignmen�. <br /> Gov�rn�ng Law. �his Assignment will be gaverned �y federal law applicahle �o Lender and, �o th� ex�ent nof <br /> pre�mpted by��deral law,�he Iaws of the State o�Nebraska wi�hvu��egard�o its con�Flicts of��w prvvisians. This <br /> Ass�gnmen�has be�n accepted by Lender in the Stafe of lVebraska. <br /> Choice vf Venue. 1�there is a �awsui�, Grantor agrees upon Lender's reques#to submi�fiv the jur�sdiction of�he <br /> c�urts af Hall Caunty,State•�f Nebraska. <br /> Jaint and 5e�era[ Liahili�y. A�� vbliga��vns of Gran��r under this Assignment shall be jain� and se�eral, and afl <br /> re�erenGes �o Gran�o� sha�1 mean eaGh and every Granfior. This means tha� each Gran�or signing below is <br /> respvnsible fo�all ob[igations in this Assignmenfi. <br /> ll�lerge�r. There shaf[ be n� merger of fhe in�erest ar�state created by this assignment with any other interest vr <br /> es�a�e in�he Property at any��me he[d by�r for the benefit of Lender in any capacity,wi�hout�he written consent <br /> af Lender. <br /> [n�e�rpretat�on. �'[} in a�f cases wh��-e �here is more than one Ba�rrotinrer or Granfior, �her� a�l vvards used in �his <br /> Assignment in�he singu�ar sha[[be deemed��have be�n used in the p�ura�where�he cor�text and c�rastru�tion so <br /> require. ��} If more than❑ne persvn signs�his As$ignment as"Granfar,"�he ob�igations of each Gran�or are jvin� <br /> and se�eral. This means #hafi if Lender brings a lawsu�fi, L�nder may sue any on� or mvre of the Grantars. [f <br /> Borrower and Grantor are n�t�he sam�person, Lender need no�sue Borrow�r firs�, and�ha�Bvrrower need nofi be <br /> �oined in any lawsuit. �3} The names g��en �o paragraphs ar sec�ions in this Assignment are f�r con�enience <br /> purpases on�y.They are nat��be used�o in�erp�e�❑r def ne�he pro�isians o�F fihis Assignment. <br /> Na Vl�ai�er by Lender. Lender shall no�be deemed ta haW��rvai�ed any righ�s under�his Assignment un�ess such <br /> wai�er is given in writing and signed by Lender. Na delay or❑mission❑n fhe pa�k of Lende�in exercising any right <br /> shall operate as a waiver of such right ar any other ri�hf. A wai�e�by Lender o�a pro�is�an a��his Assignment <br /> shall not prejudice or constitu�e a tirvaiver o� Lender's right atherwise ta demand strict compliance wi�h �ha� <br /> proWisian vr any other pra�ision��r thiS Assignmen�. N❑prior wai�er by Lend�r, nor any course v�dea�ing be�inreen <br /> Lend�r and �rant�r,sha[f consti�u�e a wai�er af any of L�nder's rights ar of any af�r�n��r's ob[igations as�o any <br /> �u�ur� firansac�ions. Vllhene�er �he consen� of Lender is �equired under fhis Ass�gnment, 'the gran�ing a� such <br /> cflnsent by Lender in any instance sha�� no� cons�3fute con�inuing cansen� �o subsequenf ins�ances where such <br /> consen�is required and in a�l cases su�h consent may be granted or withheld in#he sol�discre��on of Lender. <br /> Natices. Any natice required �o be giWen under thi�Assignmenfi shall be gi�en in wr�tin�, and shall �e ef�ecti�e <br /> when ac�ually deli�ered, when actually received by �elefacs�mile �unless otherwise required b}� law}, when <br /> deposite�with a nafiionally recognized o�ern�ght courier, or,if ma�led,►rvhen depas��ed in#he United S�ates mail,as <br /> first class, �ertified ��-registered mai[ pos�age prepaid, direcfed�a�he addresses shvwn near the beginning of�his <br /> Assignment. Any party may�hange its address far notices under this Assignmenfi by giving farmal written notice <br /> �a �he o�her parkies, specifying �hat the purpase of �he notice is �a chan�e the party's address. Fo� nfltice <br /> purposes, ��-antor agre�s to keep Lender �nf�rm�d a� al[ times of Gran�or's currenf address. Unless otherwise <br /> proWid�d o� required by �aw, if ther� is more than one �rantor, any nv�i�e gi�en by Lender to any Gran�or is <br /> deemed to be notice giWen ta a[1 Gran�ors. . <br /> Pnwer�o�Attarney. The�arious agencies and pawers af attorney�on�eyed on Lender under�his Rssignmen�are <br /> granted for purpases vf sec�rrity and may nv�be re��k�d by Grantor un�i[such time as the sarne ar�r�naunced by <br /> Lender. <br /> Se��rabili�ty. !f a cau�of campe�ent jurisdictiar� finds any provision o��his Ass�gnmenfi �� be il�egai, inUalid, ar <br /> unenfvrceab[e as �o any person�r circums�ance,thafi finding shall nvt mak��he�ffending pro��sian �liegal, �n�alid, <br /> or unen�vrceable as�v any other person or circums�ance. �f feasi�le, the o�fending pro�ision sha[� be considered <br /> modified sa�ha�it be�omes le�a�, �alid and en�or�eable. [f the offending pro�ision canna�be so mvdi�ied, it sha�� <br /> be considered dele�ed �Frvm th�s Assignm�n�. Un�ess ofherw�se required by law, the illegality, in�alidi�y, or <br /> unenforceabil��y af any p�ovision vf this Assignment shall not af�eGt fihe legali�y, Wa�idi�y vr en�orceabili�y af any <br /> ofher provision vf�his Assignm�nt. <br /> Successors and Assigns. 5ubjec�to any limi�ations s�a�ed in this Assignment an�rans�er of Grantor's interesf,�his <br /> Assignmenf shai� be binding upon and inure �o fh� benefit �f �he parkies, �heir sucGessars and assigns. lf <br /> �uvner�ship a�the Prvperty becames�ested in a person a�her than Grantar, Lender,withvut notice to Granfor, may <br /> deaf with Grantnr's successors rrvith reference��this A��ignmenf and�he [nde�tedness by wa�o�F�orbearan�e or <br /> ex�ension without releas�ng Gran�or from the flb�iga�ions af�his Assignmen�or�iabiEity unde�-the Indeb�edness. <br /> �Time�s of the Essence. Time is of�he essence in fih�perFormance of this�ssignmen�. <br /> WaiWer o� Hom�s��ad Exemp��on. Grantor hereby releas�s and wai�es a[I �-ights and benefits of fhe homes�ead <br /> exemption�aws of the State af Nebraska as�o all Indebtedness secured by�his Assignment. <br /> . <br />