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��15�3�34 <br /> Transfer of the Praperty vr a I3enef�c�al Interest in Borrower. rf a�l or a���par�of the Property or any�nter�st <br /> in it is sol� �r transferr�d ��r if a beneficial interes� in Borrower �s sold �fr �ransferr�d and B�rrovver is nat a <br /> na�t�ural pers�n} �nrithou� Lender's prior written consent, Lent�er may, a� �ts option, requ�re �mm�dia�� paymen� �n <br /> fu�� of a�� sums secured by th�s Security Instrument. Hov�e��r, ��is op�ion sha11 no� be exercised �y Lender rf <br /> exercise is prohibited by federa��aw as of�he da�e of th�s S��uri�y�nstrument. <br /> �f Lender exerc�s�s �his op�ion, Lender shall give Borr�wer notxce of acc���era��an. The no��ce shall provzde a <br /> period af no� �ess than the mxnimum number of days established by Applic�ab�e Lav� fram �he da�e �he natice is <br /> de�i�ered or maxled v�ithin which Borrower mus� pay a�l sums se�ured �y this S�curity �nstrumen�. �f Borrower <br /> fails �o pay �hese sums priflr�o �he expiration of�his per�od, Lender may i�.�olce any r�m�d�es perm��ted by �h�s <br /> Secur��y�nstrument withau�fur�her nat�ce or demand an Borrower. <br /> Borrow�r's R�ght tv Re�nstate. Zf Borrov�er mee�s cer�a�� condi���ns, Bc�rrawer sha11 have �he righ� �o have <br /> enforcement af this Security �nstrument discontinued a� an���me priar�o�h�� earlier of: �a} 5 days �or such��her <br /> perxad as App�icabie Lavv may specify for re�ns�atemen��before sal�of the P raperty pursuan�to any power af sa�e <br /> can�a�ned in thxs Secur�ty �nstrum�nt; or �b� entry of a judgment enforcing th�s Security �nstrun�ent. Those <br /> condi��ons are �hat B�rrower: �a} pa�s Lender a1I sums wh�ch then vvould be due under this �ecur�ty �nstrumen� <br /> and the�ontrac�as if nn acce�eratzan had o�curred;�b�cures any default of a7:�y other c��enan�s or agreemen�s;�c� <br /> pays a��expenses�ncu.rred in enforcing�his Securi�y�n��rument,�ncluding,b�:�t n�t��m.xted�o,reasonable at�orneys' <br /> fees ta the exten�perm��ted by law; and�d}�akes such acti�n as Lender may r�as�nably re�uire�o assur��ha��he <br /> �ien of th�s Se�urity�zastrumen�, Lender's righ�s in�he Prapert�and Borr�we��'s obligat�on�o pay�he sums secured <br /> �y this Securi�y �nstrument sha11 �on�znue unchanged. Upon reins�a�ement b;y Borrawer, this Security rnstrumen� <br /> and the o��igations secured hereby shall r�main fully effec�ive as if no ac�e Iera�ion had o�curred. H�wever, �h�s <br /> righ�to re�nstate sha��not apply in�he case of accelera�ion un.der the section 1:i��ed Transfer vf the Property or a <br /> Benef�cial Interest�n Borrav�er. <br /> Hazardous Sub�ta�ces.Borrovwer shall na�cause or perm�t the presence,us��, dzsp�sal, starage, ar re��ase of any <br /> Hazardous Subs�ances an or in the Fraperry.Borrawer sha�I not do,nor allow anyone��se to da,any�hing affect�n.g <br /> the Proper�y tha� zs in viflla�ion of any En���al Law. The preceding two sen�ences shall not app�y to the <br /> pres�nce,use,or st�rage on�he Proper�y af sma.��quan�ities of Hazardous Su��stan�es� are general��rec�gnized <br /> to be approprrate to normal residential uses and to maint�nance�f the Pr�perty. <br /> Borrov�er sha��promptly give Lender wr�tten na�ice of any investiga��on, clair.�,demand, �aWsuit�r o�her ac�ion by <br /> any governmenta� ar regu�a�ory agency or pri�ate party involving the Praperry and any Hazard�us Su�s�ance or <br /> EnW�ron.mental Lav� of vvhich Barrower has actual knov�ledge. If Borr�fwer �ear�as, or is no��f�d by any <br /> go�ernmen�al or regula�ary authari�y,�hat any remo�al or other r�med�ation��f any Ha�ardflus Su�stance affec��ng <br /> the Propez�ty is necessary, B�rrow�r sha�l promp��y take all necessary r�,med�al actiflns in accordance with <br /> Enviranmentai Lavv. <br /> As used in�h�s paragraph, "Hazardous Subs�an�es" are�hose su�stances defir�ed as�ox�c ar hazardous subs�an�es <br /> by En�ironm�ntal La� and the follov�ing substances: gasol�n�, kerosene, +��her flamma�le or �axzc petroleum <br /> products, �ox�c pes��c�des and herb�czdes, vfl�atile solvents, ma�er�a�s containx.n.g asbest�s �r formaldehyde, and <br /> radioac�iWe materials. As used in�his paragraph, "En�iron.menta�Lavv"means fed�ral iaws and�aws of the sta�e of <br /> Nebraska that re�ate�o hea��h,safety or emvironmental pro�ecti�n. <br /> Acceterati�n; Rem�d�es. Lender sh�Il gx�e r�otice �o Borrower prior to acee�eration folZowing B�rrower's <br /> breach flf any covenant or agr�em�nt in thi5 Security Ins�rument ar the��ontract under vvh�ch acc�Ierat�on <br /> is permitted �bu� not prinr to accelerat�on under the se�tznn titled Transfer af the Property tir a Benef���a� <br /> Interest in Borrower, unless Appli�able Law pro��de5 vtherw�se}. The notic�shal� specify: �a} the d.efauit; <br /> �b} the action requ�red to cure the default; �c� a date, nflt ZesS than the min�mum number of days <br /> es�ab��shed by Applicable Law fram ��e date the nat�ce is given tv Borrower, by which�he defau�t must be <br /> cured; and �d} that failure �o cure the default �n �r befnre �he date sp,ecif�ed in the notice ma� resu�t in <br /> ac�e�eration �f �he sum5 secured by th�s Se�urity Instrumen� and sale of the Property. To �he extQnt <br /> perrni���d by Iaw, �he noti�e sha�l fur�her inform Barrower of the right to reinstate after accelerat��n and <br /> the right to br�ng a court a��ion to asser��he nvn-existence❑f a defau��o��any other defense of Borrawer�� <br /> acc�Iera�ion and sale. If the defaul� �s n�t eured on or before the date SpFec�f�ed in �he nat�ce,Le�.der at it� <br /> option may requ�re �mmediate payment in fu�� af al� sums secur�d by �his Securrty Instrument wi�hout <br /> fur�her dQmand and may �n�ok� the power �f sale and any other reme�Cies perm�tted by Appl�cable Law. <br /> To the ex�ent perm�tted by �aw, Lender shall be entitled to collect all �sxpenses incurred �n pursu�ng th� <br /> remed��� provided in thi5 Section, �nclud�ng, but not l�mited to, reasonable attorneys' fees and cost5 af��t�e <br /> e►vidence. <br /> If the power of sale is �n�oked,Trus�ee sha�� recard a not�ce of�efault�n each eounty in whi�h any part of <br /> the Praperty is �o�ated and shall ma�l cop�es flf su�h no��ce in the mannez•prescribed by App�icab�e Law to <br /> Borrflwer and �o �he other persons pr�scrib�d by App�icab�e Law. Af�e�r the time required by ,�.pp�icab�e <br /> Law, Trustee shal� g��e publ�c not�ce of sa�� to the persons and �n �he :manner prescribed by App�icab�e <br /> Law. Trustee,without demand on Barrower,shall sei�the Property at p�iblic aucti�n to the h�gh�st bidder <br /> at the t�me and place and under�he terms designa�ed�n the noti�e of sale in one or mar�parcels�nd in any <br /> �rder Trustee determ�nes. Trustee may postpane sale of all or any ��arGel of the Prop�r�y by �ubli� <br /> announ�ement at the time and p�ace of any pre�ious�y schedu�ed sale. Le�r�der�r�ts des�gnee may purchase <br /> the Proper�y at any sale. � <br /> Upon re�eipt of payment of the pr�c� bid, Trustee shal� de�iver to the pu rchaser Trustee's deed �onveying <br /> the Property. The recitals in the Trus�ee's de�d shall be pr�ma facie e�idf�nce o�the tru�h of the sta�ements <br /> Q 24Q4-2�14 Compliance Sys#erris,�nc.FD60-B I D8-2�13L2,14,1.895 <br /> Consu�er Real Estate-Secu�ity Instrument DL2Q35 Pa�e�€of 5 www,campliancesystems.cvm <br />