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��15�3�34 <br /> Paymen�of Prin�ipa�and In�eres�; ���ier C�arges. Barro�ver shai�prampt:��pay v�hen due�he principal of and <br /> �n�erest on�he deb�ovved under the�on�rac�and Iate charges ar any other fee��and charges due under th�Contract. <br /> App�i�ab�e Law. As used �n th�s Secur�ty �nstrumen�, the term "Applica��Ie La�v" shal� mean all controlling <br /> applicab�e federa�, state and Iacal statutes, regulations, ordinances and admi��istrati�e rules and orders ��ha� ha�e <br /> �he eff�ct of�aw�as wel�as all applic�.l�1e fina�,nfln-appealab�e�udiciaX opin���ns. <br /> �harges; LienS. Barrower sha11 pay a�l ��.xes, assessmen�s, charges, f�nes and impositions at�ributable �o th� <br /> Property which may a�tain priority o�er th�s Securi�y�nstrument, and leasehc�ld payments or graund rents, if any. <br /> At�he reques�of Lender,Barr�wer shail promp�ly furnxsh to Lender r�ce�pts���x�ien��ng�he paym�nts. <br /> Borrovver sha��prompt�y dxs�harge a�y �ien which has priari�y o�er�his Sec��rity Ins�rumen�un�ess Borrower: �a} <br /> agrees in wri�ing ta �h� paymen� of�he oblig�.tion secur�d by �he lien in �a manner acceptable to Lender; �b} <br /> contes�s i.ri good faith the lien by, or defends agains� enforcemen� af the l�en in, �egal praceedings which �n �he <br /> Lend�r's opin�an Qperate �� prevent �he enforcement of the lien; or �c� secures from the ho�der of the lren an <br /> agreemen�sa�xsfac�ory to Lender subordir�ating the l�en to�h�s Securi�y �nstr��m.en�. �f Lender de�erm�nes tha� any <br /> par� of�he Praperty is su�b�e�t ta a Iien vvhich may at�a�n pri�r�ty over th�s Se�urity �nstrumen�, Lender may giv� <br /> Borrower a natice identifying th� Iien. Borrovver sha�� sa��sfy�he �ien ar take one or more of the actions set for�h <br /> abfl��w��h�n ��days of the gi�ing of no�ice. <br /> Hazard or Proper�y Insurance. Borrower sha�l�keep�h� �mprovements nava existinb ar h�reafter er����d�n�he <br /> Froperty insured against lass by f�re,hazards in�lude�v�ith7n�he term"ex�enc�ed coverage"and any o�her hazards, <br /> in��uding flo�ds or floading, for which L�nd�r requ�res insuranc�. Th�s �I�surance shall �be maintained in the <br /> am�unts and for�he periods that Lender requ�res. Th�insurance carrier pro�itiing�he insuran�e sha��be chosen b� <br /> Borr�wer subj�ct ta Lender's appro�a� which shall nat be unreas�nab�y w��:hhe�d. If Borrovver fails �o mainta�n <br /> c�verage des�ribed abo�e, Lender may, at Lender's op�i�n, �b�a�n covera�e to pro�ect Lender's righ�s in �h� <br /> Prop�rty in accar�ance vvith section t���ed Pro�ecti4n of Lender's Righ�s�n the Pr�per�y. <br /> AI� �nsurance poiicies and renewaXs shall be accep�ab�e to Lender and sha1l include a standard mortgage clause. <br /> Lender sha�l have the r�gh�to hold the polic�es and renewals. �f Lender requvres, Barrawer shall promptly give�o <br /> Lender al�receip�s of paid premiums and renewal notices. �n�he even��f�os,a, Barr�vver sha�1 give promp�no��ce <br /> ta�he insurance carrier and Lender.Lender may make prflof�f loss if nat made promp��y hy Borrovver. <br /> Un�ess Lender and B�rrov�er othervvise agree �n �vr�ting, insurance proceecls sha11 be applied �o restara��on or <br /> repair af�he Properry damaged, if, � L�nd�r's sole d�s�re��on, the restora�ic�n or repair is ecanomicai�y feasi�ble , <br /> and Lender's security is not lessened. If, �n Lender's sole dis�ret�on, �he restc�ra�ion Qr repa�r �s not economically <br /> feasib�e ar Lender's securi�y would be lessen�d,the insuranc�proceeds sha�l be app�ied to�he sums secured by this <br /> Secur�ty �ns�rument, whether or not �hen due, wi�h any excess paid �o B�arrower. rf Borrower a�andons the <br /> Praperry,flr does not answer w�����.the number of days prescr�bed�y Applica:b�e Law as set for�h in a n���c�from <br /> Lender to Borrower�hat the insuranc� �arr��r has offered to settle a cla�m, �hen Lender may ca��ect the �nsurance <br /> proceeds. L�nder may us� the proceeds ta r�pair or res�ore the Proper�y �r�a pay sums secur�d by this Se�ur��y <br /> In�trument,whe�her ar not then due.The per�od af time for Borrawer to answE:r as set forth in the notice will b�g�n <br /> vvhen the nfl��c��s gi�en. <br /> Un�ess Lender and Borrawer o�herw�se agre� in wri�ing, any app��cation of p_r�ceeds to princ�pal sha11 not ex�end <br /> or postpone the due da�e of the paymen�s due under�he Cantract or�hange tlle am�unt af the payments. �f under <br /> the sec��on titled A�celera��on; Rem�dies, �he Proper�y �s acqu�red by Lendf�r, Borrower's r�gh�tfl any �nsurance <br /> pal�cies and proceeds resul��ng from damage ta the ProperCy prior ta the acc�uisition sha1� pass to Lender to �he <br /> ex�ent of the sums se�ur�d by this Secur�ty Ins�rumen�imm�d�a�ely prior�a th�;acqu�sit�on. <br /> PreSer�a�ion, Maf ntenance and Protect�on of the Property; Borrawer's Lvan Appli�a��on; Leaseho�ds. <br /> Borrovver shai�not destroy, damage �r�mpair�he Property, a��aw�he Property t� defierxorat�, or comm�t waste on <br /> the Prflperty.Borr�wer shall be in default if any forfeiture ac�ian or proceec�in,�,whether�ivi1 or cr�mina.i,is begun <br /> �hat xn Lender's ga�d faith j udgment cauid res��� in forfeitur� of the Properfi� or o�herwise ma�er�a��y impazr the <br /> lien crea�ed by �hrs Security Instrumen� or Lender's security �nteres�. Borrower may cure such a d�faul� an� <br /> re�ns�ate, as provided in sect�nn ti�led Borrower'� Right to Reinstate, �y ca�using the action or proceeding�a be <br /> dismissed with a ruli.�.g�hat, in Lende�'s goad fai�h determination,pre��udes fc�rfeiture af the Barrower's interest in <br /> �he Property or other mater�a� �mpairment of�he ��en created b� this Se�u�•ity Instrument or Lender's security <br /> �nteres�.Borrawer sha��also be in defau�t if Borrower, dur�ng�he loan applicat:ion process,gave mater�al�y false or <br /> �nac�ura�e informatzon or s�a�ements to Lender �ar fai�ed to pro��de Len�ie:r with any mat�rial �.nf�rrr�a�ion} in <br /> �onne�tion wi�h�he loan �v�denced by th� �on�ract. �f this Security �nstrumen� is on a Ieasehold, Borrower shal� <br /> comply wi�h aII the pravisions of�he Iease. �f Borrower acquires fee�itle�o�h��Proper�y,the Ieasehold and the fee <br /> tit��shall no�merge un�ess Lender agrees to�he xnerger�n wr���n�. <br /> Protect�on �f Lender's Rights �n �he Proper�y. If B�rrov�er fails to perform �he covenants and agreemen�s <br /> c�ntarned in this Secur��y�ns�rum�n�, ar�her� is a legal proceed�ng�hat may s�ignrf cant�y affect Lender's righ�s�n <br /> the Proper�y �su�h as a ��. bar�kr�xp��y, probate, for condemna��a�a. or forf�iture or�o enfor�e laws or <br /> reguiations�, th�n Lender may do and pay for wha�ever �s necessary to prf��ect the value af the Praper�y and <br /> Lender's rzgh�s in�he Property. Lender's actions may rnclude paying any sums se�ured by a lien wh�ch has prxari�y <br /> o�er th�s Security Instrument, appearing in court,payxng reasonable a�torx�eys'fees and entering on�he Prflp�rt��o <br /> mak�repa�rs.A1th�ugh Lender may�ake action under�h�s section,Lender doe��not have t�do so. � <br /> Any amounts dzsbursed by Lend�r under �h�s s�ctian �hal� become additiana.� deb� of Borrower secured by �h�s <br /> Secur�ty �nstrumen�. Unless Borrow�r an�. �,end�r agree �o o�her �erms of paymen�, �hese amoun�s sha�I b�ar <br /> C�2444-2014 Cvmptiance Systems,Inc.FD60-$i D8-2Q 13L2.I 0.1.895 <br /> Consumer Rea]Estate-Security instrument T3L2D36 Pa�e 2 of 5 <br />