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��15��9�7 <br /> DEE� �� T�U�T <br /> Lvan No: °!�°���5�7� ����1ti�l�ed� Pa�e � <br /> expenses� whether or not there is a lawsuit, including attorneys' fees and �xpenses fior bankruptcy praceedings <br /> tincluding efiforts t�modi�y or Wacate any autama�ic stay❑r injunc�ion}, appeals, and any anticipated pos�-judgment <br /> collec�kion ser�ices, the cost a�searching rec�rds, vb�aining �itl� reports �including farecl�sure rep�r�ts�, sur�eyors' <br /> repvrts, and appraisai fees, �itle insurance, and f�es �or the Trustee, to the e�c�ent permit�ed by applicable l�w� <br /> Trustar also will pay any court costs, in add�ti�n�o all ather sums provided by la►nr. <br /> Rights�t T'rustee. Trustee shall haWe al�❑�the rights and duties vf Lender as set�arth in�his sec�ton. <br /> P�WERS AlVD �BLIGATi�NS �F`TRL�STEEe The �oElvwing provisions re�ating �o the powers and abligations ❑�Trustee <br /> are par�of this Deed o�Trust: <br /> ��wers vf T�us���� In addi�ivn t� a1l pawers at Trus��e arisin� as a matter Qf law, Trustee shall have the power tn <br /> take fih� following actions with respect�o the Property upan the ►rvritt�n request of L�nder and Trus�or: [a� join in <br /> pr�paring and filing a map or plat of th� Real Property, including �he dedication af sfiree�s or other r�ghts �o the <br /> public; {b} jain in granting any easennent or creating any restriction on the Real Property; and {c� �Qin �n any <br /> subvrdinati�n ar ather agreement aff��ting fhis Deed o�Trust or the interest of Lender under th�s Deed o�Trust. <br /> °Trustee. `Trustee shalE meet �11 qualificativns re�uired for Trustee under applicab[e law. In additi�n �o the rights <br /> and remedies s�t forth abo�e, with respect to al! ar any part �f the Property, the Trust�e sha�l have the right to <br /> foreGlose by not�ce and safe, and L�nder shali ha�e the right t� forec�nse by judicia� foreclasur�, in e�'�her case in <br /> accordan�e with and to�he�Full ex�ent prvr�ided by appli�able law. <br /> Su�cessor Trustee� Lender� at Lender's option. may from time to time app�int a succ�ssor Trust��tv any Trustee <br /> appointed under this De�� ❑f Trus� by an instrumen� e�ecuted and acknowledged by Lender and recorded in the <br /> of�Fi�e of the recvrder a�F HALL County, State of N�braskap The instrum�nt shall con�ainr in additian to all ather <br /> matters r�quir�d hy stat� la►rv, the names af the orig�nal Lender, Trustee, and Trust�r, the book and page �or <br /> cam�uter system re��rence} �h�re this D�ed of Trust is recard�d, and the name and address of the successvr <br /> truste�, and th�instrument shal� be executed and acI€n�wledged by all the b�neficiaries under this Deed af Trust or <br /> their successors in inxer�ste T'he successor �rustee, without cvn�eyan�e of the Praperty� shall succeed �o a�! the <br /> titl�, power, an�l duties conferred upon�th�Trustee in this Deed of Trust and by appli�abl� law. This pr�cedure for <br /> substi�tutivn o�f Trustee shall go�ern to�he exGiusion of alf other pro�isions�or substitutEan. <br /> IVQT'I�ES. Any noti�e require� to be given under th�s Deed of Trust. including withvut limitatian any notice ��f default <br /> and any na�ice of sale shall be gi��n in writing. and sha1� b� effecti�e when actua�Iy delivered. when actua[ly recei�ed <br /> by te�efa�simile �unl�ss��herwise required by law}, �rvhen dep�s�te� ►nrith a nationa[!y recognized overnight courier, vr, if <br /> mailed, wh�n depos�ted in th� United States mailr a5�'il"S� CI�SSr certified �r regEst�red mail pasxage prepaid, directed to <br /> th� addr�ss�s shown n�ar�he beginning af this Deed of Trust. Ali �opies o# nQtic�s of fvreclosure fr�m the hvlder of <br /> any lien which has priority vr�er th�s Deed ❑f T�ust shall b� s�nt to Lender's ad�ress. as shawn n�ar the beginning of <br /> �his �eed �fi Trust. Any party may change its address f�r n�ti�es under this fl��d of Trust by giving forma� written <br /> nat�ce fio the ath�r parties� specifying that the purpose af the notice is to change �he pa�r�y's addresse F�r notice <br /> purpases, Trustor agrees ta k�ep Lender infvrmed at a![times of Trustor's �urrent address. Unless��herwise provid�d <br /> or required by lawr i�there is more than one Trustor� any notice gi�en by Lender to any Trustor is deerr�ed �a be nvtice <br /> gi�en tv a!I Trustors. <br /> M15�ELLANE�US PR�111SIC3NSe The foliawing miscelianeous prv�isions are a part vf this Deed❑f Trust: <br /> �Imendmenfis. Th�s De��l o�f`Trust, �o�ether with any Related Documents, c�nstitutes the entire understanding and <br /> agr�ement af�he parties as to the matters s�t forth in this ❑eed of Trust. fVo alterativn of ar amendment to this <br /> ❑eed af Trust sha�l be effective unless given �n writing an� signed by the party ar parties sough�to b� charged vr <br /> boun� by the alterati�n or amendm�nt. <br /> �Innual Reports. « the Pr�perty is us�d f�r purposes vther than Trustar's residence� Trustor shall furnish to <br /> Lender. upon requ�st, a certifiied statement af net o�aerating in�am� rece��ed from �he Praperty during Trustor°s <br /> pr���ous f�sca� year in such form and detai� as Lender shall requir�. "N�t �perating incvme" shall mean all cash <br /> receipts frorn the Property less al1 cash exp�ndi�ures made in c�nnection wifih the opera�ion of the Property. <br /> Captian Headings. Caption headings in this Deed af Trust are �or con�renience purposes anly and are no� to �e <br /> us�d t� interpre�or define�he provisions of this ❑eed �f Trus�. <br /> 11�ergero There shall he n� merger flf�he interest or estate created by this aeed of Trust with any other in�erest or <br /> estate in the Properfy at any time held by or for the bene�fit af Lender in any capacity, w�thaut the wri��en consen� <br /> �f Lendsr. <br /> Governing Law. 'Th�s Deed a�f Trust will be g�verned by federai Eaw applicable �o L�nder ar�d. �o th� extent nof <br /> preempted by federal law,the laws af the 5tate af lVebraSka without regarc�ta its conflicts of Eaw prvr��sians. This <br /> �]eed v#Trust has be�n accepted by Lender ir�the 5tate o�iVebraska. <br /> �hoice of Venue. I� there �s a lawsuit. Trustvr agrees upon Lender's requesfi t� submit to the jurisdictian o� th� <br /> courts of HALL County, 5�ate of Nsbraska. <br /> Joint and Se�eral Liability. ►�II obligations of Trustor under this Deed of Trust shal� be �oint and se�eral, and all <br /> referenc�s to T�ustor shali m�an each and e�ery Trustor. This means that eaGh Trustor signing belvw is <br /> responsible for all�bli�atians i�this Deed vf Trust. <br />
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