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��15��937 <br /> LATE CHAR�E:A# Len�er's option, Borrower will �ay a "late charge" not exce�ding f�ur p�r <br /> cent�r� �4qlo} af the a��rdue payment when �aid m�re �han fifiteen �1�} days after the due <br /> date ther�of to oover the extra expense in�alved in han�ling �elinquent �ayments, but such <br /> "iate c�arge" shall not be payable ouf of the �roceeds of any sa�e made to satisfy the <br /> indebtedness secured hereby, unless such prv�eeds a�e sufficient to dischar�ge the entire <br /> Endebtedness and a!1 �r�per casts and expenses secured hereby. <br /> �UARANTY: ahoufd �he D�partment of Ve#erans Affairs faii or refuse to issue i�s guaranty in <br /> full �mounf with�n 6� days from the date that this Ioan would nvrmally become eligible for <br /> such gua�anty cammit�ed upon by the Department of Veterans Affairs �nd�r the �r�vis�c�ns �� <br /> Tit�e 38 �f #he U.S. �vde "Ve�erans Benefits," the Mortgagee may declare the indebte�ness <br /> hereby �ecured at once due and payable and rnay fore�lose imme�iat�ly �� rr�ay exe�cise a�y <br /> athe�ri�hts hereunder or take any ather pro�er action as by law prov��ed. <br /> TRAN�FE�QF TH�PR�PERTY:Th�s �oan ma� be ��c�are� smme����e�y d�e and �ayable �r�n <br /> transfer of the property securing such loan ta any transferee, un�ess the acc�ptabifity flf the <br /> assurn�tion of the �aan is esta��ished pur�uanf t� Sec#ion 3714 of �ha�ter 37, Title �$, <br /> U n i ted States Cfld e. <br /> An �utharized transfer �"�ssum�tion"� af the prape�ty shall also be subject tv additi�n�� <br /> co�enants and agreements as set forth belouv: <br /> �a}A�$�)M_PTI�FI�ND�NG FE� A fee equal to <br /> � D.5�°Io}of the balance of th��s �oan as vf the date of transfer of the pra�erty <br /> shall be �ayab�e at �he time of �ransfer to the loan ho��er �r its authorized agent, as trustee <br /> for the Dep�r�rnent flf Veterans Affa�rs. �f the assumer fails to �ay th�s fe� at the time of <br /> transfer, the fee shaf� canstitute an additional deb# to that �lready secured by fihis instrument, <br /> shal! bear interest at the ra�e here�n pro�ided, and, at the vpti�n af the pa�ee �f �he <br /> indebtedness hereby secured or ar�y transferee t��reof, sha�! be �mmedia#ely due and �ayable. <br /> This fee i� au�arnatically waiued if �he assumer is e�cernpt un�er the �p�Q��s�o�s �f 38 U.S.C, <br /> 3729 �c�. <br /> �b} ASSI MPT�N Q#�C��ES�Ih���HA��E Llpon a��lica���� f�� a��raval ta a�l�o� <br /> assum�tion af this I�an, a processing fee may be charged by the l�an holder �r �ts �u�hori�ed <br /> a�ent f�r det��rnfn��g �he cred�twor���ness af �he assumer an� sub�equently r��ising t#�e <br /> holder's ownership records when an approv�� transfer is c;�m�leted. The arnount of this <br /> ��ar�e sha�f n�t exceed the max�rnum established by the Departmen� ofi Veterans Affairs fvr a <br /> loan t�which ��ction 3714 of�ha�ter 3�, T�tle 38, Uni�ed States Cod��pplies. <br /> �c� A MPT� h1 �NDE� �TY L�A �L1TY: �f th`rs ab�igation is assurned, then the assumer <br /> hereby agrees �o assume aii af the vbligatiflns �f the vet�ran under th� terms �f the <br /> ins�ruments creating and securing the loan. The assumer further agrees to ind�mnify the <br /> Depar�ment of Veterans Affa�rs tn the extent nf any claim payment arising from the guar�nty <br /> or�nsuran�e of the indebtednes� created by this �nstrurnent. <br /> q�3339915Z�1 �12� 37� 4�a3 <br /> �nit�a�s:S'� �� <br /> VMP�53$R �Q4�5}.41 Page 2 of 3 <br />