� ��15��937
<br /> 21. Haz�rdousSubstanc�es.As used xn this Section�,1: (a) "�a�a�do�,s�S��,st�r�ce�s"are those suhstances
<br /> defined as toxic or hazardous substances,pollutants,or wastes by Environmental Law and the following
<br /> substances: gas�o�i�ne,kerosene,o��er fla�mable or toxic petra�e�m praducts,toxic pestici�es an�herbi�ides,
<br /> vo�ati�e solvents, rnateria�s containing asbestos or fornlaldehyde, and rad�oacti�e materials; (b)
<br /> "�n�ironmen�al�w"means federa�laws and laws of the jurisdictian where the Froperty is lacated that
<br /> re�ate to hea�th, safety or enviranm�ntal protection; ��) "E�tviro�amer�tal Clecx�up"inc�udes any response
<br /> �ction, reme��al action, or removal act�on, as defined in Envuonmental Law; and�d)an "�r��iro►arr�e►�tal
<br /> Cor�ditiora"means a cond�t�on that can cause, contribute ta, or Qtherwise trigger an Env�ronmental Cleanup.
<br /> Borrower sha11 not cause or permit the pr�sence,use,disposal, storage,or re�ease of any Hazard�us
<br /> Substan.ces,or th�eaten�o re�ease a��Ha�ardou�S�b�tan.ces,on or in tl�e Property.Borr�wer sha�l not da,
<br /> nor a�lovv anyone else to da,anythin�affecting the Property(a}that is in violation af any Environmenta�
<br /> Law,(b)�h��h creat�s a��nvironmenta�Con�.iti�n,or�c]which,due to the presence,use,ar release of a
<br /> Ha�ardous Substance,creates a condition that ad�rersely affects th�value of�he Propert�. The preceding t�vo
<br /> sentences shai�nat apply to the presence,use,oi storage on�he I'roperty of smali quantities�f Hazardous
<br /> Substances that are genera�ly r�cognized to be appropriate to normal resident�a�uses and to maintenance of
<br /> the Froperty(inc�uding,but not Iimited to, ha�ardous substances in consumer praducts}.
<br /> Borro�ver sha�l pro�mptly gi�e�.ender written no��ce of�a}any investigati�n,c�aim,demand,lar�vsu�t or�ther
<br /> ac�ion by any go�ernmental or regulatory agency or pri�ate party in�o��i.ng the Praperty and any Ha�ardous
<br /> Substance or�n�riranmental La�of which Barrvwer has�Gtuall�n�wledge, (by any Environmental
<br /> CondYt�on, inc�udin�but not lunited to,any spil�ing,l�aking,dis�harge,re�ease or threat of re�eas�of any
<br /> Hazard�us Substance,and(c)any�ondition caus�d by the presence,use or release of a Haza,rdous Substance
<br /> which adversely affeGts the value of the Prapert�r. If Bonawer 1e�rns,or is notified by any governm�ntal or
<br /> regulatory authority,or any private pa,r�y,that any remova�or other remediation of any Hazardous Substanc�
<br /> affecting the Pr�perty is necessaay,P�onower shall promptl�ta�e a1I necessary remedial actians in
<br /> accordance with En�ironmenta�La�v.Nat&ing herein shaii create any abligatian on Lender for an
<br /> Environmental�leanup.
<br /> Non-Un iform�o►renants.$�rrower and Lender covenant and agree as fal�ou�s;
<br /> Z�. Acceleratit�n;Remedies.Lender sbal�give notice t�Borr�wer privr to accelerat�vn fallowing
<br /> Borrower's breach of any eov�nant ar agreement in this Security Instru�ent tb�#nvt��ior t¢
<br /> acceleratian under Sectivn 18 un�ess Appl�cable Law pr�vides atherwise}.The notice sh�ll specify: �a)
<br /> the�lefault;�b}the aeti�n requir�d to�ure�he de�ault;t�c}a d�te,���l�ss than 3�days frnm the date
<br /> the not��e is g�ven tv Borrower,by whi�h�he default must be cured; and{d}th�t failur�tv�ure the
<br /> c�efault�n or before t�e date�pecifie�in the n�ti�e m�y result in aecel�r�tiQn of the sur���ecured by
<br /> this Security Instrument and sa�e of the Prap�rty.The n�ii�e shal�further�nfarm Barrawer af the
<br /> rigl�t to re�nstate after acce�eration and the right tv bring a cvurt action ta assert the non-ex�stence of a
<br /> def�ult ar any oth�r defen�e of Borrvwer to acce�erat�vn and sale.If the defau�t is nat cured on�r
<br /> bef�re the date specified in the natiCe,Lender at its opti�n may require immediate payment�n full of
<br /> all sums seGured b�this Security Instrument with�ut further dem�nd and may in�pke the power of sa�e
<br /> and�ny other remedies permitted by Apg�icable L�w.L�nder shall be entitlet�ta co��ect a�l expenses
<br /> incurred in pursuing tbe remedies pravided in this Secti�n 22,including,but nat limited ta,reasvn�ble
<br /> attorneys'fees and casts af tit�e evidence.
<br /> qU3339915291 �233 376 1417
<br /> NEBRASKA�ingl�Famify-Fannie MaelFreddie Mac LINIFQRM IN5TRLIMENT WITN MERS Form 3Q28 11a1
<br /> VMR� VMPBA[NE](13Q2).D4
<br /> Wolters Kluwer Fin2tnciai Sen�i�es Page 14 of'E 7
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