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� ��15��911 <br />� <br />� <br />� PARK�N� <br />� <br /> ta} Subject ta the ri�hts of third �arties pursuant to Exh�brt "�" to the Lease, <br /> the park�ng ar�as of the L�as�d Premis�s shall be for the exclusive use of Tenant and <br />, Tenant's cust�mers, emplay�es, in�it��s, successors, a�signs and subles�ees. <br />� <br />� <br />' [b} To the �xtent there �s recorded aga�nst the Leased Premis�s any � <br />� reciprocal easement agreem�nt, declaration of easem�nts ar iike document <br />� �"Dec�arati��"} which grar�ts to the owner and tenants of the Leas�d Prem�ses certain <br /> easements and other rights against the parc�f�s} adjacent t� th� Leased Premises. <br />� Landlord a�signs t� Tenant all of Landlord's rights and obligatians under the <br />� � D�claration and Tenant shal� be deemed a third party benefic�ary th�reunder, and <br /> Tenant assumes and agrees to pay and discharg� a11 such ob�igations. To the �xtent <br />� any right under the C3eclarativn must be exercised in Landlord's name, Tenant �s <br />� auth�rized t� use Land�ord's name, and hereby ind�mnifies Landl�rd against�any lass, <br />� <br />� cost or damage arising out of such use �f Landlord's name. �n the event that it is <br />� <br />' det�rmined that Tenant has no standing t� proceed w�th any such enfor�ement actian, <br /> then Land��rd, within se�en �7} days after receipt of such wr�tten d�man� therefor from <br /> Tenant, shall tak� any and all acti�n r�quested �y Tenant that is necessary �r <br /> a�propriate to enfor�e t�� pro�isions of the Declarations ail at T�nant's expense. <br />� Tenant coWenants and agre�s that Et will comply with a!� r�ghts, co�enants and <br />� agreements granted �n th� Decfaration. <br />� Ta the ext�nt Land lard's consent is req u�r�d or sought with r�sp�ct to any item i <br /> govern�d by the Declaration, Lar�dlord sha�l not grant its consent un�ess Landlord first <br />� notifi�s Ter�ant and pro�ides Tenant n�t less than fifteen t��} days t� also c�ns�nt �or <br /> , <br />� refuse to} to such request or item for which Landl�rd's cansent is svught. if Tenant ' <br />� shal� not expressly and in writing cons�nt, Landl�rd shall not consent t� such item. Any <br />' consent of Landlord under the D�claration gi�en absent Tenant's express c�nsent shal� <br />� <br /> C be of n� effect and deemed in�alid. Tenant shall indemnify Landlord against any loss, � <br />; �ast or darr�age aris�ng out of such refusal to cansent. <br />� <br />� <br />� It is underst�ad and .a reed that neither Landlord nar Tenant shall enter into an <br />� � v <br />; agreements modifying or terminatin� the Declarati�n without first obtaining th� express <br />; written consent of the other ar� and such modificati�n �r terminati�n without first <br />, � Y <br /> i obtain�ng th�e other party's expr�ss writt�n consent �hall be af no eff�ct <br />� . <br /> EX�LU��V�S <br />� <br /> �a} Landl�rd c��enants and agre�s that, during the Term and any extensions <br /> � �r renewal� ther��f, na additional proper�y which Lan�i�rd, ��rectly or indir�ct�y, may <br /> now or hereafter �wn, leas� �r �antrol, and which is contigu�us to, or which �s within <br /> fi�e hundred ����} feet of any b�undary of, the Leas�d Pr�mises �the "Land�ord's <br /> Property"}, will be used for any �ne or comb�nati�n �f the foll��wing: �i} the operation �f <br /> a drug store or a so-calle� prescript��n pharmacy or pr�scr�ption �rdering, pro�essing or <br /> � <br />