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��15��91� <br /> EXHI�IT B �� <br /> PERMITTED TITLE,EXCEPTIUNS . <br /> l. Terms and condit�ons of Li�ense Agreement with the �ity af Grand Is�and,Nebraska, <br /> fi�ed�Vlay �9, 1995, as Inst.No. 95-1�3�59, �ff c�a� Recards, Hall�ounty,Nebraska. <br /> Z. Terms and cond�tions of E�ectric Easement�rant�d to the ��ty af�rand Is�and,Nebras�a, <br /> _ fi�ed May�3, 1995, as Inst.No. 95-103 3 56, �fficial Records, Ha�� �ounty,Nebraska. <br /> 3. T�rms and conditians of Decla.ratxon of Easements and Restr�ctions, f��ed June 2, 1�35, as <br /> Inst.Na. 95-1�3634, �ff�cial Records, Hai� Cnunty,Nebraska. <br />. 4. Terms and condit�ons af Public Landscape Easement granted to the �it�of�rand Is�and, <br /> Nebraska, filed Apr�i 2�, �412, as Inst. No. ��1��31�7, �ffx��al Records, Hal� ��unty, <br /> I�Tebraska. <br /> S. Terms and conditions of Pul�lic Landscape Easement.granted tn th� �ity of�rand Is�and, <br />� Nebraska, f led April Z�, 2�12, as Inst. No. 2D 12�31�8, �ff cia� Records, Ha1� �ounty, <br /> Nebraska. <br />