<br /> in the Proper�y and righ�s under this Secur�ty �nstrument; and �d} takes such a�t��n as Lender�nay
<br /> reasona�ly require to a�sur�tha� Lender's xn��res� in the Propert� and righ�s under�h�s 5e�ur�t� �nstrument,
<br /> and B�rrower's obl�gation to pa� �he sums secured by this Security Instrument, sha11 continue unchang�d.
<br /> Lender may require that Borrow�r pa� such re�nstatem�n� sums a.nd expenses in one or�more af�he foilowing
<br /> forms, as s�lected by Lender: �a}cash; tb} maney�rder; (c} cer�if�e�ch�ck, bank check, tr�asurer's ch�ck or
<br /> �ashier'�check, provided any such check is drawn upon an�nst�tut�on whose d�posits are insured by a
<br /> federal agenCy, instrumenta��ty or entit�; or�d} E�ec�ron�c Funds Transfer. Upon reins�a��ment by Borrower,
<br /> �his Securit�r �nstrumen�and�bl�gat�ans secured hereby s�a�l remain fu�ly effec�ive as �f no ac�el�ratian had
<br /> accurred. �owe�er, this righ��o re�nsta�e shall no�app��in�he case of ac�el�ration under Sec�ian 1 S,
<br /> �4. Sale of Note: Char�ge of Loan Ser�icer; Notice of Grievance. The No�e�r a par�ial interest �n the
<br /> No�e�toge�her wi�h�his Security Instrument}can be sold one or more times vvithou�prior n����e to
<br /> Borrflwer. A sale m�ght resu��in a change�n�he entity �known as�he "�aan Servicer"}�ha�co��ects Periodic
<br /> Paymen�s due und�r the Note and this Securi�� Instrument and performs�ther m�or�gage�oan servic�n�
<br /> ��ligations under the Note, �his Securi�y �nstrument, and App�i�ab�e Law. There also rnight be one or more
<br /> changes of the Loan Ser�icer unrela�ed�o a sal��f the Note. If�here is a chan��of�he I.aoan Servicer,
<br /> Borrawer vvili be gi�en wr�t�en nfltzce of the change v�hich u�i11 sta�e the name and address of the ne� Loan
<br /> Ser�icer, �he address to wh�ch pa�ments should be made and an�o�her�nf�rmat�on RESPA requires �n
<br /> connect�on with a no�ice of transfer of servic�ng. �f�he No�e is sold and�hereafter�he L.�an is ser��c�d by a
<br /> L.�an Ser�vicer o�her than the purchaser of�he Note, �he mor�gag�laan se�-�ri��n�obl�ga��ons�a Borrav�rer wi�l
<br /> rem�ain v���h the L.�an Ser�r�cer or be transferred to a successflr Loan Ser��cer and are not a�sumed by the
<br /> Na��purchaser unless otherwise provided by�he N�te purchaser.
<br /> Nei�her Borrower nar L�nder may commence,join, �r be joined to any jud�ciai act�on�as e�th�r an
<br /> ind���dua� lit�gant or the member af a class} �hat arises from the other par�y's act�ons pursuan��o this
<br /> Securi�y �nstrumen�or that al�eges that the other party has breach�d an�r p�-o�ision of, or an�dut�owed by
<br /> reas�n of, th�s Security Instrument, unt�l such Borrov�rer or Lend�r has n�tif�ed the o�her par�� �with such
<br /> not�ce gi�en�n c�mpiiance�vi�h�he requiremen�s of Section �5}of such aileged�reac�and afforded th�
<br /> o�her party hereto a reasnna�le per��d after the gi�ing of such noti�e�fl take c�rrec�i�e act�on. If App�icable
<br /> Law pravide� a time p�riod�hi�h must elapse befare cer�a�n ac�xon can be taken, tha��im�period wxl�be
<br /> d�emed t�be reasanabie far purposes of this paragrap�.. The no�ic�of accel�ra�ifln and oppor�unity�o�ure
<br /> g�v�n to�flrrower pursuan�to Sect��n�� and the no�ice af acce�erat�on gi�en�� Borr�wer pursuan�to
<br /> Sec�ion �8 shall be deemed�o satisf� �he notice and oppor�unity�fl �ake correc���e ac���n provisians af�h�s
<br /> Section�Q.
<br /> ��. Hazardous Substances. As used in�his Sec��on 2�: �a} "I�a,�ardor�s Suhstat�ces"are th�se su�s�anc�s
<br /> de�ned as�oxic or hazardous substan�es, pollutants, or was�es b� En��ronrnenta� Law and rhe follow�ng
<br /> substanc�s: gasa�ines kerosene, other flammable or t�xi�petroleu�n products, toxic pesticides and her��cides,
<br /> vo�at��e sol�en�s, rnaterials c�ntainin� asbes�os or f�rmaidehyde, and radioactive materia�s; �b}
<br /> "Enviro�zr�x�n�at L�w"means federal �aw�and �a�vs nf�he jurisd�ct�an where the Prflperty is loca�ed tha�
<br /> reia�e to health, safe��or�n�ironmental pro�e�ti�n; �c} "�rtviro��rr�enta� �`leanup" �ncludes any respons�
<br /> ac�ion, remed�a� action, or rema�ai act�on, as de�ned�n L�n�rironmentai Lavv; and �d} an "L��virnj�jrzer��ar
<br /> �'o�zdi�ion"means a cond�tion that can cause, con�r�bute to, or otherwise�r�g�er an�n�r�ranmen�al �leanup.
<br /> Borrov�er shail not cause or permi�the presen��, use, dispasa�, storage, or rel�ase of an� Hazard�us
<br /> Subs�ances, or threaten�o rel�ase any �3azardous Suhs�ances, on or in the Property, Borrawer shai� nat do,
<br /> nor a��ow anyone�lse�� do, any�hing a�tect�ng�he�rop�r�� �a} that is in�r�ola�ion o��any .�nv�ronmental
<br /> Law, �b} wh��h creates an�nvironmen�al Condition, or�c� which, du�to�he presence, use, �r rel�ase of a
<br /> Hazardous Substance, creates a c�ndition that ad�erse�y affec�s the�a�ue of�he Property, The prec�ding two
<br /> N�gftASKA-Sing1�Family-Fanrtie MaelFreddie Mac UN(�QF�M INSTRUMENT Form 3��8�107
<br /> VMP 0 VMP6�N�3�13D2j
<br /> WvIt�rS Ktuw�r Finar�cial Ser�ices Page i 3 of'�7
<br />