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��15��7�� <br /> sa�isfactian, pro�ided that such �nspecti�n shall be undertaken pramptl�. Lender may pay for the repairs <br /> and r�storation in a single disbursement�r in a series of progress paymen�s as�he work is completed. <br /> Unless an agreernent is made in tivriting ar App�icab�� Law requires in�erest�o be paid on such <br /> Misceilaneaus Proceed�, Lender shall na�be requ�red to pay Borrower any �n�eres��r earn�ngs on such <br /> M�scellaneous Proce�ds. �f the r�storatian or r�pair is no� economica��y feasib�e flr Lend�r`s s�curx�y w�u�d <br /> be lessened, the Misce��aneous Proc�eds sha�l be appli�d�o the sums secured by this Se�ur�ty �ns�runzent, <br /> wh�ther or n�t then due, wi�h�he e�cess, �f any, pazd t� Borr�wer. Such Mzsc��laneau� Proceeds sha�l b� <br /> app��ed �n the arder pra��ded far�n Sec�i�n 2. <br /> �n the event of a tota� �aking, d�struct��n, or loss �n value of the Property, th�Miscel�aneous Praceeds sha�� <br /> b�app�ied to the sums secured by �his Securi�y �ns�rumen�, whether or not th�n due, w��h the excess, zf any, <br /> paid��Borrawer. <br /> �n th�e�ent of a par�ial �aking, destruction, or Ioss in value of the Property in which�he fair market value of <br /> the Pr�per�y immediately before the par�ial taking, d�struc�ion, or Ioss in va�ue is equa� �o ar greater than the <br /> amaun�of the sums secured by�h�s Security �ns�r�ment immediate�y before�he par��a� �ak�ng, destruction, or <br /> �oss in�alue, un�ess Borrower and Lender flth�rw�se agre��n writing, the sums secure�by this S�curity <br /> �ns�rumen�shal� be reduced by the amaunt of the Mis�ellaneous Praceeds mul�ip�i��by�h�fol��wing <br /> fraction: �a} the�ota� am�unt�f the sums s��ured immedia�ei� before the par��a� takzng, des�ruc��on, ar�os� <br /> in�a1ue d��ided by �b} the fair marke�va�ue af the Prop�r�y immedzat��y bef�r�the par��a� takzng, <br /> d�struct��n, ar�os� �n�ra�ue. An�r ba�ance sha���e pa�d to B�rrawer. <br /> �n the ev�n�af a par�ial takzng, destruc�ion, or�oss �n va�ue of�he Pr�perty in which the fair marke��aiu�of <br /> �h�Property immedia��ly b�fore�he par�ial taking, des�ruc�i�n, ar lo�s in�a�ue �s i�ss�han�he amoun�of�he <br /> surns s��ured �mmediat��y b�f�re�he part�a� �ak�ng, des�ru�tion, �r l�s� xn va�u�, unl�ss B�rrower and <br /> L�nder a�herw�se a�ree in wrzting, �he Misce��ane�us Proceeds sha��be appiied�o t�ae sums s�cured by �his <br /> Secur�ty �ns�rument whether�r no�th�sums are then due. <br /> �f�he Property i� abandan��by Barra��r, ar if, after no�i�e by Lender��Borraw�r�hat th��pp�sing Par�y <br /> �as defined in the next s�ntence} aff�rs t�make an award�o settl�a�la�m far damag�s, B�rrower fa��s �a <br /> respond ta Lender with�n 34 days after the date th�notiee is giv�n, L�nder�s authori2ed to co�l�ct and apply <br /> the Misc�I�aneaus Praceeds�zther�o rest�rat�on Qr repa�r of th�Prnper�y or�a�he sums secured by�his <br /> Secur�ty �nstrument, whether�r no�th�n due. "�ppos�ng Par�y" n�eans the�hird par�� that owe� Barrawer <br /> Miscellane�us Proeeeds or�he par�y against whom Borrawer has a right�f a��i�n in regard to Miscellaneous <br /> Praceeds. <br /> Borrav�v�r sha�l be�n default zf any act�on ar pro��e��ng, whether c��i� or criminal, is begun tha�, in Lender's <br /> judgment, cou�d resul�in f�rfe��ure af the Proper�y�r��her mater�a� impairment of Lender`s �nteres�in the <br /> Proper�y or rights under this Security Instrument. Borrow�r�an cur��uch a defaul�and, if acceleration has <br /> occurred, reinstate as prav�ded in Section 19, by causing the ac�ian or pr�ceeding to be dism�ss�d with a <br /> ruling tha�, in L�nder's�udgment, pr��lu�es forfei�ure of the Prop�r�y or other ma��ria� impairment of <br /> Lender's interest�n the Proper�y or rights under this Security �nstrument. The pro�eeds of an�r award or <br /> c�aim f�r damag�s tha�are attr�butab�e to the �mpa�rment of Lender's int�rest�n th�Property are her�by <br /> ass�gned and shall�e paid to Lend�r, <br /> A�l M�s�:ellan�ou� Proce�ds tha� are n�t appli�d t� restaratian or repair of the Proper�y shaii�e app��ed in the <br /> order pra�ided for�n SeGt�an 2. <br /> N�BRASKA-Single�ami6y-�annie Mael�reddie Mac t1NIF�RM 1N5TRUM�NT �prm 3�28 llql <br /> VMP� VMPBtNE�41302y <br /> Wolters K{uwer�ir�anciat 5ervi��s Page 1�of 17 <br />