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��15��7�1 <br /> �ale �f 1�Tate �hange Qf L�an ��rvicer. The Not� �r � part�a� intere�t in �he N�te ��agether �vxth this �ecurity <br /> In�trum�nt� may b�sa�d one or mflr�txzn��wi�h�ut pri�r nati�� to��rro�wer. A sale may r�sult in a chan�e zn�ie <br /> entity �l�naw�� as �he "Lo�.n 5�rvicer"� tha� �411e�ts per�odic� payme��.t�� due under th� N�te and �h�� Se�urzty <br /> Instrument.There also ma�b�Qne ar xnore��ianges of th�Loan Servic�r��nrelated to a�ale o��h�Nc�te.�f�here i� <br /> a�han�e of the Laan S�r�i�er,����rr�wer����l���iven writt�n n��ice�f the�hange in ac�ard�nce with�h� sectxon <br /> ti�Ied Notices and.Applicab�e Lav�r. Th� n�tic� wi�� sta�e the n,ame �nd a+3dre�s af the nevs� L�an �ervicer and th� <br /> addr�ss to whxch payment� sho�.�ld be made. The notice wiil alsc� �a�:rtax�x an� other ���forma�ian re�uired by <br /> .�pplxcable Lav�. <br /> Hazard�u��uhs�an��s.Borro�,r+�r shall n�t cau�e o�'permit tYle presen��, u�e,d�sp�sa�? st�rage, or releas�af any <br /> Hazard�us 5�:��astanc�s�n or�n the Prape�ty.��rrQw�r sha�l no�t do,nor allow anyone�lse��da, anyth��g affec�ing <br /> the Froperty that �s in vzolation +�f any En�iranmenta� Lav�. rC�i� pre�edin� twfl �enten�es shail nflt app�y to th� <br /> pres�nce,use,or st�rag�on t1�e�:r�pert�of sma1�quanti�xes af Hazax�iaus Subs�ar��es that are g�n�rall�r�ecogni.��d <br /> tQ be appr�pr�ate to normaX resid�=ntial�ises and to maYn�enan��:�f the Prop�r�y. <br /> Bo�-r��ver sha�l pramptly give L��zder vtrritten notice af�.ny inv�stigation,c��axm, demand,laulsuit or�ther action b� <br /> any g�ve�rx�m.ent�l Qr regt�Iatory ��gen�y or�riva�e p�rt� x�lvo�v��g the Pz�operty and any Ha�rardaus Sul�star�ce �r <br /> Env�ronmex�tal La�v �f �vhich 1B orr��v�r has actua� �i�ovvl�d�e. If B��rr��er l�arns, �r �� nflt�fied b� a�y <br /> b�v�rn.m�n�al or r�gulatary auth�r�ty,that any rernoval ar ather remecliati�n af any Hazardou� Suh���nGe �ffecting <br /> the PrQperty �� nec���ax��, B orro�uer shal� prampt�� t��e a:l� nec�s��ry r�medial act��n� zn a��ordan�� �ith <br /> Envlr�nmental Law. <br /> As �.xsed zn th�s paragraph, "Ha�ard���s ��i��tances" are thos� �ub�tan�es defin�d a�ta�� �r ha2ardau� substances <br /> ay Environmenta� L�.�v and the follc��ing sul�stances: �aso�ine, l��ras��r��, oth�r flammable �r to�i� p�trol�unz <br /> pr�ducts, t��c pesticides and h�rbi��d�s, v�lat��e �al�en��, xmaterials ct�ntairun� asbestos or formaldehy��, and <br /> radiaactxve material�. �� us�d in this para�raph, "En�iranm�r�t:aX L��v" m��a�.s fed�rai 1av�s and la�vs�f th��ta��of <br /> Nel�raska�hat reXate ta h��1th, safet�or environmelata.I pr�tectiun. <br /> A�ce�eration; Remed�es, L�nde:r sha�l ��v e nol:ic� ta �orro�er pri��• to acc�lera���n fo��a�in� ��rrower's <br /> br�ach af any cav�nant or a�r�eemen�in i.h�� ,�e�ur�t� Instrument {b�ut �ot pr��r to acc�leratxon under th� <br /> sec�ion tit�ed Transf�r�f the Pr�operty or a Ben�#i�ial In�erest in Bor�-vwer, un�ess A.pp�i�ab��L�w provide� <br /> uther��se}. The n�ti�� �hal� sp4xc�f�: �a� the d�f���It; �b� th� a�tian r�yquired to c�.r� th� default; �c� a datea <br /> na�less than �he min�imiux�nu�r��er�f�ays estab�.ish�d by App�i�a�le�Law frnm the d�t�th�na�ic�i�giv�n <br /> t� B�rrvvver� I�� tivhi.�h the defr�u�t mu�t be �ur�d; an€� �d� �hat fai�u:re �a �ure th� defa�xlt�n ar be#or� the <br /> date specitied in the n��ice ma�� result in acc�l�rati�n of the sums �e+�ure�by �his Securit� Instrurr�ent an�. <br /> sa�e of th� Pr4p�rty. To the ext:�nt permi�ted by�aw, �he n��tic�shail further inform B�rrower of t�e righ�. <br /> t� r�instate art�r ac��leration �in�the right to br�ng a ��u-rt actY�n #;� as��r� th� nnn-e��stence �f a de�'au�t <br /> or�ny oth�r def�nse of Borr�xTQr ta acc�l�ration and sa�e., If�h�def�u�t is n�t cured�n ar befor� the dat� <br /> speci#'i�d in �he no�i�e, Lender at its a�tion xna� req�ir� i�nrned�at� �paym�nt in ful� of all sums secured by <br /> th��Se�urfty In�trumen�tivi�ha��t fur�h�r demand and may in�oke th�z power��sal�and any�ther remed�es <br /> perm�itte� b� Appli�ahl� La�vt� T� the ��tent permit��d b� �aw, I,end�r shall h� entxtl.ed ta co��ect al1 <br /> e�penses incurre�. in pursuin;g the r�med.�es pr�vided �n this S���ti�n, includ�ng, but nat lirx�it�d ta, <br /> r�asona�le a�t�rnevs'f�es and��osts of titl�e�i�ence. <br /> If the pawe�-�f sa�e is i.nv�ked,Truste�shall rec�r�i a n�tir�e of d�fa���t in ea�h�nunty��which any part of <br /> the Pr�gerty is l��ated and shali mail c�pies�f,�u�h n��ice in th�mann�r pr�scri�ed by A�plica�ale Law to <br /> Bvrro�ver and to th� �th�r per�sons pre�cribe� by App�ic��ble L�w. l�fter the time requir�� by Applicab�e <br /> Law, Trustee shall gi�e publi� n�ti�� vf sa�e �o the p�rsons an� �n the r�anner pr�s�r�ibed by App�icabl� <br /> Law. Trustee,withaut demand on B�rr�w�r, shal�sel�the Property �at public auc�tion t� the h�gh�����.�der <br /> at the tim�and place and un�e�r th�term�des�gnated in th�n�txce�f sa��in one or m�re parcels and xn any <br /> �rtler T�-ust�e determines, Tr�ustee may p�stpon� sale of all or any parc�l af th� Prop�rty by pub�ic <br /> ann�uncemen�at the tirne an� ��ace�f any pre���us�y schedul��sa���,Lender ar its desi�nee may purchase <br /> the Property at any sal�. <br /> a?U�4-2D 1�Compl�ance Systems,Tnc.�9�8-8�5�-2[l]3T_�.3.1.�03 <br /> Coiisumer RG�1 Estatc;-Secur.ity In�tr�n�ent DL?�36 P1�e 6 af T www.cnmpl.iaa�cesysten�s.�a�n <br />
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