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��15��7�5 <br /> Go�erning Law; Se�erabili�y.This Secur��y�nstrument sha1T be go�erned�a��federa�law and th�laws of�he s�a�e <br /> flf N�braska. In�he e�ent tha� any provision or clause of this Securit� �ns�umen� or �he Contrac� confl�cts with <br /> Appl�cable Law, su�h conflic� sha�l not affec� other pra�isians of�his Se�ur:�ty Instrumen� or th� �an�ract which <br /> �an be given effec�wi�hou��he conflicting provisi�n. To this end the prov�sioals of�his Security Instr�umen�and�he <br /> Contrac�are decZared to be se��ral�le. <br /> BorrowQr'S�opy.Borrawer sha�l be gi�en ane c�py of this Security�nstrum��nt. <br /> Transfer of the Proper�y vr a Benefcial In�erest xn Barrower. Zf al�or ar�:y par�of the Property or any in��rest <br /> in it is sold �r transferred �or if a �eneficial interes� in Borrovver is so�d or transferred and Borrovver is not a <br /> naturai person) withou� Lender's pr�or writ�en �onsent, Lend�r may, a� its a��txon, requ�re immediate payment in <br /> full of a11 sums secured by th�s Security Instrument. However, th�s op��on sha�I not be ex�rcised by Lender xf <br /> exercise�s prahibited by federa��aw as of�he date�f�his Secur��y Znstrument. <br /> �f Lender �x�rc�ses �h�s op��an, I�ender shalT g��e Bflrrawer no�ice af acceleration. The natice shal� pro�rde a <br /> period of not less �han the minimum number af days �stablished by Applic��b�e Law from th� date the notice is <br /> deli�ered or mai�ed w�thin whxch Borrower must pay al� sums secured by �l:�is Security rns�rument. If Borrower <br /> fai�s �� pay these sums prior to the expiratian of�his perrad, Lender may in�voke any remedxes perm��ted by th�s <br /> Security�nstrument wi�hou�fur�her no�ice ar demand an Borra�er. <br /> Borrflwer's Righ� �o Re�nstat�. �f Borra�ver meets �er�a�n cond���ons, B�rrower sha�l have the righ� to have <br /> enforcem�nt of�his Security Instrument dxscon�inued a� any txme prinr���he earlier of: �a) 5 days �or such other <br /> period as App��cab�e Lavv may spec�fy f�r reins�atement}��fore sa�e of the P��oper�y pursuant��any pawer of sale <br /> conta�ned in this Secur��y rnstrument; flr �b� entxy of a judgm�nt enfarcing th�s Security �nstrument. Those <br /> condi��ons are that Borrower: (a� pays Lender al1 sums wh�ch then would b�� due under this Securi�y Ins�rument <br /> and�he�flntract as if no accelera�ion had o�curred;�b}�ures any defau��of ar�y fl�her�o�enants or agre�ments;�c} <br /> pays all expenses incurred�n enforcing this Secur�ty�nstrument, including,but no��i.mi�ed to,reasona�l�at�orneys' <br /> fees�o the extent permi�ted by�aw; and�d��a�es su�h act�on as Lender may reasanably requ�re to assure�ha��he <br /> lien of this Se�ur�ty�nstrument, Len�.er's r�gh�s in the Prflper�y and Bflrrower's obligation�a pay�he su�ns secured <br /> by this Security Zns�rument shall �on�inue un�hanged. Upon reinstatemen�b�� Borrower, �his Securi�y Instrument <br /> a.nd�he obliga�ions se�ured hereby sha�l r�main fu�ly effec��ve as if no ac�el eration had aGcurred. Hovve�er, this <br /> right�o reinstate sha��n��apply in�he case of accelera�ron under the section ti�led Transfer of the Property or a <br /> Benef��ial Interest�n Borrower. <br /> Hazard�us Substan�e5. Borro,wer sha�l not cause or permit the presence,us��, disposal, starage, or release of any <br /> Hazardous 5ubsta.nces on or in the Froper�y.Bt�rrav�er sha�I not da,nor a1low anyone els��o do,anythxng affecting <br /> the Proper�y �hat is in �io�atian of any En��ronm�n�a� Lav�. The prec�ding ��o sentences sha11 not apply to the <br /> presen�e,use,or s�orage on the Pr�p�rry of smail quan�i�ies of Hazardous Su�s�ances that are generally re�ogni�ed <br /> �o be appropr�at��o normal residen�ial uses and�o main�enance of the ProperC�. <br /> Borrower shall pramptly give Lender tivritten nati�e of any in�es��ga���n,cla�€�,demand, lawsuit or other actYon by <br /> any gavernmen�a� or regula��ry agency or pr�vate parfiy involving the Prope��ty and any Hazardous Substance or <br /> Env�ronmental Law of which Barro�ver has actua� kn�w�edge. �f B�rrawer Iearns, or is nfl�ifed by any <br /> g�v�rnmental or regulat�ry au�hor��y,tha�any remavai or ather remediatifln of any Ha2ardous Su�s�ance affecting <br /> �he Proper�y is necessary, Borrovver sha�� promp�ly �ake all necessary rem�dial actions in a�cordance wi�h <br /> EnvirQnmenta�Law. <br /> As used in�h�s paragraph, "�Iazardous Su�stances" are �hose subs�anc�s defv�ed as�ox�c or hazardous substances <br /> by En�ironmental Lav� and �he fol�ovving subs�ances: gaso��ne, kerosene, c��her flamma��e or tox�c petra�eum <br /> produc�s, toxic pestzcides and herbicides, valat��e sa�v�n�s, mater�als cantait�ing asbes�os �r formald�hyde, and <br /> rad�oact��e materials.As used in this paragraph, "Environmental Lavv"means federa�Iav�s and laws of�he state of <br /> Nebraska tha�rela�e to health,safety ar en�ironmen�a�pro�ection. <br /> Acceleration; Remedies. Lender �hall giv� no��ce to Borrower prior to accelerat�on following �arrower's <br /> breach of any covenan�or agreement in thi�Secur�ty Instrument or the t�ontrac�under whi�h a�celeration <br /> is permitted �bu� nat prior ta acceleration under the sectinn titled Trans fer vf th�Proper�y vr a Benef�ciai <br /> Interest in Borrow�r, unie5s Applicabie Law pro�ides otherwise). The n�vtfce �ha��specify: �a� the defau�t; <br /> �b� the a�tian required t� �ure the defauZt; �c} a date, not Iess tha» the minimum number �f days <br /> e5tablished by Applrcable Law from the da�e th�nat�ce�s given �o B�rro�wer, by which the defau�t must be <br /> cured; an� [d� that failure tv cure the default an vr before the date sp+ycified in the not��� may re5ult in <br /> a�ce��ration of the sums 5ecured by th�s Security Instrument and sa��e of the Property. To �he extent <br /> permx�ted by law, th� notice sha�l further infarm Borrower of the right�to rein�tate after a�celeratron and <br /> the r�ght to bring a cour�ac�ivn to assert the non-exi5tence of a default o�•any other defense of Borrovver to <br /> a�celeration and sale. If the default is nat cured on or befflre the date 5pecified in the no�ice,Lender at its <br /> option may require immed�ate payrn�nt �n full vf a�� sum� secur�d by this Se�urity Instrument w�thout <br /> further demand and may in�oke the power of sale and any other remed:ies permit�ed by Applicab�e Law. <br /> To the extent permitted �y law, Lender shall be entitled t� cfl��ect aIi ��xpense� incurred in pursu�ng �he <br /> remedies pro�ided in�h�s Section, �n�luding, but no�Iimi�ed to, rea5�nab�e a��arneys' fees and costs of ti��e <br /> e�idenee. <br /> If the power of sa�e is invoked,Trustee shall recflrd a notice of default in each county in wh�ch any part of <br /> the Property is �ocated and shall ma�l copies of�uch nfltice�n �he manne��prescr�bed by Applicable Law to <br /> Barrower and to the o�her persons pre5cribed by App�icable Lavv. Aft��� �he time requ�red by Applicable <br /> Law, Trus�e� sha�� give pub�ic not��e �f sale to the persons and �n the �manner prescribed by Applicab�e <br /> Law. Trustee,without demand on Borrow�r, �ha�Z sell the Pr�per�y at pE�b�ic auctivn to the high�st bidder <br /> �2fl44-2Q14 Compliance Systems,Inc.FDd4-8Dfl2-2QI3L2.14.1.895 <br /> �ansumer Real Es€ate-Security Instrum�nt DL2435 Pa�e 4 of 5 www.campliancesystems.cQm <br />