<br /> c��ered by this Security �nstrument. All af �he foreg�ing �s r�ferred �o in this Security �nstrument as �he
<br /> "Properry."
<br /> B�RR�''L�L1'ER C�VE�ANTS �ha�Borro�er is lawfully seised of the estate ��ereby con��y�d and has the r�ght�o
<br /> gran� and canvey the Fr�p�rfiy and tha� the Properry is unencumbered, e�xcept far encumbrances of record.
<br /> Borrovver warrants and wzll defen� generally the t��Te �o �he Properry aga�ns� aIl claims and demands, sub�ec�to
<br /> any�ncu.mbrances of recard,
<br /> Borrov�rer and L�nder covenan�and agree as follows:
<br /> Payment flf Prin�ipal and Interest; 4ther�harges.Borro,wer shall prompt�y pay when due th�pr�neipa�af and
<br /> �nterest on�he deb�ov�ed und�r�he Contrac�and�ate�harges or any a�her fee�F and charges due under�he Contrac�.
<br /> App���ab�Q Law. As used �n �his Secur�ty �nst�rument, �he �erm "App��ca���e La�" shal� mean al� controll�ng
<br /> applicabl� federa�, s�ate and Ioca� sta�u�es, reguXa�ians, ordx.nances and admil�is�ra�ive rules and orders ��ha�have
<br /> th�effec�of IavW�as w�il as aIl app�icab�e fna�,nan-appea�able judicial�pini��ns.
<br /> �harge�; Liens. Barrov�er shall pay aI� �axes, assessments, charges, fines and imposi�ions attribu�abie to �he
<br /> Proper�y�vh�ch may attain pr�or�ty aver th�s Secur�ty Instrument, and Ieasehc��d payments or ground ren�s, xf any.
<br /> A��he reques�of Lender,Borrower sha�l promptly furn�sh ta Lender r�ceip�s e��idencing the payments.
<br /> Borrower shali promp��y discharge any lien v�hich has prior��y over this SecL�rrty�nstrumen�unless B�rrov�er: �a}
<br /> agrees in writing to the payment �f the obligation secured b� the ��en in E�. manner acceptable �o Lender; ���
<br /> cnntests �n. good faith the lien b}�, ar defends agains� enfarcement of the l�e:n in, �ega� praceedings which zn the
<br /> Len�er's opin�on operate to prevent the enforc�m�nt af�he lien; or �c} secur�s from �he holder of�he lien an
<br /> agr�emen�satisfa�tory�o Lender su�ordznating�he �ien to this Secur�ty rnstrt�men�. rf Lend�r determrn�s that any
<br /> par� af�he Prop�rty �s subj ect ta a ��en whi�h may at�ain priority aver this S ecur�ty Znstrumen�, Lender may gi�e
<br /> Barrawer a natice ident�fy�ng th� �ien. B�rrav�er shall sa��sfy�he lien or�ake one ar more of the act�ans set for�h
<br /> above wi�hin ��days of�h�giving of notice,
<br /> Hazard or Property Insurance. Borrawer sha�l�eep the rmpra�ements nov��existrng ar hereafter ere�ted on the
<br /> Property�nsured against loss by fire,hazards included v�ith�n�he�erm"�x�enc��d co�erage" and any oth�r hazards,
<br /> including f�aods or fload�ng, far vvhi�h Lender requxres �nsurance. This irisurance sha�� be ma�ntained �n �he
<br /> amoun�s and for the per�ods�ha�Lender requires. Th�i.nsurance carrier pro�ic�ing�he insuranc�sha��be chasen by
<br /> Borrower subj�c� to Lender°s approval which shall no� b� unr�asonab�y witlzheld. �f Borrower fai�s to ma��a�n
<br /> c��erage described above, Lend�r may, a� Lender's apt�on, abtain co�era�,e �a protec� L�nder's r�ghts �n the
<br /> Property xn a�cardan�e wi�h section tit�ed Pro�ection of Lender's Rfgh�s�n tlhe Property.
<br /> All i.nsuran�e policies and ren�wals shall be ac�eptab�e to Lender and sha�� include a standard mor�gage clause.
<br /> Lender sha��ha�e th�right�a hQ�d�he policies and re�.ewa�s. I�Lender requv�es, B�rrower shall promptly give t�:
<br /> Lender alI receip�s of pa�d premiu.ms and renev�al no�ices. In the event of los.�, Borrower sha��g�ve pr�mp�natice
<br /> to the insurance carrier and Lender.Lender may make proof of loss if n�t made pramptly by Borrawer.
<br /> Un��ss Lender and Borrower otherwrse agree rn v�ri�xng, �nsurance pro�eed.s shal� be applied t� res��rat�an or
<br /> repair flf the Proper�y damaged, if, in Lender's sole discretion, the restnra�ion �r repair is econom�ca��y feasible
<br /> and Len�er's security �s no� lessened. if, zn Lender's sa�e discre�ian, the res��fration or repair �s not ec�nomically
<br /> feasi�Ie or Lender's secur��y would be�essened,the insurance pr�ceeds sha��b e appl�ed�o the sums secured by�his
<br /> Secur��y �nstrumen�, v�hether �r not �hen due, wi�h any excess pa�d �� Bc�rrov��r. If BorroWer a�andons �he
<br /> Property, or does no�ansv�er wi�h�n th�num�er of days prescr�bed by App�ica.ble Lavv as se�forth in a�o��c�from
<br /> Lender�o Borrower that the �nsurance �arr�er has off�red�o set�le a claim, �hen Lender may co��ect the insuranc�
<br /> praceeds. Lender may use the prflceeds�o repaxr or restor� the Praperty or��� pay sums secured�y this Security
<br /> Instrument,whe�her or not�hen due.The per�od of time fflr Borrov�er tQ ansv��+r as set f�r�h in�he no�ice wi�l beg�n
<br /> �vhen�he noti�e�s gz�en.
<br /> Unless Lender and Borrower otherwise agree xn v�riting, any app�ica�i�n of p���ce�ds�a pr�nc�pal sha11 na�ext�nd
<br /> or pas�pone�he du� dat� of the payments due under th� Cantract or change���e amount af the paym�n�s. If under
<br /> �he sec�i�n t�t�ed A��elerat��n; Remed�es, the Property is acqu�red by Lend�:r, Borrawer's righ�to any insurance
<br /> paliczes and proceeds resu�ting from damage to the Property prinr�a �he acc�uis�tion sha�� pass �o Lender �o the
<br /> exten��f th�sums secured by this Security Ins�rument immedza�tely pr��r to the acqu�s���on.
<br /> Preser�ation, Maintenan�e and Protec���n of the Property; Borrawer's Loan App�ication; L�aseholds.
<br /> Barrower shall no�destray, damage or�mpair�he Prop�rty, allaw�he ProperC�to de�eriorat�, or cammit was�� ari
<br /> the Property.Barrawer shal�be in default if any f�rfei�ure actifln ar proceedv.a�77 whether c�v��or crimina,l,�s begun
<br /> tha� �n L�nd�r's good faith judgmen� cou�d result in forfei�ur� of�he Prop�rC� or fltherwise mater�al�y impa�r the
<br /> li�n �rea�ed by this Security �nstrument or Lender's secur�ty �nteres�. Borr��wer may cure such a default and
<br /> re�.state, as provided xn se��ian ti�led Borrower�� Right to Re�nstate, by ca�;�sing�he ac�ion or proce��ing to be
<br /> d��missed wz�h a ru��ng�hat, irz Lender's good fa�th determination,pre��udes fa�rfeiture of the Borrower`s ir�teres�in
<br /> the Property ar ather mater�al impairment af the Iien created �by this Secur�ity �nstrument flr Lender's se�uri�y
<br /> �nter�st.Borrower shal�a�sa�e in defaul��f Borrovsrer,dur�ng the loan app�ica�ion pracess,ga�e ma�eria�ly false or
<br /> inaccura�e informa��on or statemen�s to �L�nder �or fai�ed to pr�vide Lende�� wi�h any ma�erial informa�ion� i.n'
<br /> connee��on wz�h�he �oan �videnced by�he Con�tract. �f this Security �n�trume:n��s on a ieasehold, Borr��er sha�l
<br /> comply��th all the pro�isions of the Iease. If Borrower acquir�s fee title�o th��Prflperty,the leasehold and the fee
<br /> t�tle shall n�t merge unl�ss Lender agrees�a�he merger�n wr���ng,
<br /> Protection flf Lender's Rights in the Prap�rty. rf Borrower fails to perform �he covenan�s and agreen�zents
<br /> con�a�ned�n�his Secur��y�nstrumen�, or there �s a�egal prflceeding that may significant�y affect Lender`s r�ghts in
<br /> �24fl4-2414 Camptiance Systems,Tnc.FD�Q-$Dfl2-2013L2.�4,1,895
<br /> eonsumer Rea!Estate-Security Instrumen�DL2�3d Page 2 of 5 wwti�.�vmpliancesystems.�vm•.
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