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��15��7�4 <br /> Any am�unts disbur�ed by Lender under this Sec�on 9 sha�l becnme addit�onal de�t of Barrawer b� <br /> this Security Insbrumen�. These amaun#� shall bear inte�st �� the Note rate fram the date of di5bursement <br /> and shall be payable, with 5uch interes�, upvn natice frvm Lender ta Borrower requesting gaymen� <br /> If t�us 5ecurity InS�ument is an a leasehoid, Bornvwer shall comply with alt �e pro�isi�ns of the lea5e. If <br /> Bvrrnwer acquires �ee f�tle �ba the Prope�ty, the leasehvld and #he fee title shall nvt merge unle55 Lender <br /> agrees �a the merger in writing. <br /> 1�. Mo�tg�ge Insurar�e. If L�nder required Mart�age Insur�nce�a cvnditivn of mal�ing�e I�an, Bvrrawer <br /> shall pay the premiums required to maintain the Mvrt�age Insurance in effect If, for any rea�vn, #he <br /> Mvrtgage Insurance ���erage required by Lender ceases to be a�ai�lable fmm #he mo�tgage insurer that <br /> pre�ivu.s�y �ra�ided such insurance and Bvrrower was required tia make separately des�gnat�d payments <br /> �vwand the premiums for Mortgage Insurance, Bvrmwer shall pay the premiums required�a o��ain cv�erage <br /> substar�tially equi�alent to t�e Mvrtgage Ins urance pre�ivusly in eFfect, at a�ost subs#�rriaa.�ly �qui�alent t� <br /> the cast �v Barrower of the Mflrtgag� Insurance pre�ivusly in effec� from an alternate m�rtgage insurer <br /> selected by Lender. If subst�ally equi�alent Mnrtgage I�nsurance ca�erage is nvt a�ailable, Bvrrower shall <br /> c�ntinue �a pay ta Lender the amount vf �e separ�tely designated payment� that were du�e when the <br /> insurance co�verage �eased to be in effect Lender w�ll accept, use �nd re#�in the5e paym�nts �s a <br /> nan-refundabte loss reserve in lieu vf Mortgage InSwrance. Such loss reserve shall be non-refundable, <br /> nfltwithstar�ding �� fact that the Loan is ultirnately paid in full, and Lender shall nat be requured t� pay <br /> Borrawer any interest vr earnings on such�ass reserve. Lender can nv langer re�uire lass reserve payments <br /> if Martg�e Irisurance caverage tin the amvunt and fvr the per�vd that Lender requires) pro�ided by an <br /> insurer selected by Lender again becvmes a�ai�able, is obtained, and Lender requires separately �esignated <br /> payment� tav�ard the fnr Mart�age In�uran��. If Lender required Mvrtgage I�nswr�nce a5 a <br /> candition of mak�ing the Loan�nd Bnrrower w�required�a make sep�rately designated payments taward the <br /> premiums for Mvrtgage I�nsur�n�e, Borrower sh�� pay the p�miums required tn maintain Mvrt�age <br /> Insurance in eff�c� vr to pna�ide a nan-refundable �vss reserve, u�1 Lender'S requirement fvr Mart�age <br /> Insurance ends in acctir►da�e with any written agre�ment between B�rrower and Lender pro�iding f�r such <br /> term�nativn or u�l ternunativn is re�uired by Ap�icable Law. Nothing in this Sectian 1❑ affeci� <br /> Bornvwer'S vbligation�o pay interest at�h.e rate provided in the Nnte. <br /> Martgage Insuran�e �r�eimburses Lend�r�vr any entity #hat pwnchases�e Note} Far�ertain losses it may incur <br /> if Bvrrower does nvt repay the Lvan as agreed. B�rr�wer is nnt a pa�ty tu the Mvrtgage Insurance. <br /> Mvr�gage insurers e�aluate their tatai risk an aIl such insurance in fo�e fram time tu time, and may enter <br /> inta agreements with other parbies f�at sh�re ar modify #heir risk, or�duce lasses. The��agreemen#s ar�on <br /> tern�s and cvnditions �a� are satisfa��ory ta the mortg�e insurer an� the vxher party (vr parties� to these <br /> �greements. TheSe agreernent�may requure the maxtgage insurer ta make paymen�u5ing any svu.rce�f funds <br /> that fhe m�rtgage insurer n�y ha�e a�ai�able (which may include fun�is obtained fmm Mortgage Insurance <br /> premiurns}. <br /> As a resuit of these agr+eemen�, Lender, any pu�ha�ser of�he 111�te, an�ther in�ur�er, any reinsurer, any vther <br /> entity, or any affiliate �f any �f the fvreg�ing, rnay r�e�ei�e �direc�y vr indirect�y� amvunts that derive from <br /> (vr might be charac�er�z�d�) a partiun of Burrower's payment� f�r 11�Ivrtgage Inswran�e, in exchange far <br /> 5haring vr madifying the mnrtgage insurer'S risk, ar reducing la�ses. If such agreement prv��des that an <br /> affiliate uf I.�nder takes a share vf �e insurer's r�sk in exchange fvr a share of�e premiums pa�d to the <br /> in�urer, the arrangement is often terrned"capti�e reinsuran�e."Fur�her: <br /> OQ1124Q4S745 Cit��t V3 <br /> NEBRASKA-Single Femiiy-F�nnie MaelFredd�e Ma�UN�FORM INSTRUN4ENT WITH MEF�S Form 30�8 11Q1 <br /> 'V�AP Q VMPfiA{NFa�130�).40 <br /> WaHers Kluw�x Fner�l Services Page 9 vf 17 <br />
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