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��15��7�4 <br /> S�curit,� I�trwmen� whether�r nnt then due. "�ppasing Pa,rl.y" means the thurd party tha� ow�s Barrawer <br /> MiscellaYrevus I'roceeds or the party against whum Borrawer has a right vf actian in regard�a Miscellaneou� <br /> Prnceeds. <br /> Barrow�r shall be in default if any acti�n vr pmceeding, whether civ�t �r�rinur�, is begun that, in Lender's <br /> judgment, cauld result in f�rFeitxxre nf the Prope�ty or v#�er ma�eria� irnp�airment of Lender'S interest in the <br /> Pr�aperty or rights under�h�i5 Se�urity Instrument� Barrower can �ure such a deFauit and, if accelerati�n has <br /> vc�urred, reir�tate a� pm�ided in Se�tion 19, by causing the action or pnnceeding ta be di5mi55ed with a <br /> �ling tha� in Lender's judgment, precludes fvrfeitur� uf �e Propert� vr other mat�rial impairment vf <br /> Lender's interest in the Property ar rights under �is Security Ix�trumen� T�� praceeds vf any awar+d �r <br /> claim fvr damages that are attributab�e t+a the imp�irment af Lender's interest in the Prapeity are hereby <br /> a�signed and shall be�d tv Lender. <br /> All Misce�lanenus Proceeds that are not app�ied to restarativn vr repair vf the Property sha��be applied in�e <br /> order provided.fnr in Sectivn 2. <br /> 12, Borrower Not Relea�ed; Forhearance By Lender Not a Vllai�er. Ex�ensian of the time f�r payment or <br /> mudificativn uf amvrtization vf the sums secured by this Security Ins�xment granted by Lender tn Bormwer <br /> or any Success�r in interest af Bornawer shall nat vperate t� relea�e the liability af B�r�ower or any <br /> Succ�ssors in Interest of Borr+awer. Lender shall nat be required �v cvmmence proceedings against any <br /> Successvr in I�r�erest vF Bvrrower or to refuse �a extend time fvr payment vr otherwise modify amartiza�ivn <br /> af�e sums secu�d by th�is Security Instr�xment by �as�n of any demand made by the vriginal Bvrmwer or <br /> �Ily' SllGCe55�i'5 in Interest vf Svrnawer. Any forbe�rrance by Lender in exercising any right �r rernedy <br /> inciuding, withaut �imit�#ivn, Lender's�cceptance a�paymen#� fmm third pers�ns, entities or Su��essors in <br /> Interest uf�nrrawer ar in amounts �ess than the �rrn�unt then due, shall not be a wai�er vf vr pre�lude the <br /> exercise af any right�r rernedy. <br /> 13. Joint and Severa� Laab��ity; C�-s�gners; Successors and Ass�gns Bou�d. Borrow�r co�enan�s and <br /> agrees that Barrower's �bligati�ns and tiabi�ity �hall be jaint and se�eral. How�ver, any Bvrrawer whn <br /> eo-�igns this Secur�ity Ix�frument but dae5 not execute the Nvte �a "ca-signer'�: (a) is co-sxgning this <br /> Securit,� Im�tiv.m�nt an�� ta mnrtgage, grant and cvn�ey �e co-signer's interest in #he Property under the <br /> �bern� of �us 5ecurity In�trument; (b} �s not personally ob�iga�bed ta pay �e sums s�cured by this Security <br /> Instnirnent; and(c} agrees that Lender and any other Bornawer can agre��a exten�, mndify, fvrbear�r rnake <br /> any �ccvmmadatians with regard to the tern�s of this Se�urity Instrv.ment vr�he Na� with�ut the ca-signer`5 <br /> c�nsen� <br /> Subject t�n �e pra�isior� of Section 18, any Successor in In�erest of Borr�awer whv a�sumes B�rr�wer's <br /> ob�igations ur��r this Security Ir�tivment in writing, �nd is appro�ed by Lender, shall vbt�un �il �f <br /> B+arrower's righ� and benefits under this Security Instrument BorrovWer shali nat b� releas�d fram <br /> B�rrower's vbligatians and liab�lity under this Security Insbrument wr�less L�ender agrees ta such re�ea�e in <br /> writing. The cv�enants and agreements vf thi5 Security Instruxnent shall bind �ex�ept as prnvided in SQction <br /> Z�} and benefit the successors a�d assigns af Lender. <br /> 14. �n Charges. Lender may �harge Barrower fees fvr services p�rformed in connectian�with Bornawer�s <br /> defau�� fvr th� purpvse vf �ro�ecting Lender's interest in the Prope�ty and rights under thi5 5ecurity <br /> Ins#rument, inclucling, but nat Iimited to, at�arneys' fees, proper�y inspec�tion and��uativn fees. In regard tn <br /> any o�er fees, �e absence of express authority in this S�cw�ity Instxvment to charge a specif�c fee tn <br /> �arnvwer shall nat be cans�ued as a prohibitivn on the cha�ging vf such fee. Lender may not charge fees <br /> that a�expressly prohibi�ed by t�us Security Instrurnent vr by Applicable Law. <br /> QQ1124Q49745 Citihenk V3 <br /> NE�3R�►SKA•5ingle Family-Fannie M�1Fretldi�Mac UNIFORAI!IN5TI�.IMENT iN1TH MERS F�m 3D2B 1101 <br /> VMP� VMPfiA�NE��13D2j.Dn <br /> Wolters Kluwer Fnanci�l Servir:es P�e 11 af 17 <br />