<br /> �n�he Pr�perty and r��h�s under�his Se�urit� Ins�rumen�; and �d} takes such action as L.�nder may
<br /> reasonab�y requir�to assure that L�nd�r's �n��r�st in th�Proper�y and rights und�r this Secur�ty �nstrument,
<br /> and B�rro�er's o���gat�on�o pa�r�h�sums secured by th�s Security �nstrumen�, shall continue unchanged.
<br /> Lender may requxr�that Bnrrower pay such re�nstatement sums and e�p�nses in one or more�f�he fa��owing
<br /> forms, as s�lected�y Lender: (a} cash; �b}mone�order; �c} cer���ed check, �ank ch�ck, treasurer's check or
<br /> cashier's chec�, proWid�d any such�he�k is drawn upon an institu�ion whose deposits are insured by a
<br /> f�dera� agen��, instrumentality or entity; or�d} Elec�ranic Funds Tran�fe�r. Upon re�ns�atement b� Borrower,
<br /> this Security�ns�rum�nt and ob���atxans secured hereby shal� remain fui�y effect��re as if n�acceieration had
<br /> occurred. However, �h�s r�ght�o reinsta�e shal�no�ap��y in the case of acce�erat�an under Sect�an �8.
<br /> �D. SaCe of Note: Change of Laan Ser►ricer; Nvt�ce flf Grie�ance. The No�e or a par��al �nterest in�he
<br /> N��e�together with this Security Instrumen�� can be so�d one or more�imes��thout pr�or natice��
<br /> Borrower. A sale might result in a change in the enti�y �known as the "Loan Servicer"}�hat col�ects Periad�c
<br /> Payments due under the Note and this Securi�� Instrument and performs other m�rtga�e��an servi��ng
<br /> obligatians under�he Note, th�s Security Instrument, and Applicable Law. There a�sa rn.ight h�one or more
<br /> �hanges tif the Loan 5erv�cer unrela�ed ta a sa�e of�he Note. �f there is a change of th�I.�an Servicer,
<br /> Borrou�er wi�� be gi�ren wri��en nat�ce of the change which w��� s�ate�he name and address of�he new Loan
<br /> Servicer, �he address to wh�ch payments should be made and any othe�r�nforma�ion RESPA requir�s �n
<br /> connec���n wx�h a natice of transfer af serv�c�ng. �f the N�te is sold and ther�after the Loan�s serv�ced b� a
<br /> Loan Ser�ic�r other�han the purchaser�f the Na��, �he mor�gage l�an ser�v�cing obliga�ions to B�rr�wer ur���
<br /> remain wi�h�he Loan Servicer or be�ransferred�o a suc�essor Loan Serv�cer and are n�t assunZed b�the
<br /> N�te purchaser unless otherwise pro�ided by�he Nate purchaser.
<br /> Ne�ther Borrnwer nar Lender may�om�.nn.ence,��in, or be�o�ned�n any�udicia� actian�as e�ther an
<br /> individua� Iit�gant or�he mem�er af a�lass} that arises from the other part�'s acti�ns pursuant to�his
<br /> Security Ins�rumen�or�hat alleges that the o�her par�y has breached any pro�is�on of, or any du�y ov�red b�
<br /> reasan of, fh1S SeCuri�y InStrument, unti� such B�rrower or Lender has no�i�ed�he other par�y�with such
<br /> n�tice g�ven in comp�ianc�v���h the requ�rements of Sect�on 15} of such alleged brea�h and aff�rded the
<br /> othe�-par�y hereto a reasonab�e period after the giv�ng af such no�ic�to�ake c�rrect�ve ac��an. �f Appl�cabie
<br /> Law provides a time period which must elaps�before cer�ain action can be�aken, that�ime period will be
<br /> deemed t�be reasan�b�e for purposes of this paragraph. The notice of acceleration and�pportun��y ���ure
<br /> gi�en�o B�rrower pursuant�o Se�tion�2 and�he not�ce of accel�rat�on given ta Borrower pursuan�to
<br /> Sec�inn 1$ shall be deemed to �atisfy�he not�ce ar�d opportuni�y to�ake correct���a��ion provisions af this
<br /> Se�t�on 2D.
<br /> �1. Hazardaus SubstanGes. As used in th�s Secti�n Z�: �a} "Ha�ardor�s Sr�bstances"are th�se suhstances
<br /> d��ned as toxic or hazardous �ubs�ances, pollutants, ar was�es by�n�ir�nnZentax Law and�h�e follov�r�ng
<br /> substances: gaso�ine, kerosene, other flamma�l�or toxic pe�roleum produc�s, tox�c pesticides and herb��ides,
<br /> v�la�i�e so��ven�s, ma�eria�s cflnta�n�ng asbestas or formaldehyde, and radiaact�ve mat�rials; �b}
<br /> "��2viron�r2�rzta�Law"means federal �aws and�aws of�h��urisd��txon where the Property is located that
<br /> re�ate�o health, safe���r enviranmen�a�pro�ec�ion; �c} "Er��irof�rrtet�tar Clearzr��"includ�s any response
<br /> acti�n, remedial action, or remova� action, as defined �n En�rironmental Law; and �d� an "Lnviro���fize�2tal
<br /> Car�dxtr'on"means a condi�ion�hat can cause, con�r�but�to, or othervv�s�trigger an E��riranmenta� C�eanup.
<br /> Barrower shal�not cause�r permit the pres�nce, use, disp�sal, s�orage, ar release of any �3azardous
<br /> Su�stances, or threa�en to release an� �iazardous Subs�ances, an�r�n�he Prop�r�y. Borrow�r shal�na�do,
<br /> nor all�w anyone e�se�o do, anyth�ng affec�ing�he Proper�y �a} tha�is in�r���atinn of any Environ�nental
<br /> La�, ��} wh�ch crea�es an Environmen�al �ondi�ion, or�c}whi�h, due to the presence, use, or release of a
<br /> Hazardous Substance, creat�s a conditi�n that adversely affec�s�he�ra�ue of�he Praper�y. The preceding�wo
<br /> NEBRASKA-5ingie Family-Fanni�MaelFreddie Mac UNI�aRM INSTRUM�NT �orrn 3028 1l�1
<br /> VMP �x, VMPfi�NEJ(13�Zy
<br /> Wolters Kluwer�ina�cial 5er�ices Pag�i 3❑f 17
<br />