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<br /> All �nsurance pol�ci�s requ�r�d by Lender an.d renewals of such p�licies sha��be subject to Lender's righ�t�
<br /> disapprove such po��c��s, shal� in��ude a standard mortgage ciause, and sha�� name L,ender as mor�gage�
<br /> andlor as ar�add�tiana��oss pa�ee. L,ender sha11 have�he right to ho�d the policies and renewa�cer�i��ates. �f
<br /> Lender requires, Bnrrawer shall promptly gi�e to L�nder al� receipts of paid prem�ums and renewal.not�ces.
<br /> �f Borrow�r obtains an� form of�nsuranc�co�rerage, nflt otherw�se required�y Lender, for damag�to, or
<br /> des�ruc��on of, the Praperty, such po��cy shal� �nclude a s�andard mor�gag�clause and shall name Lender as
<br /> mor�gagee andlor as an addi�ional loss paye�.
<br /> In the e�ent af�oss, Borrov�►�er sha��gi�e pro�mpt notice to the insurance carrier and Lend�r. Lender ma�
<br /> make proof of loss �f not made pr�mp����y Borrower. Unless L�nd�r and Barrower o�hervvise agree�n
<br /> writing, an� �nsurance pr�ceeds, vvhether or not�he underiying insurance was required by Lender, sha��be
<br /> app�ied to res�ora�ion or repair of th�Proper�y, if th�restoration or r�pa�r is economi�a��y feas��le and
<br /> Lender's security is not�essened. During such r�pa�r and res�o�ration period, L�nder shali have the r�gh�to
<br /> hQ�d such insurancu proce�ds unt�� Lender has had an app�r�unity ta �nspect such Pr�per�y�o ensure�he
<br /> work has been con�.ple�ed to Lend�r's sa�isfaction, pra�rided�ha�such inspection sha��b�under�aken
<br /> promp�ly. L.�nder may disburse procee�s f�r the repa�rs and restora�ion in a single pa�xn�n�or in a series af
<br /> progress payments as�he v�ork is conip�e�ed. L3n�ess an agreement �s made�n wri�xng or App�i�a��e Law
<br /> requ�res interest t�be pa�d an su�h insurance praceeds, I.ender sha11 not be required ta pay Borr�wer any
<br /> in�eres��r earnings on such proceeds. Fees fflr publ�c adjus�ers, or at�er�hird part�es, retained by Borrower
<br /> sha��not be paid out of�he insurance proceeds and shall�e�h�stile obiiga��on of Borrovver. �f the res�arat�on
<br /> or repa�r is n��econam�cally feasib�e�r L�nder's se�urity v�ould b�lessened, ��e insuranc�proceeds�ha�i be
<br /> applied��the sun�s secur�d by th�s Security �nstrument, whether or not then due, wi�h the excess, �f an�,
<br /> paid to Borrower. Such �nsurance pr�ceeds shal�be appl�ed�n the�rder pro�ided for in Sect�on 2.
<br /> �f Borraw�r abandons the Proper��, Lender may f�e, negotiate and settle ar�y a�ai�able�nsurance c�aim and
<br /> re�a�e�ma�ters. �f Borrower does not respond within 34 da�s ta a notice from Lend�r that the insuran�e
<br /> carr�er has offered to se�tle a c�aim, �hen Lender ma�negotia�e and se��Ie�he claim. The 3�-day period wi��
<br /> begin�uhen�he natice is giv�n. In e�th�r even�, �r�f Lender acquires the Prop�r�y under S�c�ion��or
<br /> � fl�herwise, Borrov�er hereby ass��ns ta �.�ender�a} Borrower's rights��any�nsurance proce�ds �n ara an��un�
<br /> no�to exceed the amaunts unpaid under the N�te or th�s Se�uri���nstrumen�, and �b} any other of
<br /> Borrower's r�ghts �other�han�he right to any refund of unearned premiums paid by Borrower}under a11
<br /> insuran�e paiic�es covering the Praper�y, �nsofar as such rights are appl�cable�o�he caverage of�he
<br /> Property. Lender may use the�nsuranc�proce�ds �ither to repair or res�ar��he Property or t�pay amounts
<br /> unpa�d under the No�e or�h�s 5�cur�ty Instrum�nt, v�hether ar not then due.
<br /> �. []ccupancy. Borrov�er sha�i oc�up�, e�tab��sh, and use�he Proper�y as Barrower's pr�nc�pal residenee
<br /> . w�th�n 6D days after the e�ecutzon of�his Securxt� Instrum.en�and shal�con�inue to fl�cu��the Proper�y as
<br /> Borrovwer's princ�pal res�dence for at least�ne year af�er�he date of occupancy, unless Ilender otherv��se
<br /> agrees in wr�t�ng, which consent shali no�b�unreasanab�}� �uri��held, ar unle�s extenuating c�rcums�ances
<br /> exist v�rh�ch are beyand Borrawer's contral.
<br /> 7. Preserrration, Maintenance and Prate�tian af tne Prflperty: Inspe�t�ons, Borrower sha�l not d�stroy,
<br /> damage or�mpa�r the Proper�y, allow the Property to de��riarate or com.mit waste on the Pr��er�y. Whe�her
<br /> ar nnt Barrov�er is r�siding in the Property, Borrower shall n�aintain�he Proper�� in order ta pre�ent�he
<br /> Property fr�m deter�ora��ng or d�creasing in valu�du��o i�s condi��on. Unl�ss it �s determined pursuant to
<br /> Sec�ion 5 tha�repair or restorat�on�s nnt ecnnomically feasi��e, Borrower shal�pr�mpt�� repair�he Pr�per�y
<br /> �f damaged�a avoid further de�erioration or dam.age. �f�nsuran�e�r candem.natznn praceeds are paid in
<br /> connection with damage to, or�he�ak�ng af, the Proper�y, Borrov��r sha��be responsi�le for repa�r�ng or
<br /> restorin� the Property on�y if L.ender has re�eased praceeds for such purposes. Lender may disburse proceeds
<br /> NEBRASICA-Singte Family-�anni�Mael�reddie Mac UN��aRM 1N5TRUMENT Fvrm 3428 1141
<br /> VMP� VMPfi�N�3 t134�f
<br /> Wolters Kiuwer�inancial Ser�ices Pag�7 vf 17
<br />