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��15���5� <br /> ��RI� E-3 <br /> Gt]N'��NT1C]NAL AND uSDA RLJRAL QEVEL4�M��VT <br /> TAK�Ex��ll'IPT F�NANC�NG R�C��R <br /> The fol��wing��id�nda��the Ma�ga�e shall be �ncvrporafed�nto, and record�d wi�h, �he M�rtgage. The�erm <br /> "Mortgage"shal� be d�eme�t�includ�`�Deed vf Trus#," ��applicab��. <br /> T��S TA�-�XE�IPT F��AN��N� RfDER is made the date set f�r�h ����w and �s in��rpvra�ed �nt�and shal� be <br /> deem�d�o an�end and supplement�he I�ort�age, De�d�f Trus�vr�ecur�ty Deed �"5ecur��� I ns��ument"} of�he same d��e <br /> given �y�he unders�gned�"Borra�rer"}fo s�cure Borrower's Na���uN�t�"��a <br /> Hame Federal Savin s&Laan As�n of Gra��d I��and <br /> �"Lend�r"}of�he sam��ate�nd cv��r�ng the praperty descr��ed�n�he Secur�#y Ins�rumsn�and laca�ed ���he p�oper�y <br /> and addr�ss des�rib�d as fol�ows: <br /> Addr�ss:�3� CC]MMA��HE A�� GF�AND iSLAh�Q, NE�88U��4�a� <br /> In ad�it�on to the�o��nan��and agr��men�s made ir��he Security Ins�rumen�, B��row�r and Lender�ur�her <br /> cavenan�and a�ree��am�nd Paragr�ph �8 af�he�Jn�f�rm Mortgage F�rm, �n#��led"Transf��af the Prap��ty as a <br /> Benefi��a( �nteres�in Bvrrower,"�y adding add��ion�l ground�f�r aGc���ratian as fol�ows: <br /> Ler�der, or such of its su�c�ssors�r assigns as may�y separa�� instrum�n�assun�e responsi�i���y f�r assuring <br /> cvm�liar�c�by t�e Bo�row�r�v��h t�r��rvvi�ians of th'r�Tax-Ex�n�p�Financ�ng R�de�, may requi�e�mmediate p�ym�nt�n <br /> fu�� �f all sums s��ur�d by this�ecuri�y �n�trumen�if: <br /> €a� Ali vr par��f the Praperty is sold �r atherwise�ransferred by Barrawe���a pur�haser�r ath�r transfer�e: <br /> �i} Who canno�r�as�nab�y be exp�c�ed �v accupy�he p�operty as a principa! r�siden���i�h�n a <br /> r�asanable��me af��r�h�sa��ar��ansf�r, �i�as�rovided �n S��t��n ��43�c} and �����}of the <br /> [nt�rn�l Re�r�nu��od�; or <br /> ���} 1Nho has had a pr�sent�wnership in�er�st�n a pr�n�ipa� resid�nc�during any par�of�he <br /> �hr�e�year p�ri�d�nding on�h�da��of th�sale ar�ransf�r, a�l as pravided in 5�c�i�n �43�d} and <br /> �i}t���f t�e ln�err�al R�venue��d��excep�tha�"���p�rcent" shall be subs�ituted far"95�er��n� <br /> flr m�re"�nrhere�he l��ter appe�rs in 5ec�i�n 143�d}��}; �r <br /> ��ii} A��n a�qu�s��ian cast which�s great�r than 9n per�ent of th�average are� purch�s�pr�ce <br /> ��r����r��an 11❑ p�rc�n�f�r Re�idenGes in�arg�ted areas}, al I as prvv�ded in Section �43��}and <br /> �i3��} af t�e�n�emai R��enue�ode; �r <br /> ���� lll�ho has gross f���1y�ncvme�n ex�ess�f��e�pp�icable p�rcen�age of app�ica�le m�dian�a�n�ly <br /> incam�as �r�v�ded in S�c��an �43€f� �nd ��}��}�f�he I nternal R�ve�ue�Qde; �r <br /> �b} Borro�ver fails to r��upy t�e pr�per�y descri��d in�he S�cur�ty 1 ns#r�men��vithou�p��or writt�n �ansent o� <br /> �ender�r i�s successor�or assigns descri�ed a���e be��nning of this Tax�Exemp�Financing Ri�er, or <br /> ��} B�rrower om�ts or�n�srepr�sen�s a fac�th�t is m��erial w�th resp�c�to�he prav�sions�f S�ctivn �43 of the <br /> �nt�rnal Revenu���de in an app�ica�i�n f�r#he ��an se�ured by this�e�urity Ins�rum�nt. <br /> Ref�rences are fi���e �n�er��l R�venue Cade as am�nded and in effect an the da��of�ssuan�e of bonds, the <br /> p�oceeds af which w�li be u��d�o finance��e�ecur��y �nst�ument and are de�med t�in��ude�he implemen��ng <br /> �egulat�an�. If fh�Securi�y I nstrum�nt�s nv�finan�:� in�v�al�or in part with pro�e�ds of bon�s issued �y the Nebraska <br /> Inv�stmen�F�nan�e Au�hority, this Tax-Ex�mp�Finan�ing Ride�shall b� nu�l and v��d an� �f na forc��nd �ff�c�. <br /> BY SIG��NG B�LflVII, Borrov�er accepts and agrees to��e terms and prvv�sions �n�his T�x�Ex�n�p�Financing <br /> Rid��. <br /> --��'' �� �_ � <br /> �arrQwer��� T� HER ltl�. �URPHY Da�e <br /> ; � � <br /> � �� f �� � <br /> Barr�wer��EL��A M. .r.._. RPHY Dats <br /> Non-Purchas�n��pause Da�e <br /> NIF`A NiRBIFnrn���3 <br /> �U712�1�� <br /> ����-so��-����.$ <br />