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��15��5�� <br /> in.the Pro�erry and ra�gh�s u�der�us�Cu.r�ty ent; an.d(d)takes su�h act�vn a�s I.en.d�r muay <br /> reasonab�y require t.�assur�that Lend�r's intere�in the Pro�rty ax�d�gh�.s under this�ecurxty Instru�m�nt, <br /> and Borrower's oblig�ion to pay the su�ms secur�.by this�c�ity ent,�hall contrnue unchang�i. <br /> Len�l�r m�ay r�quir�that Borro�rer pay su�h re' t�and�xgenses in one or�more vf�e following <br /> forxr�s, as seleet� I�n.dcr: (a}cash; �b]maney ard�r; (�)cer�i�ed chec�,ba�nk ch�k,�reasurer`s check or <br /> cashier's ch�ck,pr�v�de�.any s�u�h check i.s drav�m ugan an in�.t�on�v�r�.ose depc�s�ts are insured by a <br /> federal ag�cy, ' ta'�xty vr ent�ty;ar t�.)�Ieetroxuc Fund�Traia�sfer. U�o�reu�s t by Borrower, <br /> th�s S�curit�y t and nbliga�.�ns s�cur�d.�ier�by shall rema�n fu�.�y effec:tive as if no acce�earat�.�n had. <br /> . �Iow�ver,th�s r�ght to r ' s�iall not appl��n the r,a,se of acce�era�on under Sect�an 1�. <br /> 2t]. Sa�e o�f A�ot�; �hangs of�oan Ser���r; �iot�ce of Gr�evance. T`�e Note or a part�aJ.i�nt�rest in.the <br />; Nfate tto��.�r w�.th this�t� t}��sv�d on�ar�m.are ta�.me�,wxthout prior nflt�ce to <br /> �orro�er. ,�sa��naig�.t re�u�t in a c�xange xn.t�e�nt�#��naRm as the ".�anrr��S'ervicer'�that colle�cts Per�fld�.c <br />, Payments du�under t�he Note an.d this�ecur�ty ent and perfflrms�th�mortgage xoan ser►v�c�g <br /> ob�i��ons�d�r the Not�,t�is�ty Ia�s ,and Ap�l�cab�e Law. Th�re also m�.g�t�one o��aore <br /> �han.g�vf the Lvan�erv�c�r unrelated t�v a�a1e af th.e Note. if t�.er��s a�a�ge of t�ie��vicer, <br /> Bo�o�+ver wi�i�e gx�en writ�en no�ce af�e change wYuch v�ill st�te th�na�m���.add�ess of the�ew I�an. <br /> Servxc�r, t�.e adct..r�to which pay�men�s sh�lx.Id be m�a�ie�.d any�t�er�nforr�ation RES�'A req�u.ires�n <br /> �onn�on w�th a n.ot�ce of tsans��r of ser�vicing. �f the Nfvte�s so�d and thereafter t�e I.:oan is serv�ced by a <br /> Loan Se�vic�r ot�ier t,hav the purchaser of th�e Naxe,the m�r�gage Ioan se�vi��ng abligat�ons ta Borro�er�. <br /> r�m�in.�rxth the Loan.Sear�.cer ar b�transferred ta a su�c�ssor Loan Serv�cer and�re nat as�um� t�xe <br /> Nnt�purchaser unl.ess otherw�se pm�i.ded b�the Note purchaser. <br /> Ne�ther�rrow�r aor Lender m�y cvm�aen.ce,j�in, or be jau�d t�any judicia�a�ction[as e�t�er an <br /> ind�.�ridual iitigant or the of a c�ass}t,�at a�rxses fr�m th�otb��r�arty's actio�s purs�ant ta th�s <br /> Secu�ty ent or that alleg�s t�.at the oth�r par�has bre�h�c1.any pro�s�on vf, vr an�duty owed by <br /> rea.son o�,�.s�ur�ty t,until.such�or�r�wer or Lenc�er has n�'t�f"ied the other P�Y Cv�.th such <br /> not�c�g�v�en in camrp�xax�ce with�he ' ts af Sec�vn 15)vf suc�all�ged brea�h and a�orc�ed the <br /> ot�er pa�y h�retfl a reason�ab��p�r�.vd afte�r the givu�g af su�h no�.�t�take corre�v�a�ti.on. If App��cab�e <br /> Law pro�Ydes a t�me�od wh�ch nc�ust exapse before c�ain acti�on�an be�ak�n,tha�tu�per��d.w�l.�.be <br /> d�m�d to be reasonab�e for purposes of th�s paragraph, "T�e not�c�o�acc���t�on and oppor�unity tfl cure <br /> g���n tfl Borrower��t to Se�on 2�and the no�.ce af acce�eratian gi�en ta Borra�ver pursuant to <br /> S�.v�. l S s�i�d�.t�sa�sfy the�otice and�pg�r�uuty to take correct��e ac�ian pra�isions of this <br /> S�ti�on.20. <br /> 2�. M�zardous Substances. As�us�an�1: [a} ".F�'a�ard��s�r�stac�ces"are thase�ub�c�s <br /> defined as�oxic or h��.zzardous�b�an�,paxxutan.ts, or wastes�y Environmenta�Law and#�ie fallow�ng <br /> subst.�nces: gasr�line,kerosene, other flam�nable�r t�xic p�x-al�um prod�ts,t�xai.c pe�c��and h�rbicid�s, <br /> �rolat�i���vents, ' s�on��s�estas�r fo�.de�.�de, ax�d. , .v� . s;�'b} <br /> ".�vi�onr�ta�L�"means f�rai�a�vs a�d�av�rs of�ju.ris�ic� w�t�� �s�.�at�d.t� <br /> re��tte�o he�th, saf�ty or envxrnnmenta�.�rot�on;[c} "�vir�rlr�er����"incl�any <br /> act,ian,r�a1 act�on, or�va�a��n, as de�n�d in E�v�ro�ta�I.a�v; and[d}an "�'�v�ra <br /> C'oru�i�ivr�"�eans a�on�.i.t�an that can cau�e,con�hute tc�,ar othervvise tr��ger an Envir�n�enta���ean.up. <br /> B��rr+vwear sha��n�t cause or�ar�m�t the presence,use,claisposa�., �torage, or r�xease of any Haza�rdous <br /> Subs�an.ce�,or t�re�te�n�o release any H�azardous Sub�tan.�es,on ar in the Proper�y. Borrvw�r shalr not�.o, <br /> nor aXlow any�ne e�se tv dv, any�ung aff�n.g the Proper��a]that i.s in v�iv�atxon of any En��onmentax <br /> Law, [�b)whi�h create�s an Environmental Condit�on, or�c]wh�ch,due�a the presen.ce,use, or re�ease of a <br /> Hazart�ou.s Sub�tan.ce, creates a con�ition that ad.�erse��affects the value of the Pro�. The pre�ling tvvo <br /> NEBRASKA Sbzgie Fsm�1�-��nnie MaelFre�te M�c UN�FQ1�lV!INSTRUMEMT ��as z�o� <br /> VMP Q VMRBiNE�t9 302� <br /> 1Nokers Kluwer�Servi�es Page 9 3 of'f 7 <br />