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� ��15��44� <br /> to Borrflwer. Any natice pra�ided for in th�s Se�uri�Znstrument sha11 be�eemed��ha�e�e�n g�ven�o Borrow�r <br /> or Lender�vhen given as pr�vided�n�his paragraph. <br /> Go�erning Law; Severabili�y,This Secur�ty�nstrume�t shal�be go�erned�by fed�ral lav�and�he Iaws of�he state <br /> of Nebraska. �n �he even� that any provision or �lause of this S�cur�ty �nstrument or �he N�te confli�ts vvlth <br /> Appli�able Law,such confli��shal�no�aff�c�o�her provisions�f�his Securi�y�nstrument or the No�e which can b� <br /> gi�en effec�wi�haut the canfl�c�ing pr�v�sion. Ta�hxs end�he pravisians of�hrs Securi�y �ns�rumen�and the Note <br /> are declared to be se�erab�en <br /> Borrowerts Copy.B�rraw�r shall be giWen one��py of this S�cur��y Instrum�n�. <br /> Transfer of th�Property or a Bene��ia�In�erest in Borrower. If a�l or any par�of the Proper�y flr any interest <br /> �n it is sold or transferred �or if a beneficial interest in Borrower is sold or transferred and Bflrrower is not a <br /> natura� persan� unless �he Na�e shows �hat Borrower's laan is assumab�e, Lender may, at its aption, require <br /> zmmed�a�e payment �n fu�I af aI� sums secured L�� th�s Secur��y �nstrument. However, this �ption shal� not be <br /> ex�rc�sed by Lender if exerrise is proh�brted by f�deral �aw as of the da�e �f this Secur��y�nstrum�n�. �f�he No�e <br /> shaws that Borrov�er's I�an i.s assumable,Borrowe�-must obtarn L�nder's writ�en permzssion f4r an assump�ion and <br /> fol�ow any o�her requiremen�s of Lend�r re�ated to an assump�ion. If Borrower daes na�do s�,Lender may requ�re <br /> �mmedia�e paymen��n fu��of a�I�ums secured by�his Security�nstrument. <br /> If L�nder exercrses this apt��n, Lender shal� giv� Barrower no�zce of a�celera��an. The not�ce shal� pro��de a <br /> period of not less �han �he �nzn�mum num�ber of days es�ablished by App�icab�e Lav� from the da�e �he natice is <br /> d�l7vered ar mailed tivi�hin v�hi�h Barrower m�.us� pay a�� sums secured by �his Security �nstrumen�. �f Bnrrower <br /> faz�s �n pay these sums priar to th� expira��on of this perxod, L�nder may �nvoke any remedies permit�ed �y this <br /> Security�ns�rument withau�fu.r�her natice or dema�d on Borro��r. <br /> Borrower's Right to Rexn�tate. If Borrower mee�s �erta�n cond���on�, Borrower shall ha�e the r�ght to ha�e <br /> �nforcement af this Secur�t�� �ns�rument discantinued a� any�im� prior�o the earlier of: �a� 5 days �or such o�her <br /> per�od as Appl�cabie Law may specify for reins�atemen��before sa��of the Property pursuant�o any power of sale <br /> c�ntaxned in this Security Instrumen�; or �b) entry of a judgmen� enforcing this Security �nstrument. Thase <br /> conditions ar� �ha� Borrav��r: �a} pays Lender al� sums which then �vou�d be due un.d�r�his Security zns�rument <br /> and�he Note as �f no ac�el�ra��on had occurr�d; �b� cures any default of an� o�her covenants or agreements; �c} <br /> pays a�l�xp�nses incurred in enforcing this S��uri�y Instrumen�, including,but not limi�ed�o,reasonable at�orneys' <br /> fees to�he extent perm�t�ed hy law; and�d�takes such action as Lender may reasona�Iy require�o assure�hat�he <br /> lien of�his Secur��y Instrum�nt, Lender's r�ghts in�he Pr�per�y and Borro�ver's obl�gation to pay th� sums secured <br /> by �hrs Security Instrumerit shall c�ntinue unchanged. Upon reinsta�emen�by BorroWer, �his Security �ns�rumen� <br /> and the ob�igati�ns se�ured her�by shall remain fully effective as if no a�ce�era��an had occurred. Howe�er, this <br /> righ�to r�ins�ate sha��no�apply in�he case af accelerat�on under the sect�an�i��ed Transfer of the Property or a <br /> �enef�cia�Interes�in�orr�wer. <br /> Sale of Note �hange vf L�an Ser�icer. The N�te or a par�ial �zaterest in the No�e �t�gether v�ith �his Se�urzty <br /> �nstrument)may b� sald on� or more txmes vvi�haut prz�r natice ta Borra�ver. A sale may resul��n a change in�he <br /> en�ity �known as the "Loan Ser��cer"� that �oi�e�ts per�o�ic payments due under the Note and th�s S�cur��y <br /> �ns�rumen�.There alsa may�e ane or more change�af the Loan Ser��cer unrelated�o a sale of the Note.If�here is <br /> a change of the Loan Servic�r, Barrov�er v�rxll�e g�ven wri�ten no�ice of the change in accordan�e w��h�he section <br /> t�tled Notiees and Applicab�e Lavu�. The na���e wr�l s�a�e the nam� and address of�he new Loan S�rv�cer and the <br /> address to vvh�ch payments should be made. The not�ce w�Il also con�a�n any other �nforma�ian requ�red by <br /> Applicable Lav�. <br /> Hazardous Substance�. Barrow�r shal�nat cause ar perm�t the presence,use, disposal, starage, or release of any <br /> Hazardous Subs�ances on ar in the ProperCy.Barrawer sha��not do,nar a��av�anyone e�se�o do,an�thrng affec�ing <br /> �he Praper�y �ha� is in v�ala�x�n af an� Enviranmen�a� Law. The preceding tvv� sen�ences shall not apply to �he <br /> presence,use,or storage on�he Proper�y�f small quant�t�es of Hazard�us Subs�ances are generally rec�gnized <br /> to be apprapriate ta normal res�den�ia�uses and��maintenance of the Property. <br /> Borrav�er sha��promp�ly g�v�e Lender writ�en n���ce�f any in�estigati�n, c1a�.m,demand, Iawsui�or�ther ac��on by <br /> any go�ernmen�al or regula�ory agency or privat� par�y in�alving �he Proper�y and any Hazardous Subs�ance or <br /> Envir�n�nental Lavv of v�hich Borrflvver has a�tua� �nowledge. �f Borravver �earns, or is notif ed by any <br /> go��rnmen�a�or regula�ory au�horzty,tha�any removal or ather remedia�ian af any Hazardous Subs�ance affe�t�ng <br /> the Pr�perty �s necessar�, Borrawer shall pramp��y �ake a�l n�c�ssary remed�al act�ons Yx� accordan�e vv�th <br /> En��ronmenta�Lavt�. <br /> As use�l in�his paragraph, "Hazaxdous Substances" are those substances def�ned as�ox�c or hazardous subs�ances <br /> by Envzronmenta� Law and the fol�owing substances: gasoline, kerosene, o�her flammab�e or toxic petroleum <br /> products, tox�� pest�cides and her�xcxdes, volatxle solwents, mat�rxaXs contain�ng asbest�s or formaidehyde, and <br /> radioac�ive mater�a�s.As us�d�n this paragraph, "Env�rnnmental Law"m�ans federa��aws and lavvs�f the state of <br /> Nebraska�hat rela�e ta health,safet��r environmen�a�pro�ec��on. <br /> Acce�erat�on; Rem�d�es, Lender shall give no��ce #o Borrower pr�or to ac�eleration followir�g B�rr�wer's <br /> breaeh of any co�enant or agreement in th�s S��urity Instrument �bu� not pr�or to a��e�era�fon under the <br /> se�t�on tit�ed Transfer�f the Prvp�r�y or a Beneficial Interest fn Borrower,un�ess Applicable Lav�pra�ides <br /> otherwise}. The not�ce sha�i spec�fy: �a� the default; �b� the action re�u�red to cure �he default; �c� a da�e, <br /> not�ess than the minirnum number of days �stablished by Applica�Ie Law fram the dat�the notice �s gi�en <br /> �o Borraw�r, by which �he default mu�� be cure�; and �d) that failure ta cure the default on or before the <br /> dat� specified �n the notice may result �n ac�e�erat�an of#he�ums secured by th�� Secur�ty Instrurn�nt and <br /> 9 24Q4-2413 Cam�Iiance Systems,�nc.9F96-fl�4Q-ZOl3L2,4.72I <br /> Consumer Rea�Estate-Security Tnstrument DL2435 Page�4 aF 5 wwti� <br />