<br /> Payment�f Principai and I�terest; Cl�her Charge5.Bflrrower shall pramp��y pay v�hen due the prin�ipal�f and
<br /> interes�an the deb�ovved under�he C�ntract and la�e charg�s or any other fees and�ha.rges due under the�ontra�t.
<br /> Appiica�ble La�v. As used �n �h�s Security �nstrument, the �erm "App��cable Lav�" shaX� mean all �ontro�l�ng
<br /> appl�cable federal, s�a�e and laca� statutes, r�gu�a�ians, ordinanc�s and administra���e ru�es and�rders ��ha.t have
<br /> �he effect of 1aw�as wel�as a�1 applicable fina�,non-app�alable jud�cia�opin��ns. .
<br /> Charges� L�ens. Borrower sha11 �ay a�l taxes, assessments, charges, fnes and �mpositions attribu�able to �he
<br /> Pr�perty which may a�tain priority��er�his SeCurity Instrument, and leasehold pay�nen�s or graund rents, �f any.
<br /> A�the request of Lender,B�rrower sha�l pron�ptly furn�sh to Lender re�eipts ev�dencing�he paymen�s.
<br /> Borrfl�ver sha�1 prorn�ptly discharge any ��en wh�ch has pr�ority a�rer this Securi�y instrument unless Borrower: (a}
<br /> agrees in wri�ing to �he payment �f the abli�ation secur�d by the lien in a manner ac�eptable �o Lender; �b}
<br /> contests i.n good fa��h �he li�n by, �r defemds a�a�ns� enforcen�ent of�he 1�en �n, lega� pro�eedings �vh�ch 1n�he
<br /> Lender's opin�on operate �o pre�en� the enforcemen� �f the lien; ar �c� s�cures from the halder �f th� lien an
<br /> agreemen�satisf.actory�fl Lender subord�nating�he �ien to th�� Security Instrumen�. If Lender determir�es that any
<br /> par�of�he Proper�y is su�ject to a l�en v�hich may atta�n priarit� over this Security�nstrument, Lender may g�ve
<br /> Borr�wer a notice �den�ify��g�he �ien. Borr��er sha�l satisfy�he l�en or take one or more flf the a�tions s��forth
<br /> above with�n �.�days of�h�g���n�of no�ic�.
<br /> Hazard �r Pr�perty Insur�nce. Bflrrower shal�keep th� �rnpr��emen�s n�w exis�ing ar hereafter�rected�n the
<br /> Propert�insured agains��oss by fire,ha2ards included wi�hin the term"e��ended coverage" and any other hazards,
<br /> �n�luding fl�ads or flfl�ding, for which L�nder requires insurance. This insuranc� sha11 be main�ained �n the
<br /> amaunts and for fihe peri�ds�ha�Lender requires. The�.nsurance�arrier providix�g the�nsura.nce sha11 be chosen by
<br /> B�rrowe� sub�ec� �o Lend�r's approval which shal� no� be unre�.s�nably v�ri�hhe�d. �f Borrower fa��s t� mainta�n
<br /> co�erage des�r�bed above, Lender may, a� Lender's aption, �b�tain co�era�e t� pro�ec� Lender's righ�s in �he
<br /> Property�n accordance with sec���n ti�led Protectian of Lend�r'S Rights in the Property.
<br /> A�1 insurance po�i��es and renewals sha�l be a�cep�able to Lender and sha�l inc�ude a standard mt�rtgage c�ause.
<br /> Lender shall have the right��ha�d the p�licies and renev�als. �f Lender requires, Borrov�er sha�l pr�mp�Iy g��e to
<br /> Lender all rece�pts of pa�d p�emiums and renewa�no�i�es. Yn the e�en�flf�oss, B�rrower�hal1 gi�re promp�noti�e
<br /> �o the�nsuran�e carr�er and L�nder.Lender may make pro�f�f loss zf n�t made promptly by Borrovv�r.
<br /> Un�ess Lender and Borr�wer otherwise agree in �vr�ting, insurance pro�eeds sha�� b� app�ied to restora�i�n �r
<br /> repa�r �f�he Property damabed, �f, in Lender's sole�discre�ion, the restoration or repair is econom�cally feasible
<br /> and Lender's security is no� lessen�d. �f, in Lender's sole discre��on, �he restorati�n �r repair is n��econ�m.ica�ly
<br /> feasible ar Lender's security wou�d be lessened;the�nsurance pr�ceeds sha�l be app�ied�a�he sums se�ured by this
<br /> Secur�ty �nstrumen�, whe�h�r flr not �hen due, with any e�cess paid to Borrav�er. If Borrower aband�ns �he
<br /> Pr�perty,�r does n�t answer�srith�ri�he number of days prescribed by Applicab�e Law as se�for�h in a n�tice from
<br /> Lender tv Borr�wer�ha��he insurance �anr�er has �ffered to set�le a claim,then Lender may c�ilect the �nsurance
<br /> pr�ce�ds. Lender may use the praceeds to repair or restore th� Property ar�o pay sums secured hy this Security
<br /> �nstr�umen�,whether or not then due. The period flf time for B�rrower�o ansvver as se��for�th in the n�t�ce will beg�n
<br /> when th�notice is given.
<br /> Unless Lender and Borrov�er o�herwise agree in writing, any app�i�at�on af proGeeds�Q principal shal�not ex�end
<br /> or postp�ne the due date of�he payments due unde�the Con�rac�or change�he amvunt�f the payments. �f under
<br /> the sec�ion titled Acee�erat�on; Remedies, the Pr�perty is acquired by Lender, Borrower's righ��o any insurance
<br /> policies and proceeds result�ng from damage to the Proper�y pr��r�o �he acquisition shall pass to Lender tfl �he
<br /> ext�n��f the su�ns se�ured by�h�s Secur�ty�nstrument immedia�ely pr�or to the acquisition.
<br /> Preservation, Maintenanc� and Protection �f the Propert�; Borrower�s Lvan Applicatrar�; Lea�eh��ds.
<br /> Borrower shal�not des�roy, damage flr�nlpair�he Proper�y, all��v�he Prflperty to de�eriorate, flr coxn.mi��v�ras�e on
<br /> �he P�op��y.B�rrawer shall be�n defau��if any forfei�ure action or pro�eeding,whe�her civi��r crim�nal, �s begun
<br /> �hat in Lender's good faith�udgmen� could result �n f�rfeiture vf the Proper� or o�herwise ma�erial�y impair the
<br /> l�en cre�.ted by �his Se�urity Instrumen� �r Lender's security interes�. B�rrower may cure su�h a defaul� and
<br /> reinstate, as provided�n sec�ion�it�ed B�rrvvver's Righ� to R�insta�e, by�aus�ng the act�on or proceed�ng to be
<br /> dismissed with a rul�ng that,�n Lender's g�od faith deterrn�nat�on,precludes forfeiture❑f�he Borrawer's interes��n.
<br /> the Prop�r� or o�her mater�a� �mpa�r�me�t of�he l�en crea�ed by �his Securi�y �ns�rumen� or Lender's se�urity
<br /> �n�erest.Borrower sha�l also�e in defau���f Borrov�er,during th�loan appl�cation pracess,gaWe ma$erial�y faXse vr
<br /> �naccura�� informa�i�n or s�a�emen�s �a Lender �or failed ta p��vide Lender w��h any ma�erial infarmation� in
<br /> c�nnection wi�h the �oan evidenced by the �on�ract. If this Security Instrumen� �s on a leaseh��d, �orrovver sha��
<br /> comply with all the provisi�ns af the�ease. If Barr�wer acquires fee txtle to the Froperty,the leaseh�ld and the fee
<br /> title sha�1 nat merge un�ess Lender�.grees to�he merger�n wrxting.
<br /> Prate��i�n of Lender�s k�ghts i� the Prop�rty. If Borrovver fai�s to perform the co�venants and agreemen�s
<br /> c�ntained in this Security�nstrumen�, �r�here is a legal proceeding�hat may signifi�an�ly affe�t Lender's rights in
<br /> the Praperty �such as a proceeding in bankruptc�, probate, far condemnat�on or forf��ture or to enforce Xavvs or
<br /> �egula���ns�, then Lender may do and pay far �ha��v�r is necessary to protec� the value �f the Property and
<br /> Lender's r�ghts in the Proper�y.Lender's actions may inc�ude pa�ing any surn.s secured by a lien wh�ch has prior�ty
<br /> a��r this Security Znstrumer��, appear�ng�n�ourt,pay�ng reasonah�e attorneys'f.ees and entering on�he Properry to
<br /> make repa�rs.Al�hough Lender may take a�tion under this sec�ivn,Lender does not ha�e�o do so.
<br /> Any amounts dxsbursed by L.ender under th�s section sha11 �ecome addi�ional debt of Burro�er se�ured by �h�s
<br /> Secur�ty Ins�i u.men�. Un�ess B�rr�wer and Lender agree �� vther �erms of paymen�, these amounts shall bear
<br /> �2��4-2�I4 CampIiance Systerns,�nc.FI]6fl-9F4I]-2Q l 3L2.10.�.895
<br /> Co�surner Real Estate-Security Tnstrument DL2Q36 Page 2❑f 5 www.campIiancesystems.�arn
<br />