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��15��3�4 <br /> Transfer�f the Prap�r�y or a Beneficial Int�rest in Barro�ver. �f all or any par�of the Property or any in�eres� <br /> in it is s��d �r transferred �or if a ber�eficial in�eres� in BorrQwer is sold vr transferred and Borrower is no� a <br /> natural persfln} �vithout Lender's pr�or v�ritten cansent, Lender may, a� its opt;xon, require �mmedia�e payment �n <br /> full af a1� sums secured by �his Secur�ty Ins�rument. �owever, �h�s option s:ha�� no� be exercised by L�nd�r if <br /> e�ercise�s prohxbited�y federa��avv as of the date of�his S�curity�nstrument. <br /> �f Lender exercises this op��on, Lender sha11 gi�re Barrower nfltice af acce����ation. The n����e shall pravide a <br /> period of no� less �han �he minimum number of days es�ab�ished by App�ica��le La�r firom the da�e the notice is <br /> delivered or mai�ed v�i�hin which Borrov�er mus� pay al� sums secured by �h��s Securit� �nstrument. �f Borrovver <br /> fails to pay these sums prior to the expira���n �f�his peri�d, Lender may inv�ol�e any r�medies permi�t�d by this <br /> Security�ns�rumen�c wi�hout fur�her notice ar demand on Borrawer. <br /> Borr�wer's �tight t� laeins�a�e. If Borro�rer meets cer�a�n cond����ns, �3arrovt�er shall have the r�gh� to have <br /> enfarcemen� of�his S�curity Instrumen� disc�n�inued at an�time pr��r to the earlier of �a} 5 days �or such ather <br /> per�ad as Appi�cable Law may specify for reins�a�ement}b�fore sale of the Prc3perty pursuan�to any p�wer of sale <br /> con�ained �n th�s Security �nstrumen�; or �b} entry of a �udgmen� enforc�r.�g this Security �ns�rurx�ent. Those <br /> cond��i�ns are �ha� Borrower: �a� pays Lender a�� sums wh�ch then wau�d be due under this Secur�ty Instrument <br /> and the�on�ract as if n�accelera��on had occurred;�b�cures any defaui�of an�,�other co���an�s or agreemen�s;�c} <br /> pays a�l expenses incurred in enforcing�his Securi�y Ins�rumen�, �ncluding,bu�not�imi�ed to,reasanab�e at�orneys' <br /> fees to the ex�en�perm��ted l�y Iaw; and�d}�akes su�h act��n as Lender may�•eas�nably require to assure that the <br /> l�en of�h�s Securit�y Instrument, Lender's rights in�he P�operty and B�rrower'��Qbligation�o pay�he sums secured <br /> by�his Security Ins�rumen� sha�l con�inue unchanged. Upon re�ns�a�ement by B�rrower, �his Security �ns�rumen� <br /> and the obli�ations secured hereby sha�i remain fu�1y effec�ive as if no a�cel�;ra�i�n had occurred. Hawever, this <br /> r�gh�to re�nstate shal�no�app�y in the case�f acce�era�ian under�he sec�ion ti�tl�d Transfer of the Praperty or a <br /> Beneficia�Interest i���rr��ver. <br /> Hazard�us �ubstances.B�rrov�er sha�1 not cause ar perm���he presence,use, disposa�, st�rage, �r release of any <br /> Hazardous Subs�ances�n or�n the Proper�y.Barr�v5rer sha�l no�do,n�r al�aw��.nyane else��do,anything affecting <br /> the Praper�y tha� �s in vi�la��on of any En�ir�nrn�r�ta� La�v. The preced�ng two sentences shall not app�y �o �he <br /> presence,use,�r st�rage�n the Pr�perry of sma11 quan����es af Ha�ardous Sub.stances that are general�y rec�gnized <br /> ��be appropriate�o norrnal residen�cia�uses and�o maintenance of�he Prflper�y. <br /> B�rr�wer shaxl prompt�y give Lender written noti�e of any�n�restiga�ion,clairr�,demand,lawsu��or other ac�i�n by <br /> any go�ernmen�al ar regu�a�flry age�c� ar pr��at� party ir�v�l�ing the Fropex�ty and any Hazardaus Substanc� ar <br /> Environm�nfal Law �f which Borrflwer has actual kn���edge. �f B�rro�w�r iearns, ar is na�if�ed by any <br /> governmenta�or regulatar�autharity,tha�any remaval ar other remedia��an o f any Hazardous Subs�ance affecting <br /> �he Pr�perty �s necessary, B�rr�v�er shall pramp�ly take a11 necessary remedYa� act�ons in accordance �ith <br /> En�ironmental La�. <br /> As used in th�s paragraph, "Hazardaus Substances" are�hose subs�ances defi��ed as t�xi� �r hazardous substances <br /> b� En��rflr�men�al Lav� and the f��Iowing substances: gaso��ne, kerosene, ��ther f[ammable vr to��c petroieum <br /> praducts, �ox�c pest�cides and herbicides, vo�ati�e so�ven�s, materia�s can�ai:ning asbes�os or formaidehyde, and <br /> rad�aac��ve materiaXs.1�s usec��n th�s paragraph, "En��ronrxien�al Law"means federa��av�s and�aws of the s�a�e flf <br /> Nebraska that re�ate�o health,safety or en�ir�nmen�al pro�e�ti�n. <br /> Accelera�ion; Rem�dies. Lender shall gi�e notice to Barrawer pr�nr �� .acce�era��on foilow�ng �3arrower's <br /> brea�h of any ca��nan�❑r agr�emen�in �his Se�ur�ty Instrument ar the t�ontract under wh�ch acce�Qration <br /> i� p�rmi#ted (bu�nmt pri�r ta ac���eration u�der the section t�tled Transfer Qf the Praperty or a Beneficial <br /> Interes� in �orrow�r, unless A�plicabie Law pr�vides o�herv�vise�. The not�ce shall spec�fy; (a� the default; <br /> �b) the acti�n requir�d tfl �ure the defau�t; [c} a �ate, n�� les� �ha:n the minimum number �f days <br /> e�tabl�shed hy Appl�ca�le I�aw from the date the notice i5 g�ven to Bnrrower, by�hi�h fhe defaul�mus�be <br /> �ured; and [d� that fa�lur� �v cu�e the def�ult an or before ��e date sp�ecified in the �atice �m.ay resu�t �n <br /> acce�eration of the sums secured by this Security Instrument and 5ale ❑f �he Proper�y. T� the extent <br /> perm�tted by law, �he �oti�e shall further inform Borrnvver of the r�gh�to re�nstate after acce�erati�n and <br /> the righ���bring a cvurt ac�ion ta assert the non-�exist�nce of a default oir any ofh�r d�fense af Borrower ta <br /> acce��ration and sal�. If the d�faul� is not cured �n or befare �h�da�e s��e�i�ed in the noti�e, Lender at it� <br /> op�ion may requ�r� immediate payment in full af a�� sums s�cured by thi� Security Instrument without <br /> further d�mand and may in�oke th� paw�r af sale and any other remec�ies perm��ted b� Appiicable Law. <br /> To �h� extent permitt�d by law, Lender shal� be entitled �v c�liect a11 +vxpense5 incurred in pursuing the <br /> remedies provided �n th�s Section, including, but not�i�nited to, rea�ona�rl�attarneys' fees and ��sts of tit�e <br /> ev�dence. <br /> If the �o�er of sale �s �n�okQd,Trustee shail recard a n�tice of default i�� each county in whi�h �ny part af <br /> �he Property is located and shali mai� copies of such notice in �he manner prescribed by Appl�cable Law to <br /> Barrower and �a �he o�h�r persons prescribed b� Applicable Law. Aft�r the tim� requir�d by App��cable <br /> Law, Trustee shall gi�e pub�ic not�ce of sa�Q to the p�rson5 and in the manner �r�scr�bed by App�icable <br /> Law. Trustee,yv�thout demand on �3arrawer,sha�l seli�he�'rop�r�y a�puhlic auc�in�to �he highest bidder <br /> a�the tim�and place and under the tQrm�designated i�the notice of sa���in one o�nr�or�parcels and�n any <br /> order '�'rustee determines. Trus�ee may postpone sale ❑f a�� or any �arcei af th�e Praperty by public <br /> announcem�nt a�fhe t�me and �lace nf any pre�inusly scheduied sale.L��nder or�ts designee m�y purchase <br /> the�rnperty at any sa�e. <br /> Upon receipt ❑f pag�ment of the pric� bid, Trustee shall de�i�er t� the p�urchaser Trus�ee's deed c�n�eying <br /> the Praper�y. The recitals in the TruS�ee's de�d �hall �e prima fa�ie e��d�enc��f,�he�ruth of the statements <br /> C�2��4-2a 14 Comp}iance 5ystems,Inc.FD50-DOB 1-2D 13L2.I Q.I.895 <br /> Cansurner Reat Estate-Security Tr�strument DL2a3b Page 4 of S v;rww.�orr� <br />