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��15��3�4 <br /> Payment of Principal and Interest; �ther Charges.Borrav�er sha11 pr�mp��y�pay when due the prin�ipal af and <br /> interes�on�he deb�owed under�he Contract and Iate charges or any other fees��nd charges due under�he C�n�ract. <br /> App�icable Law. As used �n �his Security �nstrument, the ter�m "Appl�cabl�; Law" sha�l mean a�� cantrolling <br /> applicable federal, s�a�e and ��ca� s�a�utes, regu�a�ians, ordinances and adm�n�:�trat�ve ru�es and flrders (�ha�ha�e <br /> the effec�of�a�v�as we��as a1�app�icab�e fnal,non-appealable�udicxal op�n�ons. <br /> �har �s• Y�iens. Borrower shall pay all �axes, assessments, charges, f nes ��nd�impos���ons attr�butable �� �he <br /> g � � . <br /> Praperty v�hich may at�ain pr�ority over this Security Instrument, and Ieaseha�c�paymen�s or ground ren�s, if any. <br /> At the request of Lender, Borrower shall prompt�y furnish tt�Lender recelpts evide�.�ing the payments. <br /> Borr�v�er shall pr�mpt�y d�scharge any l�en which has prior��.y��er th�s Securi�y Instru�ent unless Borrower: �a} <br /> agrees in �riting to the paymen� of th� ob�igatian secured by the lien in a manner accep�ab�e �o Lender; �b� <br /> c�ntests in good faith the �ien b�, �r defends aga�nst enforcement of the lien in, legal pr�c�edings vvhich in�he <br /> Lender's �pin�on operate �o pre�ent the enforcement af the tien; or �c� s�cures fr�m the h�lder of the ��en an <br /> agreement satisfac�ory�a Lender subordinating the I�en t��his Security �ns�rurnent. �f Lender determines�hat any <br /> par� of the Prope� is subjec�to a lien vvhich may a�ta�n pr�ority o�er�h�s 5���.uril.y �ns�rument, Lender may g��e <br /> Borr�wer a no�i�e �dentifying the l�en. S�rrovrrer�hall sa�isfy�he �ien or take f�ne or mflre �f�h� ac��ans set f�rth <br /> above w��hin 1�days af�he giWing�f no��ce. � <br /> Hazard ar Property Insurance. Borrflwer shall keep th� impro�ements nov�ex�s�zng�r hereafter erected on the <br /> Pr�p�r�y insured against loss by f re,ha�ards inciuded v�ri�hin the�erm"ex�end�.d coverage" and any o�her ha�ards, <br /> inciudi�g f��ods or fl�oding, for vvhich Lender requ�res lnsuranc�. Th�s in.�urance sha�l be main�ained in �he <br /> amounts and for�he periads tha�Lender requires. The�nsurance carrier prov�d�ing the insurance shal�be chosen by <br /> Borro�v�r subj ect tQ Le�der's approva� vc�hich sha�l nat be ur�reas��ably �vithheld. �f��rr�v�rer fails ta mainta�n <br /> coverage descri�b�d ab�ve, Lender may, at Lender's �ptian, obtain coverage to pr��ec� Lender's righ�s in th� <br /> Proper�y in accordan�e with se�tion ti��ed Protectinn❑f Lender's R�ghts in t�:e Proper�y. <br /> Ail insurance pol�cies and r�newa�s shall be acceptable �o Lender and shal� ��clud� a standard martigage �Iause. <br /> Lender shall haWe the ri�h�to hold�he p�liCies and renewals. �f Lender requir�Us, Borrower sha�l promp�ly gi�e�� <br /> Lender all receipts of paid prem�ums and renewa�no��ces. �n the even�of i�ss, Borrower sha��give prompt n��ice <br /> t��he�nsurance carrier and Lender.Lender may make pr�of�f lass if no�madf;prompt��by Barrovver. <br /> Un�ess Lender and Sorrov�er a�he�-�v�se agree �n writ�ng, �nsuran�e proceed,� shall be app�ied to rest�rati�n or <br /> repair �f the Property damaged, if, in Lender's soie d�scre���n, the res�oratia�� �r repa�r is economical�y feas��Ie <br /> and Lender's security is no� I�essened. If, in Lender's sole d�scret�on, �he rest�rat�on or repa�r �s nat e�onomi�a�Iy <br /> feasible or Lender's se�u�rity w�u�d be�essened,�he insuranc�pr�c�eds shall�b��applied t�the sums se�ured by this <br /> Security �nstrument, whether or no� �hen due, v���h any e�c�ss paid ta Bc�rrov�er. If �orrower aband�ns the <br /> Pr�perty,or daes nat ans`nrer v�ithin the number of days pres�r�bed by Applicable La�v as set far�h in a no�i�e from <br /> Lender to �3orrawer that�he insuran�� carrier has off�red�� se�tle a�Iaim, th��n Lender m.ay c���e�t the insurance <br /> proceeds. Lender may use �he prflceeds to repair or res�are �he PrQperty or��� pay sums secured by th�s Secur��y <br /> Instrument,wh�ther ar not�hen due.The period�f�ime for Borra�rer tfl answer as set farth�n th�not�ce w�ll begin <br /> v�hen�he nol�ice is g��en. <br /> Un�ess Lender and Borrower othervsrise agree in wri�ing, any applica�i�n�f p�•aceeds t�principal shal�not ex�end <br /> or p�s�pone the due da�e of the paymen�s due under�he C�ntrac�ar change�he amount of the paymen�s. If under <br /> �the section titled Ac�eleratian; R.�medie�, the Proper�y is a�quired by Lend�,r, Borrovver's r�ght�t� any insurance <br /> p�l�cies and prflceeds resul�ing from damage �o the Praper�y prior�o the a�c�u�si�ion shal� pass to Lender �o the <br /> extent�f the sums secured by�his Securi�y�nstrumen�irnmedia�el�prior t��he acquzsi�ion. <br /> Preservat�on, Ma�ntenance and Pra�ec#ion af the Pr�perty; �arrawer'S Lvan App�ication; L�aseh��ds. <br /> Borrow�r shall not des�roy, damage or impair�he Pr�per�y, a�low the Prapert;y�� de�er�orate, or c�mm�t waste on <br /> the Praperty. Borrav�er sha�l be in default�f any forfei�ure a���o�ar proceedin�,whether civil or cr�mina�,is hegun <br /> that in Lender's goad faith judgment cauld resu�� �n forfei�ure of the Proper�y ar ��herv�ise material�y impair the <br /> lien created by �his Se�uri�y Ins�rument or Lender's s�cur�ty �nterest. Borrower may �ure such a defaui� and <br /> reinstat�, as pro�ided in sec�ion titled Borrower's R�ght to Re�nstate, by caus�ng�he act�on ar proceeding�a be <br /> dismissed��th a ru�ing tha�, in Lender's goad fa��h de�e�-minativn,precludes fcfrfeiture�f the Borrovs�er's interes��n <br /> the Praperty or other mater�a� �mpairment of�he ��en creat�d by this Se�uar�ty Instrumen� or Lender's security <br /> interest.Borro�er sha��a�sa�e�n default if Borrov�rer,during the�oan app�ication pro�ess,ga�e m�a�eria�ly fa�se or <br /> inaccurate �.nfarmation �r statements ta Lender �flr failed ta provide Lender �ith a�y �at�r�al informa���n} in <br /> connection v���h�he loan evidenced by the �ontract. If this S�curity �nstrume.n� �s on a leas�h�ld, B�rrav�er sha�X <br /> c�mp�y with a11 the pr�vis�ans of the lease. If Borrower acquires fee tit�e��the Proper�.y,the Ieasehold and�he fee <br /> �i��e sha1�no�m�rge unless Lender agrees to the�nerger in wr���ng. <br /> Protecti�n of Lender�s R�ghts in the Property. �f Borrower fails to per:Earrn the �o�enants and agreements <br /> canta�ned in this Securi�y�nstrurnent, �r�he�-e is a lega� p�-oceeding�hat may aignificant�y affec�Lender's r�gh�s in <br /> the Pr�p�rty �such as � proceeding �n bankrup�c�, pr�bate, f�r condemria��a�1 or forfeiture or to enf�rce lavvs or <br /> regulatxons�, �hen Lender may do and pay for wha�eyer is necessary to pro�ect the value af�he ProperCy and <br /> Lender's righ�s in�he Pr�perty.Lender's a�ti�ns may in��ude pa�ing any sums secured by a l�en which has prior�ty <br /> oWer th�s Securi�Ins�rument, appear�ng in court,paying reas�nable at�orneys'fees and entering on the Fraper�y�� <br /> mak�repairs.Alth�ugh Lender may take a���on under�his sec�i�n, Lender do�.s no�have�o da so. <br /> Any amounts disbursed by Lender under �hxs sec�ion shal� become add��ion a1 deh� Qf Bvrr�wer secured by th�s <br /> Securifiy Instrumen�. Un�ess Barrovver and Lender agre� to other �erms of paymen�, �these am�un�s shall bear <br /> Q 2004-2Q 14 Camp�iance Systems,Inc.FD6Q-DOB 1-2�13L2.1 Q.1.895 <br /> Consumer Real Estate-Security Instrument DL2�3d Page�of 5 www.compliancesysterns.�am <br />