<br /> DEED �F TRUST
<br /> Loan Nn: '[�12549�5 ���ntinued� Page S
<br /> Dacuments �o Trustee or Lender or to which ei�her ❑fi them may be ❑therwis� enfiitled, may be ex�rcised,
<br /> concurt�en�ly or independently, from time t❑ �ime and as ❑ften as may b� de�med expedien� by Trustee or Lender,
<br /> and ei�her of them may pursue in��nsist�n� remedies. No�hing in �his ❑eed of Trust sha�� he cons�rued as
<br /> proh€b�ting Lender from seeking a deficisncy�udgmen�agains�the Trustar ta'the extent such ac�ion is permit�ed by
<br /> law. Election hy Lender to pursue any remedy shall nflt exclude pursui� ❑f any other remedy, and an election fa
<br /> make expendi�ures �r to take ac�i�n to perf�rm an ❑bligation of Trus�or under this ❑eed of Trus�, afiter Trustor's
<br /> taiture�o perform, shall not af�ect Lender's right fi❑ dec[are a de�auit and exercise its remedies.
<br /> Reques#for Noti��. Trustar, ❑n behalf of Trustor and Lender, her�by requests that a capy of any No�ice��❑efault
<br /> and a copy ❑f any No�ice of Sa[� under this Deed ❑f Trust be mailed �o them at the addresses set�Forfih irr th� firs�
<br /> paragraph❑f�his Deed o�Trust.
<br /> Attorneys' Fees; Expenses. If Lender ins�itufies any sui'� ❑r activn to enfar�e any ❑� the terms ❑f �his ❑�ed of
<br /> Trust, Lender shall be entitled �o rec�ver such sum as �he court may adjudge reasanable as a��orneys' f�es at trial
<br /> and upon any appeal. Whether or na� any court a��ion is inWaf�ed, and to fihe extent nat prohibi�ed by [aw, al[
<br /> reasonabl� exp�nses Lender in�urs �hat in Lender's vpinion are nec�ssary at any �ime �or �rhe protection ❑f its
<br /> interest❑r the en�orcement o�its rights shall hecome a par�o-F the Indebtedness payable ❑n demand and shall bear
<br /> interest at the No�e rate�rom�khe date of�he expenditure until repaid. Expenses coWered by this paragraph include,
<br /> withau� limi�a�ion, howe�er subject t� any limi�s under applicable law, L�nder's at�orn�ys` fees and Lender's �ega[
<br /> �xpenses, wh��her ❑r no� �here is a jawsuit, includin� attarneys' fiees and expenses �For bankruptcy proceedings
<br /> {including etfi�rts t� modi�y or Wacate any automatic stay❑r inJunctian}, appeals� and any anti�ipa��d past-�udgmenfi
<br /> colleGtion ser�ices, the cost of searching re�ords, ob#aining �itle rep�rts �including fareclasure r�portsf, sur�eyo�s'
<br /> repor�s, and appraisal fe�s, title insurance, and �ees �or �he Trustee, fio �he ex�ent permitted hy app[icable law.
<br /> Trustar alsn will pay any court costs, in additifln�o all o�her sums provided by law.
<br /> Rights af Trusfee. Trus�e�shall ha�e all of the rights and du�ies a�Lender as set forth in this se�tion.
<br /> POINERS AND OgLEGATI�NS �F TRUSTEE. The follawing proWisions rela�ing t❑�he powers and ob�igatians of Trustee
<br /> are par�o�this Deed of Trust:
<br /> Powers vf Trustee. In addition ta all pow�rs �f Trus�ee arising as a mat�er of lavu, Trus�ee shall ha�e the pawer to
<br /> �ake the fallawing actions with respect�o the Prvperty upon the written reques�of Lender and Trus-�or: {a} join in
<br /> preparing and filing a map or pla'� o�F the Real Property,�including th� dedication o� sfiree�s ❑r other rights �a the
<br /> publi�; �h� join in gran�ing any easement or creating any restriction on the Real Property; and {c} join in any
<br /> subordination❑r o�ther agreement affecting�his ❑eed ❑f Trust❑r�he�interes�of Lender under�his Deed ❑f Trust.
<br /> Trustee. Trustee shall meet all qualifications r�quired for Trustee under applicable law. In addition to the righ�s
<br /> and remedfes se� �orth abave, with respec�to all or any part of�he Property, the Trustee shall have �he righ� to
<br /> foreclose by nof�ce and sa(e, and Lender shall ha�e the right ta foreclose by judic�a� to�e�losure, in either case in
<br /> accordan�e wi�h and to the tul[extent pro�ided by applicable law.
<br /> 5u���ssor Trustee. Lender, a'�Lender's opti�n, may from�ime ta�ime app�int a su�cessor Truste�to any Trus�ee
<br /> appvinted under �his Deed �f T�us� by an instrument ex��u�ed and acknowledged by Lender and recorded in �he
<br /> , offics af �he recorder ❑f HALL County, Stat� �� Nebraska. The instrumen� shal� contain, in additian �ko al� vther
<br /> ma��ers required by state law, the names vt the original Lender, Trust�e, and Trustor, �he book and page �or
<br /> comput�r system re�er�nce� vuhere �his Deed of Trus� is recflrded, and the name and address o� the successar
<br /> �rus�ee, and-�h� instrument shall be executed and acknovuledged by all the beneficiaries under this Deed af Trust or
<br /> �heir successors in interest. The suc�essor trustee, without �on�eyan�e of the Properfiy, shall succeed t� all the
<br /> �i�le, power, and du�ies conferr�d upon the Trus�ee in this Deed �f Trus�and by appiicab[e law. This prvicedure for
<br /> subs�i�u�ion o�Trus�ee shall govern to�h�exclusi�n��al�other pro�isions-�or subs�ifut�on.
<br /> N�TICES. Any notice required tfl be gi�en und�r �h�s Deed af Trust, including w�tht�ut Iimitatian any natice af defaul�
<br /> and any notice of sale shall be gi�en in wr�ting, and sha[l be e�tecti�e wh�n actually de(i��red, when ac�ually r�cei�ed
<br /> by�elefa�simile {unl�ss otherwise required by law}, when deposited vuith a nationally recognized o��rnight courier, or, if
<br /> mailed, when depasited in th� United Sta�es mail, as firs�c�ass, certified or r�gis�ered mail pos-�age prepaid, directed to
<br /> �he addresses shown near the beginning of fihis De�d ofi Trust. A[I copies ❑t notices of�oreclosure from �he holder of
<br /> any [iert which has priority over �his ❑eed ❑f Trus� sha�� be sent ta Lender's address, as shown near the beginning of
<br /> this ❑eed ofi Trus�, Any par-�y may change its address for notices under this Deed of Trusfi by gi�ing formal wri�ten
<br /> no�ice �o �he ��her parties, spe�ifying �ha� �he purpose �fi the no�i�e is ta change the party's address. For na�ice
<br /> purpvses, Trus�or agrees to keep Lender intormed at a�[ �imes ❑f Trus�or's current address. L1n�ess ❑therwise p�o�ided
<br /> �r required by law, if there is mvre than one Trus�vr, any notice gi�en by Lender to any Trus�or is deemed t� be no�ice
<br /> given t❑ all Trustars.
<br /> MISCELLANE�US PRC]VISI�NS. Th�fo��awing mis�ellaneaus provisions are a par�o�this D��d of Trust:
<br /> Amendments. This ❑eed ❑f Trust, �agether with any Rela�ed D�cuments, cons�i�utes �he entire understanding and
<br /> agreement a-F�he parties as �o the matters set forth in �his Deed of Trust. N� al�erafiian ❑f or amendment t❑ �his
<br /> Deed ot Trus� sha�l be effecti�e unless gi�en in writing and s�gned by �h� party or par�ies sought to be charged �r
<br /> bound by th� alteration or amendment.
<br /> Annual Repor#s. (f �he Property is used �Far purposes vther than Trustor�s residence, T�ust�r shall furnish ta
<br /> Lender, upon requesfi, a cer�ified s�afiement of net operating incame r�c�i�ed from the Property during Trustar's
<br />