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��15��354 <br /> DEED �F TRUST <br /> Loan No: "1�'I 2$4915 ��ontlnued} Page 8 <br /> repor�s, and appraisal fees, �i�le insurance, and f��s f�r �he Trus�ee, t❑ �h� �xten� permitted by app(icable �aw. <br /> Trus�ar also wil� pay any caur�costs, in additi�n�❑ all other sums provided hy lavu. <br /> Righ�s vf Trustee. T�us�ee shal! ha�e al� af�he righfis and duties �-F Lender as se�forth in this sectivn. <br /> Pfl1NERS AND �BL[�AT[flN5 �F TRUSTEE. The fiv(�owing pro�isions rela�ing ta �he powers and obligations ot Trustee <br /> ar�parf❑f�his Deed of T�ust: <br /> Powers of Trus���. In addi-�i�n�❑ all pvwers o�Trustee arising as a matter o�F la�rv, Trus�ee shal� have�he pawer to <br /> take the �a�(vwing a�tions with respect to the Praper�y upan the wrEtten reques�o� Lender and Trustor: �a} jt�in in <br /> preparing and fi�ing a map or pla� of -�he Rea[ Praperty, includin� �he dedicatfon �� stree�s or flther r�ghts to �he <br /> public; �b� join in granting any easement or creating any resfir�ction an �he Real Praper�y; and {c� jain in any <br /> subord�nation or a�her agreement affecting�his ❑eed ofi Trust or the interes�af Lender und�r�his De�d of Trus�. <br /> Trus�ee. Trus�ee shal! meet aI[ qualifica�ions required far Trustee under applicable law. In addition tv the righ�s <br /> and remedies set forth ahoWe, wi�h respec� to all or any par� a# the Proper�y, the Trustee shall ha�e th� right t❑ <br /> �orec�ose by notice and sale, ancl Lender shall haWe the right to for�cfose by judicia[ foreclasure, in ei�her case in <br /> a�cordance with and t❑th�full�x-�ent pr��ided by applicable law. <br /> Suc��ssor Trus�e�. Lender, at Lender's ❑ption, may�rom time tn '�ime appoint a successar Trusfiee t❑ any Trustee <br /> appainted under this Deed a� Trust by an ins-�rumen� executed and acknowledged by Lender and recorded in -�he <br /> ofifiice of �he recard�r o-F HALL Caunty, 5tate o� Nebraska. The instrumen� shall cantain, in addifiion �❑ all other <br /> ma�ters required by stat� [aw, the names of �he original Lender, Trustee, and Trus�ar, the book and page {or <br /> compu�er system reference� wh�re �his ❑eed ❑fi Trust is record�d, and the name and address ❑f the suc��ss�r <br /> trus�ee, and ths instrument shall be executed and acknawiedged by all the beneficiari�s und�r�his Deed ❑f T�-ust or <br /> �heir su�cessors in interest. The su�cessor trustee, w��hvut can�eyance ❑�the Proper�y, shall succeed to all the <br /> �itle, pow�r, and duties conferred up�n the Trustee in this ❑eed of Trust and by appli�able law. This proc�dure f�r <br /> substitutian of Trustee shall govern�❑the exclusi�n of a[I vther pra�isions-�or substi�ution. <br /> N�TICES. Any na�ice required to be giWen under this Deed of T�ust, in�luding without limitation any nvtiCe ❑� defaul� <br /> and any natice af sa�e shall be gi�en in wri�ing, and shall �e e�fecti�e when actually d�livered, when actually re�ei�ed <br /> by-�elefiacsimile �unless o�h�rwise required by lavu�, when deposi�ed with a nationa�ly recognized o�ernigh�courier, or, if <br /> mai�ed, when deposi�ed in the Llni�ed S�ates mail, as firs�class, cerfiiffed a� regis�ered mai� pastage prepaid, direc�ed t� <br /> the addresses shawn near�he b�ginning of this Deed of Trust. All capies ❑f notices ❑f foreclosure from the hvlder ❑f <br /> any �ien which has privrity a�er this Deed ot Trusfi sha[[ be sent to Lender's address, as shown near the beginning ❑f <br /> thEs Deed ot Trus�. Any party may change its address for notices under �his Deed of Trus� by gi�ing formal written <br /> n�tice to �he �ther parties, specifying that the purpose af the noti�e is tfl change �he party's address. For notice <br /> purp�ses, Trustor agrees t❑ keep Lender informed at all�imes of Trus�orts current address. L1n�ess ❑�herwise pra�ided <br /> o� required by law, if there is more�han ❑ne Trus-t�r, any nvtice gi�en �y Lender�o any Trustor is deemed to be notice <br /> giWen to a[[Trus�ors. <br /> 1VIiSCELLANEUUS PR�VISIONS. The fvllvwing misce�Ianeous proWisions ar�a part of�his ❑eed of Trus�: <br /> Amendments. This Deed of Trus�, togeth�r vuifih any Related Documen�ts, constitutes the �ntire unde�standing and <br /> agreement o�th� parties as �� �he matters set forth in �his �eed af Trus�. No altera�ion afi or amendment to this <br /> De�d ❑�Trust shall be effective unless gi�en in wri�ing and signed by the par�y vr parfiies sough�tv be �harged or <br /> bvund by th� alteratian or amendmen#. <br /> Annual Reports. �f the Praperty is used for purpos�s oth�r than Trus�or's residence, Trust�r shal� furnish t❑ <br /> Lend�r, upon reques�, a certified sta�em�nt �t net ❑perating income reCeived from the Praperty during Trus�or's <br /> pre�ious fiiscal year in such #orm and detail as Lender shaf� require. "Net apera�ing in�ome" shall mean a�� cash <br /> receipts fram�khe Prap�r�y�ess all cash expenditures made in cannecti�n with�he aperation of the Praperty. <br /> Caption Headings. Cap'�ian headings in this ❑eed ❑f Trust are for convenience purpases ❑n�y and are na� to be <br /> used�❑ in�erpret�r define the prfl�isions ot this De�d�f Trust, <br /> lVlerger. There shall be no merger of the in�eres�or estate created by this ❑eed of Trust wifih any❑ther infierest�r <br /> estate in the Proper�y a� any time he�d by ❑r�vr the benefit of Lender in any eapacity, without the writ�en c�nsent <br /> ❑f Lender. <br /> Governing La►nr. Th�s Deed of Trust will be governed by federal 1aw appEicabl� #o Lender and, to the ex#ent not <br /> pre�mpfied by federa�law,the [aws of fhe S�a�e of Nebraska wi�hout r�gard tv its confli�ts ot[aw pro�isions. This <br /> Deed vf Trust has been accepted by Lender En the Stat��f N�braska. <br /> Chvice of VQnue. If �her� is a lawsui�, Trus�or agrees upon Lender's request t❑ submit to the jurisdiction ❑�f �he <br /> courfis of Hall Caunty, Sta�e of Nebraska. <br /> No WaiWer by L�nder. L�nder shai! nat be deemed to ha�e wai�ed any rights under this D�ed vt Trus� un�ess such <br /> wai�er is gi�en in wri�ing and signed by Lender. No delay or omission �n the par�o-�Lender in exercising any right <br /> shall operate as a waiver of such right or any oth�r righ�. A wa��er by L�nder ofi a pro�ision o�this Deed ��Trust <br /> shall not prejudice or constitute a vuaiW�r of Lender's righ� otherwise to demand strict compliance with �hat <br /> pra�ision or any other pro�isi�n af this Deed ❑f Trus�. No prior wai�er by Lender, nor any cours� of dealing <br /> between Lender and Trustor, shall consti�u�e a vvai�er of any fl� Lend�r's rights or of any of Trustor's abliga�ians <br /> as �o any future transa�fi€ons. Whene�er�he �onsent o-� Lender is requir�d under�his Deed �f Trust, the granting <br />