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��15��345 <br /> Security Instrument.A written statement af an�r authorized agent of the Secretary dated subsequent ta <br /> 6�days from the date her�af,decliaing ta�nsure th�s Security Instrument and th�Note, shal�be <br /> deemed cvnclusive proof of such ine�igibility.N�t�iths�andi�g t�he foregoing,this optian rnay not�e <br /> exercised by Lender when the unava�lab���ty af insuraace is solely due t�Lender's failure to remit a <br /> mo�tgage insurance pre�ium to the Secretary. <br /> 'I D. Reinstatement.Borrower has a right to be reinstated if Lender has required immediate payment in fu11 <br /> because of Borrower's fai� tp pay an amount due under the Note�r this Security Instrument. This right <br /> app�ies even after foreclosure proGeedings are in�stituted.To reinstate the Se�urity Inst�ruument,Borrower sha11 <br /> �ender in a iump sum a11 amoun�ts rec�uued to bring Borrov�er's account cu�rent including,to the ea�tent they <br /> are�bligation.s of Bonowe�r under this Security�nstrument,f�rec�os��e costs and reasana�le a�nd customar�r <br /> attarneys'fees aad expenses properly asso�iated with the foreclosure proceeding,Upon re�nstatement by <br /> Borra�ve�,this Sec�ri�ty�n.s�rument and the abligat�ons that it s�ecures shall remain in effect as if Lenc�er had <br /> not requir�d�mmediate payment in fu11. Ho�vever,Lender is not required to pernut reinstatement if: (i} <br /> Lender has accepted re�nstatement af�.er the cammencement�f foreclosure procee�ings within two yeasrs <br /> �mmediately preceding the commencement of a current foreclosure proceeding,(ii}reinstatement wi11 <br /> prec�ude foreclosure on different grounds in the future,or(�ii)reinstatement will adversely affect the <br /> priority of the lien created by this Se�urity Instrument. <br /> '!'t. 8orrower Not Released;ForbearanceBy LenderNot a Wai�er.Extension of the time of payment or <br /> mo�t�f�cativn of amorti�a�i�n�f the sun�s secured b�thxs�ec�rity Instsument granted by Lender to an� <br /> successor in uzterest of I�orrower sha11 nat op�rate to relea�e the Iiabi�ity of the origina�Borrower or <br /> Barfower's successor in interest. �.en�er s�a11 not be r��u�red to cammen�e pr�ce�dings against any <br /> successor in interest or refuse ta extend time far payment or other�v�se modify amartizat�on of the sums <br /> secured by this�ecurity Instrument by reasan af any demand made by the origina�Borrower or B�rro�ver's <br /> successors in�nterest.,Any farbearance by Lend�r in exercising any right or remedy sha��nat be a wai�er of <br /> or prec�ude the exer�is�of any right or remedy. <br /> 12. 5u+er�essorsand Assig�s Bour�d;,lo��t and Severa��iabil�ty;�o-��gn�rs.�'he covenants and <br /> agreements of this Securi�ty Instrum�nt shal�bind and benefit the successors and assigns af Lender and <br /> Borrower,subjec�t�the provisions o�paragraph 9(b}.Barrnwer's covenants�an�agreements sha����jaint <br /> and several.Any Barrower wha co-signs th�s Se�urity Instrument but does nat execute the Nate: (a}is <br /> co-signin�thi�Security Instrument on�y to mortgage,grant and cQnvey t�at Barro�c�ver's int�rest in th� <br /> Property under the terms of this Secu�rity Instrument; (b)is not persona�ly obligated to pay the sums secured <br /> by this Security In.strument;an�1(c}a,grees that Lender and any other B�rro�er may agree to�xtend,modify, <br /> forbear or make any accommodations with regard to the terms of this Secur�ty Ins�rument or the N�te <br /> without that Bnrrower's consent. <br /> 'I 3. Natices.Any natice to�3�rra�er pr��i�ed for�n this Security�nstrumeat sha111ae gi�en�y deli��ring it or <br /> by mailing it by fir�t class mail unless agplicable Iaw requires use of anather meth�d. The notice sha11 be <br /> directed to the Prop�rty Address or any other addre�s�3orrower designates by notice t�Lender. Any notice <br /> t�Lender sha��be given by fus�class rna�l ta Lender's address stated herein ar any address Lender <br /> designates by not�ce to Barrower.Any notice provided for i�n this Security Instrument shall be deem.ed to <br /> have been g�ven to Bon�wer or Lender�hen given as pro��ded i.n this paragraph. <br /> 14. Go�ern i ng Law; Severab i I ity.This Security In�trument shall be governed by Federal�aw and the law of <br /> th�j�r�sdicti�n in v�hich the Praperty is event that any provisivn or clause of thi��ecurity <br /> Instarument ar the Nate conflicts w�th applicable�aw, such canflict shal�not affect ather provisians af this <br /> Security Instrtament or the�ote which can be given effect without the�onfli�ting proWisian.To th�s end the <br /> pro�isions of this Secur�ty Ins�rum�nt a.nd the N�te are declared to be severable. <br /> FHA Martgage WiTH MERS-IVE Revised 419B <br /> VMP� VMP4N[NE}(�3423.D4 <br /> Wolters K[�r Finar�ciat Secvices Page B af 14 <br /> q�3336184182 0�33 483 �614 <br />