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��15��345 <br /> and has an address of 1��� ��4dlnl�1"CI AVL, a�tr��t, M I 48�26-19�� <br /> ,B�rrvwer o�►ves Lender the principa�sum of <br /> Qne Hundred Thi rt� N�n� Thousand Two Hundred Forty Four and D�II�� <br /> Dollars(u.s. $ 13�,244.0� }. This debt <br /> is e�idenced by�orro�rer's not�dated the sa�e date as�his Security�nstrument("l�ote"},which provides for <br /> manthly payments,with the fui�debt, if not pai�earlier,due and payable on I�ay 1, ��4� . This <br /> Security Instrument secures to�.ender: �a)the repayment of the debt e�idenced by the Note,with i�terest,and a11 <br /> ren�wals, extension�and mod.ifications af the l�ote;(b)the payment of al�ather sums,with interes�,ad�anced <br /> under paragraph 7 to prot�ct the secur�ty of this Secur�ty Instrument;and(c}the performance of Borrower's <br /> c�venants and agreements u.nder this Security Instrument and the Note. For this purpose,�arrower irrevoca��y <br /> grant�and conveys to the Trustee,in trust,with power of sale,the fallowing described property�ocated in <br /> H a�1 County,Nebraska: <br /> SEE EXHIBIT "A" �TTA�HEa HERET� AN� MADE A pART HERE4F. <br /> �LlBJ E�T TQ C�V�N�NTS �F REC�RD. <br /> ParC�� �� Number:����g�37� <br /> whi�h has the address of �1� W 15 t h S t �,Street] <br /> �r a n d I s 1 a n� fcr�y],N�braska �$8�1 �Lip Code� <br /> �"Property Address"�� <br /> T��ETHER WITH all the improvements n�w or hereai�er erected on the property,and a11 easemen#s, <br /> a�gu�tenances and fixtuares now or hereai�er a part of the prop�rty.All replacements and additions sha��also be <br /> covered by this Security Instrument.A11 of the foregoing is referred to in tlus Security Ins�rument as the <br /> "Property,"Barrower understands an.d a�rees that MERS ha�ds anly 1ega1 tit�e to the interests granted by <br /> Borrower in this Security�nstrument;but, if nec�ssary ta comply�rith lav�r or custom,MER�, �as n�minee for <br /> Lender and Lender's successors and assi,gns},has the ri�ht:to exercise any or a�l of those interests,including3 but <br /> not limited to,the right t�foreclose and sell the Prop�r�y;and to take any a�tion requued af Lender inc�uding, <br /> but not limited to,releasing or canceling this Security Instrument. <br /> B�RRDWER C��ENANTS that Borrower is�awfully seized of the estate hereb�con�eyed and has the right to <br /> grant and convey the Praperty and that the I'roper�r is unencumbered,except far encumbrances of record. <br /> l�arrower wairants and wi11 def�nd g�neral�y the title to the Property against a11 c�aims and demands,subj ect ta <br /> any encumbrances�f record. <br /> THIS SECURI'TY INSTRUMENT combines uniform co�en.ants for natio�.a1 use and non-uniform covenants with <br /> limited�a,riativns by jurisd�ction to constitute a uniform security�nstrument co�ering real property. <br /> Un�form Go►renants.Bonower and Lender co�enant and agree as follows: <br /> '1. Payment of P�ineipal�lnterest and Late�harge.Borrower shall pay when due the principal of� and <br /> in#.erest on,the deb�evidenced by the I�ote and 1at�charg�s due under the l�ot�. <br /> FHA Mortgage WiTH MERS-NE Re�ised 419fi <br /> VMP� VMP4M{NE]{�342}.� <br /> Vl�olters Kiwv�r Financial Servic�s Page 2 a��4 <br /> qD333618�18� Oz33 483 ��14 <br />