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��15��3�7 <br /> '�5. Bvrrovr►er`s Cc�py.Borrower shall be given one conformed copy of the Note and of this Security <br /> Instrument. <br /> 'f S. Haza rd o us Su bstan ces.Barrawer sha11 not cause or permit the presence,use, disposal, sto�age, or re�ease <br /> of any Hazardous Substances on or in the Property.I3orrower shall n.ot do,nor a11ow anyone else to da, <br /> anyth�ng affecting the Froperty that is in v�olation of any�n�ironmental Law. The preceding twa sentences <br /> sha��not apply to the presence,use,or starage on the Propert}�of sma11 quantities of�Iazardous Substances <br /> that are general�y recogni2ed ta be appropriate to norn�a�resid�ntial uses a�.d to rnaintenance of the Property. <br /> Borro�rer shal�promptly g�ve Lender tivritten notice of any iavestYgation,c�aim,demand, lawsuit or ather <br /> actian by any governmental or regu�atory agency or private party in�rolving the Property and any Hazardous <br /> Substance�r Envir�nmental Law af�vh.�ch Borrower has actual kn�wledge, If Borrower Iearas,or is notifed <br /> by any ga�ernmental or regu�atory au�hority,that any removal or other remediatian of any Hazardous <br /> Substances affecting the Property is necessary,Borrower shall promp��y take all necessary remedia�actions <br /> in accarda��e�vith En�ironF.m�ntal Law. <br /> As used in this paragraph 1 G, "Ha.zard�us Substances"are those substances defined as toxic or hazardous <br /> substaneesby Environmental Law an�.the�o�lo�ving substances:gaso��ne,ker�sene,other flammable or toxic <br /> � petro�eumproducts,toxic pesticides and herbicides,volatile sa�vents,materia�s conta.�ning asbestos or <br /> forma��ehyde,and r�.�ioa�ti�e materiats.As used in this paragraph 16,"En�iranmental Law"mea��federai <br /> la�vs and laws of the 1urisdictiQn wh�re the Prvperty�s lQcated that relate t�health,safety or envi�onmental <br /> pratectian. <br /> lVvn-U n�for��oyen��ts.Borrower and L�nder further cavenant a.nd agree as follaws: <br /> 17. Assignmentof Rents.Borrower un�ond�#ionally assigns and transfers to Le�der all the r�nt�and re�enues <br /> of t�ie Property.B�rrower autharizes Lender or Lender's a�ents to collect�he rents and re�enues and hereby <br /> directs each tena�nt of the Property t�pay the rents to Lender or Lender's a�ents.However,prior to Lender's <br /> not�ce t�Borrawe��f Borrower's�reach of any eo�enant or agreement�n the Security Instrument,Borrower <br /> sha�1 collect and r��eiv�a11 rents and revenues of the Pr�perty as t�ust�e for the benef�t of Lender an� <br /> Bonower. Th�s assignment of rents canstitutes an absolute assignment and not an ass�gnment for additiona� <br /> security on�y. <br /> If Lender gives�otice of breac�to Borrower: �a�all rents recei�ved�by B�nower sha�l l�e helcl by Borrower <br /> as trustee for benefit of Lender on1y,to be appli�d to the sums secured h�the Security Instrurnent; �b} <br /> Lender sha��be entit�ed to callect and recex�e a11 of the rents af the FrQp�rty;and�G�eac�tenant of the <br /> Property sha11 pay a��rents due and unpaid to Lender or Lender's agent on Lender's written demand to the <br /> tenan�. <br /> Borrower has not execut�d any pri�r a�signment af the rents and has not and�i11 not perfo�n any act that <br /> would pxevent Lender from exercising its rights und�r this paragraph I7. <br /> Lender s����not be required t��nter upan,take contr�l of or maintain the Property before or af�er giving <br /> notice of br�ach to Borrower.However,Lender or a judiciall�appointed.recei�er may da so at any tin�e <br /> there�s a breach.Any a�aplication of r�nts�ha11 nat cure ar waive any default ar inva��date any other right or <br /> remedy of Lender. This assi�nment af rents of the Property shal�terminate when the debt secured hy the <br /> S�cwrity In�trument is paid in fu.��. <br /> 18. FvreclosureProcedure.If Lender requires��nmed�ate paymen�in full unt�er paragrap�9, Lender <br /> may�nvoke the pvwer of sa�e and�ny ather remedies permitted by appi��ah�e law,Lender shall be <br /> ent�tled to co��ect all expenses�n�urred in pursuing the remedies under this p�ragraph 18,inGlud�ng, <br /> but nQt lim�ted ta,reasonable attorne�s'fees and c�sts of title e�iden�e. <br /> FHA Mortgage WITH MERS-NE Re�ised 4f� <br /> VMP� VMP4N{NE}(134Z].� <br /> Wofters Kfuwer Financial ServFces Page 7 of 1q <br /> q�3339�5�96 a�33 �l9 Q710 <br />