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��15��311 <br /> BDRR��VER C�V�NANTS that Borrow�r�s lawful�� seised of the�state hereb� con�eyed and has the r�ght to <br /> gran� and con�ey the Proper�y and �ha�the Pr�per�y is unencumbered, excep� for encumbrances of reGard. <br /> Borrower warran�s and will defend genera��y the�'r�l�to �he Prop�r�y against ail clai�ns and demands, subject�o <br /> any encumbrar�ces of record. <br /> THIS S�CUR�TY �NSTRUMENT com��n�s un�form co�enants for�ational use and nnn-unif�rm covenants wi�h <br /> �imited�ariat�ons by�urisdie�ion to cons�itu�e a unifornZ security instrument co�er�ng real proper��. <br /> + Unif�rm Cvrrenants. Borr�wer and Lender co�enan� and agree as fo�Iows: <br /> '1. Payment �f Pr�ncipal, Interest, Escrow Items, Prepayment Charg�s, and Late Charges. Borrawer <br /> sha�I pay when due the prin�ipal of, and in�erest on, th�debt e�idenced by the Note and an�prepayment <br /> charges and�ate charges du�under the No�e, Borrower shal� also pay funds for Escrow Ite�ns pursuant t� <br /> Secti�n 3. Paym�nts due und�r��e Nate and�h�s Secur�ty �ns�rument shall be made in U.�. currency. <br /> �iowe�er, if any�he�:k ar other instrumen� r�cei�ed b� Lender as paymen�under�he Note�r�his S�curit�r <br /> �nstrumen� is returne�to Lender unpaid, Lend�r ma� require tha�an� ar a�� subsequ�nt pa�men�s du�under <br /> the No�e and �h�s Security Ins�rument be m.ade xn one or more of the fo�lowing farn�s, as se�ected b� Lender: <br /> �a}cash; �b}money order; �c} cer�i�ed check, ban�check, treasurer's check or cashi�r's check, pr�vided an� <br /> such check�s drawn upon an inst�tution whose depos�ts are�nsured�y a federal agen�y, instrumenta�i�y, ar <br /> enti�y; or�d� Elec�ronic Funds Transfer. <br /> Payments are deemed recei�ed b� Lender when rec�i��d at th� location d�s�gnat�d in the No�e�r a�such <br /> other�oca��on as may be�es�gnate�by Lender in a�c�rdance wi�h the notice pro�isions �n S�c��on �5. <br /> Lender may return any paymen��r par�ial payment��the�aym�nt�r par�ial pa�ments a�re insuf�cient to <br /> bring the Laan curren�. Lender may accept an�paym�.en�ar par�tal pa�men� insufficient�o bring the Loan <br /> curren�, vvi�haut wai��r of an� right�hereunder or prejudice ta �ts rights�o refuse such pa�ment or partia� <br /> pa�ments �n th�fu�ur�, but Lender is no��bligated to apply�uch pa�m,ents at the tim.e such payments are <br /> accepted. �f each P�ri�dic Paymen�is applied as of i�s schedu�ed due da�e, �hen Lender need not pa� �nter�st <br /> on unapp��ed funds. Lender ma�hoid such unapp�ied funds un�i� Borrower makes payments to�r�ng�he <br /> Loa�a current. �f Borrov�er does not do so w��hin a r�asflnable peri�d�f time, L.end�r shall either apply such <br /> funds or r�turn�hem to Ba�rower. �f nat app�ied ear���r, such fund�w�11 be applied to �he au�standing <br /> principal balan�e under�he Note�mmediat�l�prior�o foreclosure. Na�ffset or claim which B�rr�wer might <br /> ha��naw ar in the future against L�nder sha�� relie�e Borrflwer from�making paymen�s due under�he Note <br /> a�ad this Se�urit�r �nstrumen�or perform�ng the covenants and agre�ments se�ur�d b� this Secur��y <br /> In�trument. <br /> �, Appl�cati�n of Payments or Pr�ceeds. Except as fltherw�se descrzbed zn th�s Section 2, al�paym�nts <br /> accepte�i ar�d applied by Lend�r sha��be app�ied in the fol�owing arder of priflrit�r: �a� in�erest due under the <br /> Nate; �b} pr�nc�pa� due under th�Note; �c} amnunts�u�under Section 3. Such pa��nen�s shall be applied to <br /> each Periadic Paymen�in the order in v�hich it be�ame due. Any remaining amounts shall ��app�ied fzrs�to <br /> late charges, s�c�nd to an�other amaunts due under�his Security Ins�rument, and then to reduce�h� <br /> pr�ncipa� balanc�of the Note. <br /> �f L�nd�r rece�ves a payment from Borrow�r for a d�linquent Periodic Payrnen�which �nclud�s a suff��ien� <br /> arnount to pay an��ate c�.arge due, the payment may be applied to the delinquent paym.e��and the�a�e <br /> charge. If more than one Per�odic Payment is�utstand�ng, L�nd�r may a�p�y ar�y payment rec�i�ed from <br /> Borr�wer to th�repaymen�of the Periodic Paymen�s if, and to�he ex�ent�hat, each paymen�can be paid in <br /> fui�. Ta the ex��n��hat any excess exis�s af�er the payment is applied�a the ful�payment of one or m�re <br /> P�riodi�Paym�nts, such excess ma��e applied�o any�a��charges due. Va�untary prepayn�ents shai� be <br /> ap��ied first�o an�r prepayment charges and then as�iescribed in the Note, <br /> N�BRASKA-5ingle�ami(y-Fannie MaelFreddie Mac UNIFQRM INSTRUMENT �vrm 3QZ8 1101 <br /> VMP� VMP6�N��t�3fl2f <br /> Wolters Kluwer�inanciaf 5er�ices Page 4 of 17' <br />