<br /> sa�isfaction, provided�hat such inspec�ion sha�I be undertaken promptl�. Lender ma�pa� for�h�repairs
<br /> and res�orat�t�n in a sin�le disbursem�nt or in a seri�s of progress paymen�s as th�work is completed,
<br /> Z.Jnless an a�reemen�is made in writing or Appiicabl� Lav� requir�s interest�a be paid an such
<br /> M�sc�i�aneous Proceeds, Lend�r s�all no�be requir�d�o pa� B�rrower any interest or earnings on such
<br /> M�scel�aneous Proceeds. �f th�res�ora�ion or repair is not eGonomically feasih�e or Lender's s�Gur�ty �ould
<br /> be l�ssened, �he Miscel�aneous Proceeds shali be applied to the sums se�ured by�his Securit� �nstrument,
<br /> wheth��r ar no��hen due, tivi�h the exc�ss, if any, paid t� Borrower. Such Miscel�aneous Pr�ceeds sha�1 be
<br /> appl�ed in th�ord�r pro�id�d for�n Sect�on 2.
<br /> �n�he�vent of a to�a� �aking, destruction, ar loss in walue of�he Property, th�N�iscel�an�flus Proceeds shal�
<br /> be app�ied�a �h�sums ���ur�d b�this Security Ins�rument, whether ar n�t then due, with �he�xc�ss, if any,
<br /> paid�a Barrower.
<br /> In the even�of a part�al �ak�n�, destruc�ion, or�oss in�alue of the Pr�pert� in��hicn the fa�r market�aiue of
<br /> the Property immediately before the part�al taking, destruc�ion, or�oss in�alue is equai �o o�greater than the
<br /> am�unt of the sum� secured b�this Secur�ty �ns�rument �mmed�ately before the partial taking, destruct�on, or
<br /> �ass �n�a�ue, un�ess Borrovver and L�nder o�herwise agr��in wr�ting, the sums secured b� this Securi�y
<br /> �ns�rumenti sha�l be re�uced by �he amount af the Miscellaneaus Pr��eeds n�u�t�plied b�the fo�low�ng
<br /> fraction: �a}the totai amoun�of the sums secured immediatel�bef�re�he partial�aking, des�ructinn, or�oss
<br /> in�alu�d��id��b� �b} the fair�marke�vaiue of the Property immediately b�fore the par��al taking,
<br /> des�ruction, �r loss in value, Any balance shall be pa�d�n Borrower.
<br /> �n�he even�of a par��a1 �ak�ng, destruc�i�n, or�flss �n va�ue af the Praper�� �n which�he fair marke��alue of
<br /> the Prflp�rty immed�ate�y before�he par��al taking, destru��i�n, ar loss in va�ue�s�ess�han�he amount of the
<br /> sums secured imrned�at��y�efore the part�a��aking, des�ruct�on, or l�ss in value, un�ess Borrflwer and
<br /> Lender a�herwise agree in wr�t�ng, the Misc�l�aneous Pro�eeds shall b�appli�d�a�he sum� secured by this
<br /> Se�uri�y Ins�rumen��hether or not the sums are then due.
<br /> �f�h�Proper�y �s abandone�by Borra�v�r, �r if, after not�ce�y Lender to B�rrn�er that the Dpposing Par�y
<br /> �as de�ned �n the nex�sentence} offers to make an award to se�t�e a��aim for damages, Borrower fai�s�fl
<br /> respond to Lender with�n 3�days after the date the notice�s gi�en, Lender�s authorized�o co��ect and app�y
<br /> the Miscellaneaus Proc�eds ei�her�a restora�ian o�r repa�r of�he Praperty or to the sums secured�y �h�s
<br /> Security �nstrument, whe�her or no�then due. "�pp�sing Par�y" mear�s the third par�y that awes Borrov�er
<br /> N�is�e��aneflus Proceeds ar�he par�y against�hom�orrower has a righ�of action in regard to Miscellaneaus
<br /> Pro�eeds.
<br /> Barrower shall b� in defau���f any a���on or proceed�ng, whe�her civil or crimina�, is begun tha�, in Lender's
<br /> judgment, cou�d result in forf�iture af the Property or o�her material impairmen�of Lender's �nterest in�h�
<br /> Proper��or r�ghts under this Security Instrument. Borrower can cure such a defau�t and, �f accelera�i�n has
<br /> occurred, reins�ate as prov���d in Sect�on �9, b�causing th�action or proceeding to be d�sm�ssed with a
<br /> rul�ng that, in Lender's judgmen�, precludes forfeiture of�he Proper�y or o�her materzal impairment of
<br /> Lender's in�eres�in the Proper�y or rights under�his Security Instrument. The p�-oc��ds of any avvard or
<br /> cla�m far damages that are a��r�butable to the impa�rment of L�nder's interes�in�he Propert�ar�hereby
<br /> assigned and shal�be paid ta L�nder,
<br /> All MisLeiianeous Proceeds that are not appl�ed to restora��on�r repair�f the Propert� shai�be app�z�d zn�he
<br /> ord�r provided for�n Section Z.
<br /> N�BRASKA-5{n�le Family-Fannie MaelFreddie Mac UNiFQRM INSTRUMENT Farrrt 3Q28 11D1
<br /> VMP� VMP6�NE�[13�23
<br /> Wolters Kluwer�inancial Ser�ices Page 10 af 17
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