<br /> TranSfer of�he 1'ro er� �r a ��nef��ia��nteres�in�orrQ�ver. �f ai�ar any part�f�he Pr�perty or any.xnterest
<br /> � y
<br /> in i� �s s�Id �r �ransferred ��r if a�beneficiai �nteres� in Borrower is sold or �transferred and B�rrov�er �s no� a
<br /> natural per��r�} wi�hout Lenderis prior wr��ten cvr�sent, Lender rrYay, a� its �pti.an, requ�re ��.media�e paymen� in
<br /> full of all sums secured by �his Security Ynstrument. ]Kowewer, �his �p�ian sr�a�l nat be exerc�sed by Lender if
<br /> e�er�ise��prohi�ited by federal�aw as of the date of this 5ecuri�y Instrumen�.
<br /> �f Ler�der exercises �his option, Len�er sha�� give B�r�ovtrer riotice of accelera��an. The noti�e shall pr���de a
<br /> peri�d of not less than the m�n�mum num��r of days establ�sh�d by Applicable Lav� fr�m the date the no�ice is
<br /> d��ivered or mailed �vithin which Borrower mus� pa� a11 sum� secured by th1,� Secur��y �ns�rumen�. �f Borrov�er
<br /> fails �o pa}� these sums priar �o the expira�ion of�h�s per�od, Lender may invcf�e any remedies perm�tted by this
<br /> S�curi�y Instrumen�with�ut fi�r�her n��ice ar demand on Borrovt�er.
<br /> ��rr�rver'� �t�gh� t� l�.eins�at�. �f�orrav�er meets cer�a�n c�nd��ions, Bo�x��wer shall have t�.e righ� to have
<br /> enf�r�emen��f�his Se�urity �nstrument ciisc�n��nued at any time pri�r to the �far�ier of: �a� 5 days �or such o�her
<br /> per�od as Applica�ble�Law ma�specify for reins�a�ement}bef�re sa�e of the Pr�perty pursuan�tfl any p�wer Qf sale
<br /> �on�ained in �h�s Securit� �ns�rumen�; or �b� entry of a �udgment enforc�ng �h1s -Se�urity �ns�rument. Th�se
<br /> cond��ions are tha�B�rro�ver: �a� pays Lender all sums v�hich�hen wou�d be due under this Se�urit� �ns�rument
<br /> and the C�ntrac�as if no acce�.era�i�n had occurred;�b�cures any default of any��her co�eman�s or agreemen�s;�c}
<br /> pays al�expenses incurred in enf�rcing this Securi�.y Ins�:rument, inc�uding,but r�ot limited�o,reasonable attorneys'
<br /> fees ta the e��ent permit�ed by law; and�d��akes such action as Lender may r��asonab�y r�quire�o assure tha��he
<br /> lien flf�h�s Security��s�rumen�, Lender's rights in the Property and BorrovWer's ob��ga�ion to pay�he sums se�ured
<br /> by this Security �nstrumen� slaall con�inue unchanged. Upon r��nstatement by Borrower, �his Secur��y �nstrument
<br /> and�he obl�ga��ans secured hereby sha�� rema�n ful�y effectiWe as xf na a�celera�ion had occurred. Howe�er, th�s
<br /> rxght t�reins�ate shall no�app�y in the case of ac�e�era�i�n under�he sec�ion�i�led']C"ransfer�f the Property or a
<br /> Benef�cial Intere��in Borra�er.
<br /> Hazardaus Substan��s.Barirower s�aa�i not cause �r perm��the presence,use, d�sposa�, starage, �r release af any
<br /> Hazardous Subs�ances�n�r�n the Pr�perty.Bor�-��ver shall na�do,n�r al�ov�a.nyone else tfl do,anyth�ng affecting
<br /> the Praperty �hat is �n via�atian of any En�ironmental Law. The preceding ��o s�n�en�es sha1� no� apply �a the
<br /> presen�e,use,or s�orage�n�he Prapert�y of sma�l quan�i��es of Hazardous Substances that are g�nera�Iy re�ogni2ed
<br /> ���e appropria�e t�n�rmal residen�ial uses and���naintenance�f�he Property. .
<br /> B�rr�v�er shall pr�mptly�irre�ender�rit�en r�otice�f any�nves�igatian,claim, demand, la�suit or��her a�t��n by
<br /> any governmental ar reguiat�ry agency or pri�rate �arty �nvo���ng the.Proper�.y and any Ha�ardous Substan�e �r
<br /> Environmenta� La�v�r of wh��h B�rr�v�er� has actua� knowledge. rf Barr���ver �earns, flr is notified by any
<br /> governmen�al or regu�a��ry au�hority,�hat any remflva�or other remediation of`any Hazardou� Substan�e affecting
<br /> �he Proper�y is necessary, Borrov�er shall promp�ly take a�� necessary r��rredial ac�ions in a�cardance v��t�
<br /> En�iror►m�n�al Law.
<br /> As used in�his paragraph, "�azardous S�.�s�arices" are those substances def�ned as t�xic ar hazardous su�s�ances
<br /> by Env�ronmen�ai Law and �h� f��lowing substances: gas�I��e, kerosene, �ther flammab�e or �oxic petro�eum
<br /> produ��s, ���1C ��St1ClC��S and herbicides, �olati�e solven�s, mater�a�s con�ai��ing asbestos �r forma�dehyde, and
<br /> rad�oactive materials.As used�n�his paragraph, "En���onmen�ai Lav�r"means federal laws and laws of the s�ate of
<br /> Nebraska that re�a�e��heal�h,safety or en�ironmenta�pr�tecl�i�n.
<br /> A�c�ierat�on; Remedi�s. Lender sh�ll g�v� n�tic� t� �3orrov�ver prior to ���celeration fo��vwing B�rrower'S
<br /> breach af any ca�e��an��r agreem�n�in th��Secu�i�y�ns�r�me�t v�the[;ontract under v+vhi�h a��e�erat�an
<br /> is p�rmitt�d ��ut n�� �ri�r to �ccelera��un ur�d�r the se���a� t��led �I`ransi�er of the Property or a �3enefc�a�
<br /> Interest �n Barr�v�er, un�ess App��cabl� Law pro���e� �th�rw��e�. 'I'he ntatice sha�� �pecify: (a� the defau�t;
<br /> tb� the ac�ion requ�red t� cure �h.e �efaul�; �c} a d�t�, nat Ie�s tha�Y the m�nimum �umber vf days
<br /> �stab�ished by App�ic�ble Lavv from the date�he n��i�e is g��ven to�orro��ver, by which the defau�t must be
<br /> cured; and (d� that fai�ure to cur� the defaul� on 4r �aefare the da�e sp�;c��ed in fihe natice may resu�t in
<br /> a�celQration �f �he sums �e�ur�d by this S�curity �nst�u�nent and sal�� of the Praper�y. To the exten�
<br /> permi�ted by law, the n�tice shal� fur�her inform ]�orro�ver of the right 1ta re�nstat� after a�celeration and
<br /> the right to hring a cour�a�tio�t�assert the n�n-existenc�af a def�ul�o�r�any ot�er d�fense af Borrower to
<br /> acce�erat�nn and sa�e. If th� defaul� is not cur�d a� �r bef�r� the dat�5pecified in �he notic�, Lender at its
<br /> �ption may require immed�ate payr�ent in ful� o� �l� surns s�cured by this Secur�ty Instrument without
<br /> further der�and and anay in�voke �h�e p�vWer af sa�� �r�d any ather rer�ed.i�s perr�i��ed by Appl�cable Law.
<br /> Ta the �xten� permitted lby law, L�nd�r sha�� �e en��t��d t� �o��ecf a�l �:xpenses incurred in pursuing the
<br /> r�rned�es pr��ided �n thi� �e���on, �nc�uding� lh1.i� ]��t�iil�i��d �Uy reasanabie a��orn�ys' fees a�d c�sts�f title
<br /> evidence.
<br /> If the pawer of sal� is in�oked, Trus�ee shall re�orc� a n�tice of default�n, each cou��y in which any part of
<br /> the Prop�rty is �ocated an� shall m�il copies of such n�#��e in �he manner prescribed by Appl�cabie Law to
<br /> Bnrrflwer and to the a�her person� prescr�b�d by A�pl�cab�e Law. After the t�me requ�red �by Applicabie
<br /> L��r�v, 'I`rustee shall gxve publ�c �o�ice of�ale �o the ��rsons and in t�e manner �rescribed by App�xcable
<br /> Law. '��`rustee,without dernand an ��rrower, sha��sell ��� J��-aperty a� p��blic auction to the highest bidder
<br /> a��he time and place and un�er the�erms d�s�gn���d �n�he�n�t�ce of sale ia�orne nr�nore parce�s and�n any
<br /> order 'Trustee c�eterminese 'I'rust�� may pastpo�� 5�1e �f a�i or an� ��arcel of the Property by pubiic
<br /> announcement at�he tir�e a�d place�f any pre►���usi�sch�d�ale� saZ�.Lender or its designee may purchas�
<br /> the Proper�y��any sa�e.
<br /> �Jpnn �ece�pt af paymi��.t of the pr�ce b�d, 7�'�us�ee shai� de����r t� th� p��rch��er �I'rustee's deed conveying
<br /> the Praperty. 'I'he rec�tals in t��'I'rw��e�'S deec� �h�ii �e prima f�sie e�idence of the truth of t�e�tatements
<br /> Q 2D04-2014 Compliance Systems,Inc.FD50-3C 1�-?413L2.10.I.895
<br /> �ansurrier Real Estate-5ec�rity Tnstrument DL�435 Pa�e 4 0�5 www.compIiar�cesyste�s.com
<br />