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� : �-� _ , _ : ���� �������� = <br /> � _ = - <br /> � ��,,, _ _ �,�j�� <br /> � � ��ii��� tY (�.� (� y� �f�' �+ �r �r �� <br /> �� I��I i�,l,,,: �i�oW �i�I ,'�ei� �p �LJi�eT�e ��r:eDe�tA, Thai, Wliereas,In an action in!Ju Diatric[Cvurt oj the ,i'�,'I� ��', <br /> i�Ili���I�II! ..._..l�Ilrith.-- - f f f Y .f Hall----------------------------------�where�n i��Il.' <br /> I I I "''"""' _"""' ' ""_„""' ""'."' """""' '�"" '•"'_""_" "' "'_"' " ' ""' '"' "'"'_""' "._'�_" ' "_ �II�III I��'; <br /> I il .l"AJ. A�- 1\�7 "'NF:L'�_k`.... 1/t� a� <br /> .�ac ranss n�and Bessie L��'�ans�n �Ci� of �randoYsland �Tebraska J��n oe , � <br /> ___ � <br /> �. �. � , y , , $ <br /> ��I I and Mar poe Doe real and true names unknown f s ';' �, <br /> Ill�l�iil�lil,llllii -•----------------�-'- -- -----�-----------: ------------------•-- ----------------•-------------------------•--?------------------------------------- -- -- ----------------• --------de endant. _ � <br /> i ,j���,1'i ��:__January._lst_______________ ____Term�ack�Lg9Fr'anssenuand�BessiefLeelFranssenSkCity of Grand� �'i,'' II <br /> � - f� - 1- - �:-- � �, -- - - - - I � i <br /> I i�li'IIIII I, did oblain u decree finding that there tis due from---I�l-?n�l-'------�-s--- Q�1.11---I2QE---1Sld___P�B,X-----DO�-,,--- Qe, X.�da.._� _� tYue_ I , <br /> I� I', ! �----------MLi?FIR�T--���-------------- ------- ---------- -------------------,name s un�cnowhe�sum I��,;�, ', <br /> II I � , <br /> � � ------------------------ - I <br /> i�;, of._.____�_ _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ _g__in___the___order of_ their___priorit_X__as__.determined in._______,dolictrs, <br /> ,''' '' ---•-- - -••----•------- -- ----•-------- I � <br /> , � s ms_. found due and owin I',I�'i , <br /> i , � �,��,, ; <br /> ' i ''illi I <br /> �:h�_..�2��r�-�---o�---k'.Qrec�.o_�ur�-------------- -- ---------- ---------------- -- ---------- - -------- ------- ------- --------- ------ - -- -- - �� � <br /> � ��� <br /> �I,I ,, I ' <br /> �I�I �,�;�,i ' --------------------------------------- ---- ----------- ------------------------------------- - ------------------------------------- --------�---- ------ -- --� - ------- --- - - - , � , <br /> � <br /> �� ��;I ; <br /> � •------------------------------ ------- - --------------------------------------------------------- -- - ------------------ -- - ------ --------- ----------- ------ -- - ----- -- -- ---- I <br /> I i� i II'I; i,,I i � <br /> Ii ��i,: and costs of suit t�ed al--------- ----•-------•------------------- --- -------------_•- -- -------------- -- •- -------- dollars,and,whereas, il was ihen and lherc <br /> il ack.L. Fra ssen and . � � '� <br /> � li� f tlur ordered in lhe said¢ction th¢f 'n default f the ¢yment of the sum so found due Ly fhe said_..�essie__Lee__�'ranssen_;._.C1_ty I <br /> ' i� o� Grand Island, Nebras�k.a; Jo�in T�oe <br /> il � �nd---Mary--Doe.,. Real---and---true...names---unknown----that---------��rrX---�atson-------- --------- ----- ----- - ---- --- - - r' <br /> � Sheriff of said County of___.._�aa.�___ _____________ _.___._.__ ._.__.___ __ __.____,should cause lhe lands and fenemerzts)aereinafler described to be � <br /> � adveriised and sold according fo law to pay the same,and,whereas,default having been made fherein, /he s¢id_..______ _ I <br /> ------ ------- - - - <br /> i i 'I _ ,TerYy WatsOri _____________Sheri,{j of said counfy, under an�l by virtue oJ fhe s¢id decree and <br /> i ------------ - --------- ------------ ----- -- -- --------- - <br /> � <br /> lhe order of sale to him daly direcled,did on the---------- -- -- 2.�S t------- -- ----- --- -----daY of----.Tanuary----•-_-- - ---- -------_A.D. �:00_0_ <br /> � <br /> I�I <br /> � Q[(/�_LOWer._LObbX,_._____front door of lhe County Courl House in the______ Clty_ _ _____of___GYanCl_ Islancl________ . <br /> �� ------- ------- <br /> in said Coanty of.__ Hall ______..__,having,firsf given due and legal notice of lhe time and place of said sale ' <br /> � ' by pablic¢tion once in each week,for,four successive weeks in tlae_Gr3lld__Islaild__ITldepeTldellta newspaper prinled and in general �� <br /> ' eirculation in said County of---------_--------- -..H�11----•_-- - ---------------------------_------,sell said premises¢t public auclion to.--___------ -- -_-_- • <br /> ' Phyllis J. Codne-r-�---Revo_c_aJzl�---Txu�S.---------------•---- -•-------jor ihe sum of--El�t_�__.�Se_V_eS1.__t�.lOU,.Ss3I1��-O.O-Q- --------- I <br /> ��5 7,���.���--- - ------_-------------------_----------•---•--------dollars,which sale was¢fferward at lhe_JanuaY� 1 S tTerm of said cour[, <br /> � ', A. D., t9__99, ex¢mined and con,firmed¢nd the said•------•------ - ---_,TerTy.Wa t�oll--- ----- ----------- -_----__----¢s such Sheri„tjj', ordered ;I <br /> II to convey the said premises in fee simple to the said----Ph�.11is---.I.---Cs�cln_ez-}---ReuQcable__Trus-t----- --------- ------------- - <br /> ' �0�1 ��CCefOrC, I, ihe said----•---•-- ---•-- Jerry_--Wat son--- - --------- -- ------,Sheri,,(jj'of the County of ' <br /> ------ ---------- <br /> ' ..._._..�s3�,�__ ________ ________ .____.__._as aforesaid, in consideration of the premises and by airtue of fhe powers vested in me by law and Ihe <br /> I decree of said courl,do hereby Giroe, Grant and Convey lo the satd------------------_--_------------- -- ------------ --------- - - - ---_--- -------_ <br /> , ,, <br /> - ---------- <br /> � <br /> � Phyllis___J.__Codner2 _Revocable__Trust ..__._____heirs and assiyns,the premises so as a.foresaul sold,fo wit: <br /> '', A.__�ez_�.a_�,:�.--F-�-�-�---Q�---��ie--SQ_u.�k�e�s.t._.114---9-�---5�.�_t_i.oz�---�.=--To�ansha,�---�-�---Nozt_h._R�x�g�----�Q-�---W�.�t--�f <br /> , ' 6th P.M. , More Particularly Described as Follows_: _ Commencing at a point on East Line ' <br /> Qf_the_ Southeas�__�./.4...oF_.Section___.�,_,.___�a�ich___po_i�r��___i.�_._412._5...feet__North_of._�he___�o�theast__. <br /> Corne.r---o f---tt�e--So��-h�as�.---1-/4--a�----��id---SeE�ian--L-;----F�u-n�i�g--��i��cp.-�Io�th-._Ala�g--a�d---Llpon--.�.he <br /> '�, East line of the Southeast 1/4_ of_said _Section__1, 82.5_ Feet: _ Running Thence West and , <br /> ---------- - - ------- - - ---------- ----- - ------ - -- - - <br /> I',' �arallel to the South Line of the.Southeast_.1/_4__ of___said__Section_ 1_,._264.0._ Feet,�_.Running ' <br /> Thence__South___and_.Pzrallel___to..,the___East..Lii}e___of_.the.__South�a s t.._1�4_._of.__Said__Section._.1_,___82.5 <br /> ' Feet;Running__thence_ Eas_t_ and_Parallel._ to___the___South___Line___of_._the__Southeast___114__o_f.._Said <br /> section 1, 264.0 Feet, to_ the__Place_:of_ be�inning,_in__Hall__County_�_._Nebraska_.___..________.______._._ <br /> ------------•-----•-----------------•-------•---------------------------------.._....--------------•--------•-----------------------------------------------------------with the appurlenances. <br /> �0 �AbC �rib t0 �Or� t�jC �attte untoqusaid----Phy���.&---J-�----�_Q_dne��---��YQc_�b�:e._.�.�uSC------- <br /> ' ...__....--••-.----•------•--•----.._...---•...............----•----•----•---•---•-------•-•----•-------------------•--heirs and assigns,and fo them and lheir use and behoof foreoer. <br /> �t� �egtimorrp ��jereof� I have, as such Sheri„�;hereunto set my hand lhis------•- -- - --------- ----------_--_daY°f <br /> �'" <br /> .�.....--•------------------ -- -----------._ .---------- -----------------A. D.,i9-----•-- (�� <br /> \..... ,lZ�C-- --------•--- �`' <br /> . " ""-y'"l..'""___" '"'_"'"" ""'_'"""" " '_�•" """. ' " _""'_"""' <br /> Executed and delivered in the presertce of � <br /> .Sheri o_ �Hall...----•-•--•-------------Cuunl Nebraska. <br /> .l� f•---•-----•------•• y+ <br /> STATE OF NEBRASKA, l81. 9 <br /> Cow�y oj.__._......._��_J.a._.._...............•--•-----•----------------------•--•-- <br /> J On this----•-----`-�------------dQY a.1----•-��.•�----- -- -- ----------- <br /> q�� /� p � , <br /> d�`:,before me,the undersigned�l�'Z��----�-`--�L'_'1�,y�,�_�_,,�.-�----- ---------- <br /> in and for said county,personally appeared the said-----------•----•----•-------•-------•---...------------------------------------ <br /> ------•-•--•---------•- Jerry--Watson-----•-------•-•----•...---•--•-_..---•---�Sheri,6QfsaidCounty, <br /> ---•-----•---------•---------------- <br /> io me personally known l0 6e the identical person who signed ihe foregoittg inslrument as grantor,and <br /> he acknowledged the same to be his aoluntary aet and deed,as sttch sheri,$,for the uaea and purposes � <br /> �"�� in setforfh. <br />„ �� �l O1ARY-State ot Nebraska �ittiC�� my hand und o s the day and year a wr' n. <br /> � NALD D.OCHSNER �(''; � ,,� � <br /> MyComm.Exp.feb.14,2001 N �"��� ��" <br /> 1 <br /> .......' ' '._...« . . ....5.. . _».......�......_��...��� .""'.�'�_...� I II��li I <br /> . . � I���'�'� � <br /> �I I � . I <br /> illi�� �� ......................................'""_""""""'"'""'_"'.......r....._............._...� , � ' . <br />� '�'��. �,:.__.. .. .._._. .._ ,-_. . . .. . . . . .. <br />