<br /> Tran�fer�f the Property or a Beneficia�Interest in �arrower. �f a11 or any part of the Property or an}��nteres�
<br /> in it is sflld or �ransferred �or if a beneficiai interes� �n Borrflwer is sold or transf�rred and B�rrov�er is no� a
<br /> natural person� withou� Lenderts prior vvrit�en consent, Lender may, at ��s op�ion, r�quire irnrried�ate payment �n
<br /> fu1� af all su�.�.s se�ured �y �:his Security Instrument. However, this opt�an s�1all riot be exerc�sed �by Lender if
<br /> e�ercise is prohibited by federallaw as of the da�e of this Security Znstrument. :
<br /> If Lender exer�ises th�s op�ion, Lender sha�� g�ve Borrov�rer n�tice of a�ce��:ra�i�n. The no��ce shall provide a
<br /> periQd of n�� less than the minimum nun�ber of day� estab�xshed by Applica��le Law from the da�e the na��ce �s
<br /> de�iver�d �r ma�led wi�h�n which Sorro�ver must pay al� sums secured by �h�s 5ecurity �nstrument. �f Borrower
<br /> fa�ls �o pay �hese sums prior �o �he e�pirati�n �f�his period, Lender may in�+ake any remedies perm�tted by this
<br /> 5ecur��y�nstrument w��h�u�fur�her not�ce�r demand o�n Borr�wer.
<br /> Borr�vver's Ri ht to l�eins�ate. If B�rrower mee�s cer�a�n c�nd�t�ons, Bor�-ovver s�ha�l hav� �he r�ght �o ha�e
<br /> � ,
<br /> enforcement�f�h�s Secur�ty Instrument dis�ontinued at any time pr�or to�he ��arlier�f �a} 5 days �or such o�her
<br /> period as Applicab�e La�may specify for re�nstatemen��before sa�e�f the Prc�pert�pursuant�o an�po�er of sa�e
<br /> conta�ned in �his Securi�ty �nstrument; or �b} entry of a �udgmen� enfor��n.g �h�s Security Instrument. Those
<br /> conditiflns are tha� B�rrQwer: �a} pays Lender aIl sums wh�ch t�en v�rould be due under th�s Secur�ty �nstrumen�
<br /> and�he Contrac�as if n�a�celeration had occurred;�b��ures any defau��of an�r other�ouenan�s or agreemen�s;��}
<br /> pays all e�penses incurred in enforcing this Securi�.y�ns�rumen�, in�luding,but no��imited ta,reasonable at��rneys'
<br /> fees��the e��en�permitted by Ia�v; and�d}�akes such ac�ion as Lender may reasonab�y requ�re�o assure that the
<br /> lien of this Secur�ty�nstrurnen�, Lender's rights in the Pr�p�rty and Borrower's obliga��on�o pay the sums.secured
<br /> by �his Security �nstrument shali con�t�nue unchanged. [Jpon rei�nsta�emer�� by Barrawer, this Security �ns�rument
<br /> and the o�liga�ions secur�d hereby shall remairi ful�y effec�i�e as �f no a�cel�.ration had occurred. Hovve�er, �h�s
<br /> right��reins�ate shall no�apply in�he case of acce��ratian und�r�he section��1:�ed Tran�fe�of the Praperty or a
<br /> �enef�cial Int�rest in�orrow�r.
<br /> Hazardous Substances.Borrawer shaxl na�cause or permi��he pres�nce,use, d�sposa�, storage, or release of any
<br /> Hazardous Subs�ances on or in�he Property.Barro�er sha�l not do,nor aXlow i�ny�ne else to do,anything aff�ct�ng
<br /> �he Pr�perty �hat is �n �iolati�n of any Environrnenta� Law. The preceding ���ro sen�ences sha�l n�t apply t� the
<br /> presence,use,or s�arage on�he Properry of sma�l quan�i��es of Hazardous Sub��tances�hat are generally rec�gnized
<br /> ta be appr�priate to norl�xa�residential uses and�o n�.ain�enance of the Property.
<br /> B�rrower shall promp��y give Lender w�it�en no�i�e�f any�nvestiga��on,claim, demand, la�vsuit nr other act�on by
<br /> any g��ernmen�ai or regulatory agency �r pri�ate par�y involv�ng the Praperty and any Hazardous Sul�stance ar
<br /> En��ronnmental Law af vvhi�h Barrower has ac�uai knawledge. �f B�rr��a�er �earns, or is n�tif ed� by any
<br /> gnvernn��n�al or regulatory author�ty,that any remo�a�or other remediat�fln o��any Hazardaus Substanc�affecting
<br /> the Property �s �.7�G�:55�.�, B�rrawer sha�l promptly �ake al� necessary re�nediaX �a�ti�ns in accordance vv��h
<br /> En�ironme�atal Law.
<br /> As used�n�h�s paragraph, "Ha�ardaus Su�stances" are�h�se subs�ances d�fir3.ed as toxic or hazardous subs�ances
<br /> by Env�ronmenta� Law and the foiio�ing substances: gasal�ne, �erosene, a�ther f�ammala�e or ��xi� petrv�eum
<br /> products, toxic pes�icides and herb�cides, �o�atile so��en�s, materials co��ai��ing as��stos or formaldehyde, and
<br /> radioac�i�e ma�er�a�s. As used in th�s paragrap�, "En��ranmen�al La;w"means federal.laws and 1a�vs of�he state of
<br /> Nebraska�hat rela�e�a hea�th, safety or en�ir�nrnenta�protection.
<br /> Accelerat�vn; Rernedi�s. L�nder sha�� gi�e nntice to l�orrower prior �a,��ccQleration fol�o��ng Borrower's
<br /> �reach vf an�y covenar�t ar�g�eemen��n this Security Imstrumen�or the C:ontract und�r which acc�leration
<br /> is permi�ted (�ut not p�riar ta accelerat�on under�he sectivn titled Transi�er of the Pro�erty or a Benef�cia�
<br /> Interest in Borrower, unless Applicable Law pro��des atherwise}. The n��tice shal� specify: (a) the default;
<br /> �b} the act�on required to cure the defauit; (c) a da�e, nat �ess tha�� the minimum number of days
<br /> esta��ished by App�i�ah�e Law from�he da�e the notice is gi�en ta Borro�wer, by wh�ch the defau�t mu5t he
<br /> cured; and �d� that failure to cure the d�faul� on ar before t�e da�e sp�;��fied �n th� nvtice may resu�t in
<br /> acceleratian of the sums secured by th�s S�curi�y Ins�rument and �al�L uf �he Pr�perty. To �he extent
<br /> p�rmitted iby law, �he no�ic� shal� furt�er inf�rm Borro�vQr of the r�ght 1ta rein�tate after acceleration and
<br /> the righ�ta bring a court actian to ass�r�the non-existence vf a defauit o�•any vther defense of Borrower to
<br /> ac�e��ration and sale. If the default i� not cured on or befar� the date s�ec�fied in the notice, Lender at ��s
<br /> op�ion may r�quir� imm�diate payment in fuli vf al1 �un�s secured by this Se�urity Instrument without
<br /> further dem�nd and may �n►voke th� power of 5aie a�d any nther remed;i�s �erm��ted by A�plicable Law.
<br /> To the extent perm�tted by law, Lender shali �e en�i���d ta c�ilect ali ��xpenses �ncurred �n pursuing the
<br /> remeclies prov�ded in this Sectian, �nciuding, �ut not l�mite� to, r�asonabie at��rney�' f�es and c�sfs af�itle
<br /> evidence. �
<br /> If th�power nf sale i5 invoked,Trus�ee shall recard a natice of d�fau�t in: ea�h c�unty in wh�ch any part ❑f
<br /> the Proper�y is Iocate� and sha�l mail cop�es of such n��i��in the manne�•prescr���d by App�icable Law ta
<br /> Borrower and �o the �ther persons pr�scribecl by Appl�cable Law. Afte:r the tim� r��uired b� App�i�able
<br /> Law, Trus�ee shal� gi�ve publ�c notice tif sa�e to the �er5��s an� in the rnanner prescribed hy �.pp�icab�e
<br /> Law. Truste�,w�thou�d�mand �n Borra�ver,�hall sel�the l�rop�rty at �i�blic auction to the highest bidder
<br /> at the��m�and p�ace and under the terms designated in the no�ice of sale in one or more parcel�and in any
<br /> nrder Truste� determin�s. Trus�ee may postpon� sa�e of a�l or any ��a�cei uf the Prvperty by public
<br /> announ�ement at the�ime and pla�e of any previausly�cheduled sai�.Lender or i�s c�esigne�may purchase
<br /> th�Property at any sa�e.
<br /> Upon r�ceipt of paym�nt of the price bid, Truste� shal� de�iver t� �he pY�rchaser T�ru�tee's deed cvn�eying
<br /> the Property. The �eci�als in the Trustee's c��ed shall �� �rima faci�e�id ence of�he tru�h of�he�tatements
<br /> �2�44-2Q14 Compliance 5ys�ems,Inc.FD6Q-�lEA-2��3L2.14.1.895
<br /> Cansumer Real Esta�e-Security Instrument�7L2435 Pa�e 4 of 5 www.compliancesysterns.cam
<br />