PARCEL 1: Lot One (1), Block One (1), Starling Estates Subdlvision, Da the City of Grand Wend, Hall'Codnty,
<br />Nebraska;
<br />Lots Ogre (1), Two (2), Three (3), 'Four. (4), Five (5), •Si1(6), Seven (7), Eight (8); Nine (ll) and Ten (10), Block'
<br />Two (2), Stetting Estates SubdM ion, in the City Of Grand )stand, halt County, Nebraska;
<br />Lots One (1). Twd (g), Three ti),. Feu! (4), l&lv6• (6), Six (6), Seven (7) and Eight. (8), BIocK Three (e), Sterling • Estates Sirbd'vision, In the Cityof Grand 1slarid, Hall'Couiity • '
<br />Lots One (1), Two (2) and Three (3), Sleck Pout (4). Sterling Estates Stbdtvision,'in the City of Grand leland,
<br />Hall County, Nebraska; •
<br />Lots bile (1) and 'iwo (2), B1661( Five (t), Sterling Estates Subdivision, In the City of Grand island, Hall
<br />County, Nebraska;
<br />Lott One (1), Two (2),•Three (3), (4), Five (5)arid Slx'(6), Blecll•Silt (9). Sterling Estates Subdivision, In
<br />the City of Grand Island, Hall County, Nebraska;
<br />•
<br />Lots One (1), TWo (2), Three (3), Four (4), Five (5). Si* (6), Seven (7) add Eight (8), Block Seen (7), Sterling
<br />Estates Subdivision, in the Cityof" Grand Island, Hall County, Nebraska;
<br />EXHIBIT "A"
<br />201502250
<br />Lots One (1), Trio (2), Three (3), Four (4), I ve (5),'$131 (6), Seven (1) and Eight (6), Elotk Eight (8), Sterling
<br />Estates Subdivision, In the CIO of Grand Island, iiall'County, Nebraska;
<br />Lots bne (1), TWO (2), Three (3), .lour (4), Finis (5), Six (6), Seven (7) end bight 131ock Nino (9), Sterling
<br />Estates Subdivision, In the City of Grand island, Hall Cdurrty, Nebraska
<br />PARCEL 2: The Northwt t Quarter (N1711 /4) in Settlan Thole*, (42),. in Township Ele' en (11) North, Range
<br />Ten (10) West of the 6th P.M., Hall County,, Nebraska
<br />EXCEPTING: The 'Northwest Subdivision" which tiagiri, at the Northwest comer Of taaid Northwest Quarter
<br />(NW1 /4). thence•nunning easterly along the North ilne•of said Northwest Quarter (N1W1 /4) a distance of One
<br />Thousand One Hundred Twenty Three (1,123.0) feet, thence running southerly and parallel with the•Weet.line
<br />of said Northwest Quarter (NIN1 /4) A diirfance of 'Tao Hundred Severity Four' (274.0) feet, thence running.
<br />westerly and parallel OS the North line of•said Northwest Quarter (NW1 /4) One Thousand One Hundred
<br />Twenty Three (1,123.0) feet tb a point on the West line of Bald Northwest Quarter (NW1 /4);, thence running
<br />nortt erlya diatenCe of Two Hundred Seventy Four (274,0) feet to the point of beginning.
<br />EXCEPTING: Beginning at the Socithdvest comer of the Northwest Quatrter (NW1 /4) of Section Twehre (12). In
<br />Township Eleveh 01) North, Range Ten.(10) West the 6th P.M., In Hall County, Nebraska, thence running
<br />northerly along the West line of said Northwest 0ivartsr (NW1 /4) 0. distencs of Eight Hundred Twenty Five
<br />(825.0) .feet; Merits running aaster!)r and parallal to the Sotith line of s:'aid Northwest Quarter (NW1 /4) a
<br />distance of .Three Hundred `(300.0) feet;'tnehce mining aoutherly 'arid' parallel to the West' line of said
<br />Northwest Quarter (NW1 /4j a distance of Eight Hundred Twenty Five (825.0) feet tort point on the South line
<br />bf said Northwest Quarter (FIW1 /4j a dietaries of Three HtIndred (3b0.0) feet to'tha point of beginning
<br />EXCEPTING: Beginning•at a point candle West llhe of the Northwest Quarter (NW1 /4) of Section Twelve (12),
<br />In Township Eleven (11) North, Range Ten (10) West of the 6th P.M., Hall County, Nebraska; said point being
<br />Eight Hundred Seventy -Flve (875.0) feet North i f the Southwest carnet of said Northwest Quarter (NW1 /4);
<br />•thence running northerly along the We'at line of Said North irest (loader (NW1 /4) a distance of One Hundred
<br />Farty Five (145.0) feet; thence running easterly and parallel to the South line of said Northwest Quarter
<br />(NW114) a distance of Three .Bundled (300:8) feet; thence running southerly and parallel to the West lire of
<br />