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��15���31 <br /> �3EED DF TF�UST <br /> Lvan Na: ��'l 2g4�39 �Cantinued} Page 5 <br /> ��� Pro�eedings. l� any proceeding in condemnativn is -���ed, Trus�or shall promp�ly noti�Fy Lender in wri�ing,� and <br /> "� Trustor sha�i prvmptly take�such steps as�may be ne�essary �❑�defend �h� ac�ian and ob�ain the`award.'Trustor <br /> ;�may be�he�nom�nal par�y�n such proceedin�,�but Lender�shall be enti�led�a.participafie in�he p'rviceeding and ta be <br /> � represen�ed in�the proceedirig by��counsel �of�i�s own choice, and�Trustor will de�i�er or�ause �v be defiWered �v <br /> � - . -�t . .. �- ,. _.. . . . . _ �� . �.. �;�.. .. <br /> �'�Le�n�er�such instrumen�s and dacumenfia�i��n as may��he���reque�s�ed�by�Lender �ram ��im���❑ fiime �o pe'rmit such <br /> ...r ..�.f ... . . .. . ' ' ' '' . ... ' . � ' �. �.-. . ' ' " . ' , 1 . f. <br /> , partFci�a�ion. � . .�. � : � . � .' .� . �. . - . ...�- - : -•-- <br /> - . . � . . , � �+ � . . <br /> � .�App�'rcation of Net�Prviceeds. I��a�i,ar any par�ofi the P� cvndemned by•eminsnt_damain praceedings or by <br /> any. proceeding or purchase in lieu o�condemna�ivn, L-ender may a�i�s elec�ion require fihat aI� vr any:portion ❑f the <br /> net praceeds ❑fi fihe award be applied fio fihe lndehtedness ❑r the repair ❑r res�orafiion a�F �he Property. The net <br /> pra�eeds v�the award shalf inean the award after payment o� all reasonabfe cosfis, expenses, and attvrneys' fees <br /> incurred by Trustee flr Lender in cannection wifih fihe condemnafiivn. <br /> 1MP�S�TI�N �F TAXES. FEES AND CHARGES BY GflVEFiNMENTAL AUTH�RITlES. The �a�lawing prov�sions rela�ing <br /> to go�ernmen�al�axes,��es and char�es are a pa�t o�th�s Deed of Trust: � <br /> �urrent Taxes, Fees and Charges. Upon �-equest �y Lender, Trus�ar shall execu�e su�h da�uments in addifiion �o <br /> this ❑eed ❑f Trust and �ake whatever❑�her actifln is requested �y Lender to per�ect and continue Lender's Iien on <br /> the Real Prvperty. Trus�to� shall reimburse Lender fvr all �axes, as described bela�, tvgether with all expenses <br /> in�urred in recording, perfec�ing ❑r �on�inu�ng this.L�eed af Trust, including wi�hou� limi�ation all �axes, fees, <br /> documeri�ary starnps, and�oth�r charges fo�,rec�rdino or regis�ering�his �eed o�Trust. <br /> , . - , . - . . . . , , <br /> Taxes. The �o��awing sha�l cansfiitute taxes tv which fihis sec�ion applies: �{1} a speci�ic �ax upon �his fiype o� <br /> I�eed of Trus� ar upon all or any part af�he lndeb�edness secured 1�y this ❑eed ❑f Trus�; �2} a speci��c �ax on <br /> Trustor which Trustvr is authorized ❑r requirsd�o deducfi fram paymen�s ❑n the lnd�bfi�dness se�ured i�y fihis type <br /> a�Deed o�Trust; {3} a tax❑n this type ❑f Deed ❑f Trus� chargeable agains�the Lender or-the hvlder af�he Note; <br /> and {4} a speci�ic�ax on a[[ ❑r any p�r�ion af�khe Indeb�edness ❑r on payments of principal and in�erest made hy <br /> Trustor. - � <br /> Subsequent Taxes. �f any fiax t� which this se�ti�n app�ies is enacted subsequen� �❑ �he da�e a�F this ❑eed of <br /> Trus�, this e�en� shal� ha�e the same effec� as an Even� of De�au[fi, and Lender may exercis� any or all af its <br /> . a�ailable remedies �For an E�ent ❑f Default as pro�ided below un[ess Trus�or ei�her ��} pays �he tax before i� <br /> � �becomes del�nquen�; vr {�y• con�es�s the�ax as provided-ahove in the Taxes�and Liens sec�ion atid depasi�s•with <br /> Lender�ash or a sufficien�c�rparate sure�y bond�ar�a�her�se�iarity satisfactory��a Lender. � � � --� - <br /> SECUR[TY�AGREEMENT;.FINANCING.STATEIUlENTS. •The �oj�owing�.pro�isivns.rela�ing to th�s �3eed of�Trus�•as;a <br /> . .. .. . . . . � ' . . - - i • , .. . . . - . •. _. . .- . . . .. . . . . . . . . .• <br /> se�ur.i�y.�agreemenfi are a part❑f��khis Deed�of Trust:. � -� . --. . •:� ,. . � . -;� . ..�: � _:_. �� �- _; . <br /> - - , : . - - ..;, ._ . . , _ �,-_ ,. <br /> ����5ecurifiy�A�reement. ` This�ins�riament"shall=cansti�u�e a�Se�curity��Agreement=�to ��he��ex�ent�any��v�F•��h�e�-`Proper�y�� <br /> � cons�i�ufies fiixtures�, and Lender shall�ha�e�all��o�the righfis�o� a-"se�ured-party�'under fihe Unifarm��Cammercial�Code <br /> � as amended��from time�a�ime. � � � �- . ••. • � -. � - . . . .. � .� . • � <br /> 5e�uri�y Interest. .Upon reques� by Lender, Trustar s.hall �kake.whate�er�ac�ivn is requested by Lender �o perfie�t <br /> and cvn�inue Lender's securi�y in�erest in �he Rents and Personal Proper�y. �n additivn �tv recvrding �his Deed a� <br /> Trus� in �he rea� praper�y.recards, L�nd�r may, at any �im� and withaut �urther au�horization from Trustor, file <br /> execu�ed coun�erparts, copies ar reprodu��ivns a� fihis Deed ❑f Trus� as a financing sfiatement. Trus�or shall <br /> reimburse Lender�far all expenses incurred in per�ecting ❑r cvntinuing this se�urity in�eres�. Upon de-�au�t, Trustor <br /> sha[[ nv� remo�e, se�er or de�ach the Personal Praperty from the Property. Upon defaul�, Trustar sha�l assemi�le <br /> any Persona� Property nofi a�tixed t❑th� Prvperty in a manne� and a�a place reas�nab�y con�enient�o Trus�or and <br /> Lender and make it aWailable �o Lender w�thin fihree �3} days a�ter re�eip� o� wri�ten demand trvm Lender t❑ the <br /> exten�permi��ed by applicable law. <br /> Addresses. The mailing addresses ❑f Trus�or �debtor} and L�nder {secured par�y} from which infarmatson <br /> concerning the securi�y interest gran�ed �y�khis Deed ❑�Trust may 1ae ob�ained �each as re�uired by fihe Llni�orm <br /> � Cvmmercial Cade} are as s�a�ed ❑n�he first page v�this Deed of Trus�. ` <br /> FURTHER A55URANCES; ATTC3RNEY�IN�FACT. The following proWisions re�a�ing t❑ fur�her assurances ar�d <br /> attorney-in---�act are a part v�this Deed of T�us�: <br /> Further Assurances. A�any t�me, and �rom time tv time, upvn reques�o� Lender, Trusfior wi�� make, exeGute and ' <br /> deli�er, or will cause�❑ be made, executed vr deli�ered,tv Lender v�-t❑ Lender's designee, and when requested by <br /> Lender, cause �o be filed, �e�o�ded, �-efiled, ❑r rerecorded, as �he case may be, at such times and in su�h ❑��ices <br /> and p�aces as Lender may deem appropriate, any and all such mortgages, deeds o��rus�t, security deeds, security <br /> agreements, �inancing s�a�emen�ts, confiinua�ion statements, instrumen�s of -�urther assurance, certifica�es, and <br /> ather dacumen�ks as may, in�he sale opinian a�Lender, be necessary❑r desirable in order tv e-�fe�tuate, camplete, <br /> perfec�, con�inue, ar preserve �'I} Trus�ar's ❑bliga�ions under the Note, th�s Deed ❑fi Trus�, and the Rela�ed <br /> Do�umen�s, and ��� the �iens and security in�eres�s Grea�ed by thts �eed o�Trus� as first and privr liens ❑n the <br /> � P�oper�y, whe-�her naw hereafter acquired by.T�ust��: Unless prohibi�ed by law or Lender agr�es to the <br /> � contrary .in .v��-Fting, Trusfivr.shall reimburse Lender fior all cos�s. and� expenses incurred '€n connectivn.,w��th �he <br /> mat�ers r�ferred fio:in�this paragraph. .� . . .. _ - � . , � . , _ � .. � . <br /> Attorney-in-Fact.. Ff.Trus��r.fails �o do any ❑f�the�hings re�erred ta..;in.�he preceding.paragrap.h, Lender-may d❑ s❑ <br /> �ar and in �he name of T�ustor and at Trustvr's expense. �For such�purposes, Trustor hereby irre�ocab�y appoints <br />