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��15����9 <br /> �. l�anthly Payment of Ta�ces, Insuran�eand C�ther Charges.Borrower sha1�in�tude in each n�onthl� <br /> payment,together w�th the principa�and in�ere�t as set forth in t�e Note and any lat�charges,a sum f�r <br /> �a)taxes and special asse�sments levied�r to be levied against the Property, �b} leaseh�ld paym�nts ar <br /> ground rents on the Property,and(c�premium�f�r insuranc�requir�d under paragraph A�. In any year in <br /> which the Lender mus�pa�a mortgage insurance gr�mium to the Secretary of Hausing and L�rban <br /> Dev��o m�nt "Secre " ' <br /> p ( tar�r ),�r�n any year in which such premium would have been required�f Lender sti11 <br /> held the Security In.strument, �ach monthly paymen�shall aiso include either: (i�a sum for th�annua� <br /> mortgage insuranc�premium to be paid by Lender to�he Secretary,or(ii}a monthly char�e instead of a <br /> mortgage�n.surance premium if th�s Security Inst,rument is held by the Secre�ary, in a reasonahle amoun��v <br /> be determiaed by the Secreta.ry. Except for the monthly charg�by the Secr�tary,th�se items are called <br /> "Escrow Items"and the sums paid to Lender ar�ca11�d"E�Grow Funds." <br /> Lender may,at any t�rn�,co�lect and hold amount�for Escrow Items in an aggregate amount no�ta exc�ed <br /> the maximum amount that m�y be requ�red far Borro�er's e�cro�r account under the Real Esta.te Settlement <br /> Procedures Act of 1974, �2 U`.S.C. Section 264� et s�q. and implemen��ng regulati�ns, 12 �.F.R. Part <br /> 1�24,as they may b�amended from time to time�"RESPA"},except that the cushion ar reserve permit�ed <br /> by RESPA far unanticipat�d disbursements or disbursements b�fore the$orrawer's payments are a�aitable in <br /> the account ma�not be bas�d on amaunts due for the mortgage insurance premium, <br /> If the amount�he�d�y Lender for Escrow Items exceed the amounts permitted to be he�d by RESPA,Lender <br /> shal�acc�un�to Borr�vver for the excess fuads as required by RESF'A. If the amounts of funds held by <br /> Lender at any time are nat sufficient to pay th�Escrow�tems when du�,Lender may natify the Borrower <br /> and require�orrower to mak�up the shartage as permitt�d by RE SPA. <br /> The Escr�w Fun�is are pledg�d as additional security for all sums secured by this Security Instrum�nt. <br /> If Borrc�vver tenders to Lender the full payment of al�such sums,Borrower's account shall b��redited w�th <br /> the balanc�rema�ning for a11 installment items(a}, (b},and(c)and an�mortgage insuranee premium <br /> installment that Lender has not becc�me ob��gated ta pay ta the Secreta.ry,and Lender sha1�promptly <br /> refund any excess funds ta Borrower, Immed�ate�y prior ta a farec�osure sale of the�raperty or�ts <br /> acquisitian by Lender,$arr�wer's aGcount sha�l b��redi��d with an�balance remaining for all ins#allments <br /> for�tems(a�, (b),�n.d(c}. <br /> 3. Ap�licatianaf Payments.A��pa�rments under paragraphs �. and 2 sha�l be applied by Lend�r as follows: <br /> First. ta the mortgag�insurance premiurn t���paid by Lend�r to the Secre#ary�r to the mvnthl��harge by <br /> the Secr�ta.ry instead of the monthty mortgage insurance premium; <br /> ta any taxes, special assessments, leasehald paym�n.ts or gr�und rent.�, and fue, flood and other <br /> hazard insurance prem�ums,as required� <br /> T�.ird, to interest due under the Note; <br /> F��.rt�. to amortization af the principat of the I�ote; and <br /> Fi�, to late charges due und�r�he Note. <br /> 4. Fire,Flaodand�ther Hazard�nsuranc�.Borrower shal��nsur�a11 improvement�an the Proper�y, <br /> whether naw in exist�nc�ar subsequently erected, against any hazards, casua�ties,and conting�ncies, <br /> including f�e, for t�hich Lender requires insurance. This insurance shall�e ma�ntained in the amount$and <br /> for the periods that Lender requires. Borrower sha11 also insure ar�impravemen�s on the Property,whether <br /> n�w in exxst�nce or subsequently erected,aga�nst loss by floods to the extent required by the S�cretary.AI� <br /> insurance sha11 be carr�.�d�vith campanies apprvved b�Lender. The insurance policies a�d any renewals sha�l <br /> be he�d by Lender and shalt rn�lude loss ayab�e clauses in favor of,and�n a form acc tab�e to�Lender. <br /> FHA Mortgage WfTH MERS-NE Revised 419B <br /> VMP� VMP4N(NE3(13�2}.44 <br /> Wolters ICluwer F�nancial Senrices Page 3 af 1� <br /> q�33 88zf836 �z33 373 4314 <br />