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��15��174 <br /> r��uired by RESPA, and Borrower sha�l pay to Lender the amtiunt nec�ssaz�to make up the def�c��ncy zn <br /> a�cordance wit�RESPA, but�n no more than �2 month�y pa�ments. <br /> Upon paym.ent�n ful� �f ali sums secured by this Secur�ty Instrument, L�nder shal� prampt�y r�fund tn <br /> Borrawer an� Funds held by Lender. <br /> 4. Charges, Lie�s, B�rrower sha�I pay ail tax�s, assessments, �harges, fin�s, and impositions attr�bu�ab�e�o <br /> the Proper�y which can atta�n pri�ri�y over this Se�urz�y I�strumen�, leas�h�id payments �r gr�und ren�s an <br /> the Proper��, if any, and �ommun�t�Assa�iati�n Dues, F��s, and Assessments, if any. T�the ex�ent tha� <br /> these items are Escrow ���ms, Borrower sha��pay them in�he manner prov�ded in Sect��n 3. <br /> Borr�wer shall prornp�ly d�scharge any lien which has priority�ver th�s S�cur�t�r �ns�rumen�un��ss <br /> Barro�ver: �a} agr��s �n writzng ta the payment of the ob�iga�ion secur�d by the�zen �n a manner acceptable <br /> tfl Lender, bu�on�y s� �or�g as Borrav�rer is perf� such agr�ement; �b}contests the��en�n���d fa��h by, <br /> or defends against enforcement a�the lien�n, �ega�pr�ceed�ngs which in Lender's apznion�perate t�prev�n� <br /> �he erzforcemen�of th���en whil�those pracee�ings are pending, but oniy until su�h proceed�ngs are <br /> cancluded; ar�c}secures from th�halder af the�ien an agreem�nt satisfact�ry ta L�nder subordznat�ng the <br /> Iien to�h�s Securi�y Tnstrument. �f Lend�r determines �hat any par��f the Prnperty is subject t�a�ien which <br /> can at�ain priority over�hzs S�cur�ty �nstrum�n�, L�nd�r may gxve Barr�v�r�r a r�o��ce xde���fy�ng�he�ien. <br /> �V'�thin ��days of the da�e on wh�ch tha�notic�is giver�, Borr�wer sha1� satisfy th���en or take ane or rn�re <br /> of the ac�ions se�f�rth abave in�his Sec���n 4. <br /> Lender may requ�re Barro�ver to pay a on�-��me charge for a rea�estat�tax ver��cat�nn andlor rep�rting <br /> service used by. Lend�r in Gonne�ti�n w��h th�s Loan. <br /> 5, Property Insurance, Borr�wer shai�keep the improvements no�v exis�ing or hereaf�er erec�ed on th� <br /> Pr�per��r�n�ure�agains��oss�y f�re, hazards �ncluded within�he term "ex�end�d coverage," and any oth�r <br /> hazards �nc�ud�ng, bu�n���im.ited to, ear�hquakes and fl�ods, f�r wh�ch L.�nder requ�res insurance. This <br /> �nsurance sh�ali be maintain�d in the amounts ��nc�ud�ng de�uct���e 1����s� and for th�periods tha�Lender <br /> requires. �Vhat Lender requir�s pursuan�to th�prec�d�ng sent�nc�s�ar�chang�during the t�rm�f t�he Laan. <br /> The insurance carri�r prav�d�ng�he�nsurance sha�� be chasen by Borrower sub�ect�o Lerzder's r�ght ta <br /> disapprove Borr�wer's cha�ce, wh�ch rzgh�sha��n��be ex�r��sed unreas�nab�y. Lender nlay require <br /> Barro�ver�a pay, �n cor�n�c�ion with th�s Laan, e� �a} a one-time charge far f�aad zone determination, <br /> c�rtifi�ation and trac��ng services; �r�b} a ane-tim�charge for f�a�d zone de�erm�natian and cer�i�cat�on <br /> s�rvi��s and subse�uen�charges each time remappings or similar changes occur whic�reasonabiy migh� <br /> affec�such determination or certifica�ion. Borrov�er sha11 aiso be resp�nsib�e f�r�he paymen�of any f�es <br /> imposed by�he Fe�eral �mergency Manag�men�Agency in c�nnec�xon vvzth�he rev�ew of an�fload z�ne <br /> de�erminat�fln resu���ng fram an objec��on by Barrower. <br /> �f B�rrawer fai�s to ma�ntain any of�h�coverages descri�ed ab�ve, Lender may ob�ain insurance coverage, <br /> at Lender's�p�ian and Borrower's expens�. Lend�r is under no obligation to purchase any particular ty�e�r <br /> amount of cov�rage. Theref�re, such coverage shall coWer Lender, but might or migh�na�pro�ect Borra�er, <br /> Borro��r's equity in the Prop�r�y, or the c�n�en�s�f the Property, agains�any risk, hazard ar��abi�i�y and <br /> might prflvxde greater or lesser co��rage�han was prev��us��r in effec�. Borrower acknow�edges that th�ca�� <br /> of the insurance coverag�sa obtained nught szgn��cant�y��.c�ed th�cost of insurance tha�Barrower c�u�d <br /> ha�e�btained. Any am�unts disbursed b�Lender under th�s S�c��an 5 sha��become additzona�deb��f <br /> Borrower secured b�r��.�s S�curi�y Instru�ment. These amaun�s sha�l b�ar in��r�st a��he Note rate from the <br /> date of disbursenlen�and�hall b�payabl�, wi��such int�res�, upon notice from�Lender�Q Borro�ver <br /> request�ng payment. <br /> N�BRASKA-Single Family-�annie MaeJFreddie Mac UNIF�RM 1N5TRUM�NT Form 3p28 11�1 <br /> VMP Q VMPfitNE}t73d�} <br /> Wolters Ktuwer Financiat Ser�i�es Pag�fi af 17 <br />