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��15��174 <br /> B�RR��'ER�DVEI�ANTS that Borro�ver zs lav�fully se�sed�f the estate hereby c�n�ey�d and ha� th�r�ght to . <br /> grant and convey the Praperty and that the Proper�y is unencumbere�i, e�c�pt for encumbrances �f rec�rd. <br /> Borrow�r warrant� and wi�� defend genera�ly the�itle to the Property against aI1 ciaims and demands, su�ject�a <br /> any er�cumbran�es�f re�ard. <br /> T��S SE�UR�TY ZNSTRUMENT�ambin�s unif�rm covenan�s for nat��na�us�and n�n�unif�rm covenan�s w��h <br /> �imit�d variat�ons by jurisdiction�o constitut�a un�f�rm s�curity �ns�rument cov�rxng rea�proper�y. <br /> Uniform Co►►enants. Borrow�r and Lender co�enant ar�d agre�as fo��aws: <br /> 'I. Payment vf Prin�ipal, Interest, Escrow �tems, Prepayment Charg�s, and Late �harges. B�rr�v�er <br /> shall pay vvhen du�the principal of, and ir�t�res�on, �he debt e�idenced by�he�ote and an�prepayment <br /> charges and�ate�harges due under�he Nate. Borrawer sha�l also pay funds for Escrow I�ems pursuanC to <br /> Section 3. Pa�rmen�s due under the Note ar�d this Securzty Xns�rumen�shal�b�made�n LJ.S. currency.. <br /> Haw�ver, if ar��ch�ck or o�her instrumen�rec�iv�d b� Lender as paymen�under the N�te or this Secur�t�r <br /> �nstrument is retur�ed to L�nder unpaid, Lender may requ�re tha�any ar a1i suhsequent payments due under <br /> �he Na�e and���s Se�urity �ns�rument be made�n one�r mare of the f���ow�ng forms, as sel�cted b� Lender: <br /> �a} cash; �b}maney ar�ier; �c} cer�x�ed check, bank check, �reasurer's ch�ck ar cash�er's check, pravided any <br /> such check is drawn u�on an inst��utian vvhas�depaszts ar�insur�d by a f�dera� ag�ncy, �nstrumentali�y, or <br /> enti�y; or�d� El�c�roni�Funds Transfer. <br /> Payments are d��med rece�ved by Lender when rec�iv�d at the loca�ion designated in th�Note or at such <br /> o�her Ioca��an as ma�b�des�gnated b� Lend�r�n accor�an�e with the n��ice provisions in Sec�ion I5. <br /> L�nder may return any pa�rxzen�or par�ial payment if tht pa�rm�nt or par��a�paymen�s are insuf�cient to <br /> bring the L�an curr�nt. Lender may accept an�pay�rnent or partia�payment xnsuf�c��n�to bring the Laan <br /> current, �ith�ut waiWer af an�rights hereunder ar pre�ud�c��o its righ�s�o refuse such payment or par��a.� <br /> payments xn the fu�ure, bu�Lender is no�obliga�ed�o app�y such paym�n�s at the�ime suc�pa�rm.ents are <br /> accepted. �f each Periadic Paymen� is app��ed as af i�s schedu�ed due date, �hen L�nder ne��.na�pay zn�erest <br /> an unapp�ied funds. Lender may h�Id such unapplied funds unti� Barrower mak�s paym�nts to b�ing th� <br /> L�an curr�nt. If B�rrower does not d� s�with�n a reas�nable periad of�ime, Lender sha�� ��ther app��such <br /> funds or return them�o Borrower. �f not applied earl�er, such fun�s wili be applied ta the outs�ax�d�ng <br /> principal�alance un��r�he N��e�mmed�ate��prior to foreclosure. Na offset or claim wh�ch Barrower rnught <br /> have now ar in the fu�ure aga�nst Lender sha�� r��ieve Borrower from making paym�nts due und�r the Note <br /> a�ad th�s Securi�y Instrument or perfQrming the covenants and agre�ments secured by th�s Secur�t� <br /> Instrumen�. <br /> 2, Applieativn vf Payments or Praeeeds. Except as o�her�ise described in this Sec�ion�, al�payments <br /> accep�ed and app��ed by L�nder shall be app���d zn the f�l�owxng�rder of pr�arity: �a} interest due under the <br /> No�e; �b}principal due under the Nate; ��} amounts du�und�r Sect��n 3. Such pa�rme�ts shall be applied to <br /> ea�h Per�adic Pa�ment in�he ord�r�n which i�b��ame due. Any rexnaining amaun�s shal�be applied�rst�a <br /> late charges, secand to any o�her amaunts due under th�s S�curi��Ir�strumen�, and��.en to reduce the <br /> principal ba�ance of the N���. <br /> �f Lender receiv�s a paymen�.from Borrower far a delinquent Periadic Payment which includes a suffici�nt <br /> amount tn pa�any�at�charge due, the paymen�may�e app��ed t��he delinquen�pa�ment and the late <br /> charge. �f more than�n�Period�� Paym�nt is�u�standing, L�nder may app�y any paym�n�recei�ed fram <br /> Borr�wer�o�he repaym�nt�f the Periodic Pay3ments �f, and�o the extent that, �ach payment can be paid�n <br /> fu��. To the e��en�that anx�xcess e�.zsts after the payment is app��ed�o�he fu��pa�men�of�ne ar more <br /> Per�odic Pa�men�s, su�h ex��ss ma�be app�ied to any late charges due. Voluntary prepaymer�ts shall be <br /> app��ed �rst ta an�prepaym�r��charges and then as described in�he Note. <br /> NESRASKA-Sin�le Famity-Fann�e Mael�r�ddie Mac UNIF4RM INSTRUMENT Farm 3�28 11�1 <br /> VMP� VMPfitNEf�13fl2y <br /> Walters Kfuw�r Finan�ial Ser�ices Page 4 of 17 <br />