<br /> ���� �F TF��S7'
<br /> L��n N�� �"�1"I���� {��r��i����� ���� �
<br /> irvl��th�r��isti�� n�irv ��-l�t�r.
<br /> Ew�r�#.� Aff��tir�� �uarar�t�r� Ar�y �f tl�� �r���din� �v�nt� �c��rs v+rith �-�s���t t� �ny �r�a�r�ntQr� �nd�r��rr sur�t�r
<br /> �r ���omm��ati�n ��rty a� �n�+ �� ��� Ir�d�bt��r���s �r ar�y gu�r�nt�rr �r���rser, s�r�tyr �r a���rrtirr�oda�ti�n �ar��r
<br /> di�� ar ����me� in��m��t�nt, �r r��r�k�� �r di���tes t�� val3d�t�r �#r �r liab�li�� ur�d�r, any �uarar�t� �� t��
<br /> Ir�d��tedn�s�.
<br /> Adwer�� �h�n��. A rnat�ri�3 ��v�rs� ��ar��� ���ur� ir� �arr�vv�r'� �rr Tr�st�rT� �En�r��ial ��n�itia�� �r ��nd�r
<br /> ��I����� th� �r�����t afi p�ym�n��� p�rf�rr��r�r��� �f tf�� f nd��t��lr��s� i� iC1��alr��.
<br /> In�ecuri�y� �.�r�d�r ir� ��ad ��ith k��li�v�s �ts�I�F ir�s��ur�,
<br /> F�I�HT� ANC� I��E�I����� �N �EFA�LT: I� ar� �u�nt af ��f���t a�c�r� �n��r thi� ����f a�Trust� a�r �ny�ir��tl����aft�r,
<br /> '�I��'ust�� �r L����r��y e�er�i�e ar�y�n��r m�r� a��he fall�vvin� ri�l�t� an�l r�m��ii�s:
<br /> �4�����r�ti�r� Up�n aef�ul�; A�l��ti�rr�� �emedi�s. [� ��y Ev�nt af I��fault ����rs �s ��r tl�� t�rms �f tl�� N�t�
<br /> s��ured ��r�byr L�r���r rnay de�l�r� ��I In�J�b���n�ss ����r��l b���i� ���d ��Trust t� la� d�� ��d �ay�t�l� �n�
<br /> �h� s�rn� �h�ll th�r�u��r� ����rr��du� a�d p��rak��� v�ith�ut an� pr�s�ntr��r�tr ��mar�d, p��t��t�r n����e o� an�r
<br /> I��r��. ���r�af��r, Ler���r��y;
<br /> {�� Either ir� p�r��r� �r �� ��en�f �rvi�h �r �nritf��ut �rin��n� �n� ��ti�n �r pr��e�clin�r �� by a re��iv�r
<br /> ap��int�d b� � ��urt �r�� �rith�ut r�g��d �� tl�e a���u���r �f i�s ����rf��r� �r�t�� u�a� an� tak� ��ss���ian
<br /> �f th� Pra��r�y, �r ar��r ��rt�h�re�fr ir� it� �v�rn r�am� �r �n t�e ��m� ofi�r�s��eF �r�d d� an� ���� v�,��i�l� it
<br /> ���rns r����s�ary o� �e�ir�bl� ta pre��rv�tl�� v�f�e f mar���a�ility �r r�r�t�bility�f tf�� Pr��ert�rr ar ��rt a�
<br /> tl�� �ro���t�{ �r �n��r��t in th� Pr���r�yf ir��r�as� tf�e ir�cc�m� fr�rri th� P�-ap�r�� �r �r�t��f t�� ��c��ity �fi
<br /> tf�� Pr����t�; a r�d, �ri�h �r vtir ith�u� ta ki�� �������i�n a� th�� �ro�er�y� �u� f�r or atE��rv�i�� ��Il��t th�
<br /> r�r�t�r iss�e� �nd pr�fits �fi�h� Pr���rt�r� in��u�i�g �h�se ���t �u� ar�d unp�id, �r�d a�pl� #h� sam�r I�s�
<br /> ��sts �n� ��p�r�s�s of a��r�ti�n ar�� c�l I��ti an a���rr��ys' f��s, �� �n}� �n�e�t�d r���s����,��� ��r th i� a�e d
<br /> �f TrUst, al� in �u�l� �r�er as L�nd�r m�y ��t��min�. Th� e�t�rir�� u��n ar�� ta6�irig� �ass�ssi�r� �� th�
<br /> Pr���rty, th� ��Il���i�n �f s��h r�nf�� �s���� an�l pr�fFt�r and �h� ��p[ica�ki�n �rher��f shall ��t �ur� �r
<br /> v��iv� �n�r ��fa�r�t�r t��ti�� �� d�fault ur���r this ���� �f Tru�t �� ir�v�li��#� ��y a�t ��n� ir� r����n�� ta
<br /> ��r�� ��fa�lt�r �ur��ar��t� su�l� n��i�� ����f�ul�f �rid, n���rith�t�ndin�th� c�n�in��n�� ir� ���ses�iar� �f
<br /> th� Pr���rt�r ��' �I�I� GaII�C�I�I�r r���ipt �r�� �p�li��#��n �f r�r�tsr is���s �r �r�#itsr Tru�t�� �r L�r�d�r �h�ll
<br /> h� er�titl�d t� ��€�r�i�e ��r�r�r �i��t Rr��rioi�� fc�� ir� th� N��� �r th� R�lated ����m�nt� �� b�r lav� +�p�n the
<br /> c���urrenc� �f ar�y �vent�f d����lt, irrclU�ir�� th� right t��xer�i�e�h� p�v+r�r����I�i
<br /> {�} ��mm�n�� �r� ��tian �a f�r��l�s� this aeed c�f Tr��t �� � m�r��a�er a�p�iri� � ree�i�r�r�r���cifi��lly
<br /> e r���rc� �n�r a��h� ��v�r�a r��� ��r�a�; �r�d
<br /> ��� a��i��r t�Tru���� a �r�tt�n �ecla�r�-�#vn �f d�f��lt �r��d ��m�n� f�r s�i� �r�� � �rritt�r� n�ti�� ��de���lt
<br /> ar�� ��e�ti�r�t� ���s� Tr�,st�r'� ir�t�r�st in tf�� Praperty�� ������, vvl�i�h n�tic� Trus��� sl�ail �����t� ��
<br /> ��ly fil�d f�r r��ard in th� a��r��r#�te affi�es�f th� ��unty in �rvhich tl-�� f�r�p�r�y is I��atedi ar��
<br /> �d� 1�Ili�f-ti res�e�t tv �ll �r �n�r ��r� ��r t�� P������I Pr���r��+, �en��r sh�ll h��r� �ll th� ri�hts �r�d r�r���i��
<br /> ��� ����ured p�rty ur���r t�� N�br�Sk� �lnl��l'i'ri ���m�����1 ����.
<br /> �or������r� �y���er of��I�. Ifi��r��i�r el������ f����l��� f��r���r�i�� afi t�� F'ov��r�� 5ale �et'�ir� ��nt�in��r
<br /> L�r���r sha�l n��i�� Trustee ��� �h�ll ���a�it �rvith Trus��� #�i� a��d ���'r�st �n� tf�� N��� �r�� s��h r�c��R��
<br /> and ��i���c�e �f e�p�r��it�r�� m��e �r�d s��ur�d ��r tl�is ���d ��Tr��t as Trust�� �-n�y r�quir�.
<br /> {a� �p�n re��i�f a����h na���� fr�rr� L�n��rr Tru�t�� �h�ll ���s�t� b� �����de�r ��,bli�l��� �r�� d�li��r��
<br /> t� Tru��or su�h Nati�� �f �����,It ar�d N�ti�� �� ��1� �� th�r� ��quir�d �� I�v�r �r�� ��r th�i� ❑eed �f Tru��.
<br /> Tru��ee� s���l, with��t ��mar�� �r� Y��s��rr aft�r s��h tim� �s �a�r �I��n �� r���ired �y lav+r �n� after
<br /> r���rdati�n af ���I� I�r�ti�� �f f��f��lt ar��l �ft�r Nati�� �f ��I� F�avin� k���n �i�r�r� �� r�qUired i�� lav�, ��I�
<br /> �F�� Pro�e�� a� th� �irr�e ar�d ���c� �f sai� fi��� �y it ir� s�,ch N�ti�� �# ��I�, ��th�r a� a v�l��l�� �r i�
<br /> ����rat� ��t� �r�ar��f� �r it�rr�s �� '�r��t�� si��ll ���rr� �xp��i�ntr ar�d in s��h ���er �s it may ��t�rmin�r
<br /> at �u�li� au�ti�n t� �I�� I���h��t ������ f�� �ash ir� la�t+rfu� rr��n�y ��th� l��it�� �tat�s ��ya��� �t th� ��m�
<br /> �f sale. Tr�st�� �h�ll d�li�r�r ta �U�h �urch�ser� �� pur�h���rs th�r�af Ft� ���� �n� �uffi�i�r�t ���� �r
<br /> ����s ��n�rey�n� the �����r�y s� ��Idr I��J� 1+511�I�Q�.1� $�f1�1 ���r�r��nt �r �rarrar�ty, ��pre�� �r im�li�d. '�h�
<br /> r��it�ls in �ucf� ��ed �f an� r�att�rs ar f��ts s��l� �� ��n�l��i�re �r��� �# ��e truth��l�n�ss th�r��t. Ar��
<br /> p�rs�r�r ir�cludin� v��th�ut limitatior�Tr�st�ri TrUs���, �r��n�l�r� m�y�urch��se �t sU�l����e.
<br /> ��} �s m�y �� �e rmit��� k�� ]�w� afte� �1����tl�1� �I i �a�ts r f��s a�d ��p�r�s�� �f �r�,s��� a n� �� tl�a�
<br /> Tr�st, in��U�lir�� ��sts �f�vid�n�� �f tit�� i� ��r�n��ti�r� v�ith s�F�r Yrust�� �h�ll ��ply th� pr�����1�����I�
<br /> to pa�rm�nfi afi {i� �II �um� �x��n���l un��r�h�t�rm� �f tF�i� a��d �f�r�st���r�d�r th�t�rrrys �f th� �l�t�
<br /> n�t th�rr r�p�ic�, in�lu�in� ��t nat I€mi#�d t� ���rued i�t�rest �nd lat� �h�r�es, �ii} �ll �tl��r sur�� th�r�
<br /> s��ur�d I��r�la�, ��d {i�i� �h� r�mair�d�rr i�an�r, t� th���r�or��r��rsc�r�� I��all� entitl��tt��r�ta,
<br /> ��} Tr�st�e r��y�n t�� mann�r�r��ri��� ��r lav�r ��st�on�s�l� a�all �r�n� partian o��th� Pr���r��r.
<br /> R�m��li�� I��t Ex�l��iv�� Tr�,�t�e ar�� L�n��r, an� ���h �f th�m� �half b� en��tl�d t� �n��rc� p�ym�r�# and
<br /> p�rf�rmar��� �fi�n�r�n���te�r���s �r abli��tians ���ured k��r t�is D��� �f Tr��t ar��I t� �xer�i�� �II r��i�ts �n� p�vvers
<br /> �r���r thi� ���� �f Tru�t, �an�i�r �he N�t�r ur�der ar��r �f tf�� �e���e� ��cum�r�tsr �r �nd�r �r��i ath�r ��r��rri�n� or
<br /> an� I�v�rs n�� �r i�e���ft�r in f�r��� r�atv�i�f�stand#r��r sam� �r �I1 �f su�h �r�d��tedn�s� ���i �bli�ati�r�� �e�ur�cl ��r
<br /> ��is ���� a�Tru�t r�ay r-��v�r o� h�r��ft�r �� ��h�r�i�� ���ur�d, v��n��h�r �y m�rt����, d��� �f�ru��r �1����, 13�n,
<br /> �ssi�nm�nt �r �tk��rv�ris�. N�i�her ��e ��c��tar��� �f �hi� ��e� �f Tru�t r��r it� er�f�r��m�r�#f irvf��th�r b�r ���,rt
<br /> ��ti�r� �r �ursu��t t� th�� ��vtir�r �f ��le �r ���er ���v�t's ��ri�aine�l in tl�i� ���d ��F Tr��t, �h�l� �re�udi�� �r ir� �r�y
<br /> rr��nn�r �f#��t �'r�stee"� �r L�r�d�r'� ri�l�t t� r�ali�� up�r� �� �r�f�r�� any ath�r s���rity r�av� �� h�r��fter hel� �y
<br /> Tr�rst�� �r L�n��r, �t k��ir�� ��r���th�t Tr�t�t�� and ��n�lerr �r�� ���h ��th�m� �h�ll �� �r�titl�� t��nfor��this L����
<br /> �� Tr��t a�� ar�� �th�r ���urit�r r���rv �r I��r�aft�r h�l� b�r L�n��r ar Tru���� �r� ��cf� �rd�r ar�� mar�rr�r a� tf��y �r
<br /> e�th�r �f �Y��rr� may �n �I��ir ��s�l+�t� �lis�r��i�r� d�t�rm�n�. Nv r�m�dy ��r�f�rr�d u��n �r res�rv�� t� Tr��t�� �r
<br /> ��t��err is i�t�r���� t� b� ���1 us i�r� �f �n�r �th�� r�rrti�t�y i n th�s ����i �fi T�-u�t�r �y I�v�r R r��ri d��I �r �e rrr�itte d i t�ut
<br /> ���h sh�ll �� �u�ul�ti�� ar�� sh�ll b� in �d�itiar� t� ���ry ��h�r r�m�dy �i�r�r� in �l�i� E���d �f Tru�t �r na�u �r
<br /> h�r��ft�r��i�ti r�� a� I�v� ar i n �q�i��r �r�y�t�tut�. E��r� pa��r ar r�m��I�r g i�r�� l�y tl�� Na�t� �r�r��r �#th� ��f�t��
<br /> ����r�r�nts t� Trus��� �r L�r���� ar t� v�hi�l� �ith�r �f t�n�rx� ma� �� �tl��r�nris� �r�titl��� rrra�y a� ���r������
<br /> ����urr�ntl�r �r in�e�er�d�r�tlyr fr�m tirrti� t� tim� an� as �ft�r� a� m�y 1�� d��m�� ��cp��i�nt �y Tru�t�� �r L�n��rr
<br /> an� ��th�r �fi tl��m ma�r ��rs�� �n��nsi�t�nt r�m��i�s. C��tl�fr�� in thi� I�e�d �fi �ru�t �h�lf �� �anstr��d as
<br /> pr�hi�itir�� L�n��r �r�r� ����in� � �e�i���rr���u��m�r�t a��ir��t�h� Trust�r t�t�� ��tent sucl� a�ti�n i� p�rrr��tt��f 1��r
<br /> �av�. E��G�i�r� �y L�r,der t� ��rsu� �r�y rem��y sl�all r��t ���lude �ur�u�t �f �n� �th�r rern��yr ar�d �r� �I�ctior� t�
<br /> mal�� ���er�ditUr�s �r �� ��I�� ��ti�n �� ��rf�rrrti an ��I������� �f Tr����r �nd�� thi� �e�� �fi Trust, a�ter Tru�t�r's
<br /> ��il�r�t� ��rfarm� ����I nvt�ff�����n��rTs righ�t� �l��j�r� a �1ef�ult �n�f �x�r�i�� it� r�m��li��*
<br /> �eq���t��r I��#i��. Trus��r, �n �eh�lf c�f T�u��ar �n� �.end�r, hereby r�q�est� that a ����c�f�ny �I�tice �f I��fault
<br /> ar�d � c�py �f any �f����� of �al� un��r this p��d af T��,sfi �� rn�i��d t� t�r�m at��� ��dres$�� ��t f�r�h in �h� first
<br /> �ara�r�ph af ti�is ���� �f Tru�t. �
<br /> Attarn���' ����� ��p�n$��. !# L�rr�er in�titutes �r�� suit �r a�ti�n �o enf�r�� �rry �� th� t�rr�s �f t�i� a��d a�
<br /> rr�,�t, L�nd�r �h�ll �� �nti�rl�d ta �����rer su�h ��m ��th� ��urt ma� a�jud�� r�a��na�l� as a���rn�ys' fie�� at�rial
<br /> �n� u��n any �pp��l. �ftilhet��r or r��� any ��urt ��ti�n is ir��r�lv��lr �nd t� th� ��t�nt na� pr�h�k�it�d k�y la�vr all
<br />.---- � _�,,._„a,.��.�.�.__r_..
<br /> . I'���" � i� I I I I� :"il[1�1'.�.�": i i i ..1...,_, --�`�`�mTa"�'""y-��,,...,�.�.,�,�,.�.r:r�.�..,_._..,.,�-_.:.�,�,�...���,,�,�.,�m�.�..._.,��, , , - � �,....��,��,.�•, � .�:�:...�.._,..�,�....��.
<br />