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��15��1�3 <br /> I��E� �� TI���T <br /> ��n ��: 7'I'������ <br /> {��r�tir��r��� ���� � <br /> pri�r li�r,� an the �r���rty ����ri�� tF�� �Q�nr u� t� th� ma�citr�urn R�li�y lirr�it� set �r���r th� �lati�n�l Fl��d <br /> In��ran�e P���ram, ar as c�tl�er�i�� �-���ir�t� t�� ��n�1�rr ���t�m�int�ir� ���h ir�sur�n�� f�r the t�rr� �f t�� l�an, <br /> A��li��t��n �� Pr�����i�. Yr�st�r �h�rl pr�rr��tl�r natify L�n�er�f an�r I�s� �r da���� �a tl�e �'���r�rt�r. L�n��r m�� <br /> r�a�e pr�af �f I��s if T�ust�r fiaFl� �� da s� v�rithir� fift��� (1�} �ays �f th� ��su�l�y, �ltilh�th�r �r r��t I��nd�r'� <br /> s�curity i� i�p��r�dr �,�r���r rr�ay�i �� L�n�ar'� �I��tianr r���i�r� ��ri� r�t�in tk�� pr����ds �f �ny in��r�n�� and ���i� <br /> �h� �r�c���� t� tF�� r��iu���Qn �f ��� Ir��1��t�dn�s�r pa�rment �� �n�r li�r� ��fe���r�g �h� Pr��ert�� �� th� r��t�rati�r� <br /> ar�� r��atr �� �h� Pr���r�y, Ifi L�r�d�r e#��ts t� �p�l�tl�� �r������ t� r����r����n �r��# �e�air, Trus��r s�afl r�pair �r <br /> repla�� tl�� ��m��e� ar d�������� I�n���v�m�r��s ir� � �ann�r s��isf�ctary �� L��r�d�r. L�nd�r sh�l�, u��r� <br /> s�t��f����ry R�aafi �# ���I� ����r,ditur�� pa�r �r r�im�ur�� Tr�,��vr fr�� th�� �r��e�ds ��� th� r��s�r���le ���� �� <br /> r���ir �r ���t�ratian i� Tr�s��r i� n�� in ���F�ult u���r ths� 1���� af Tr��t, �r�y �r�����s �rvhi�h h��� nat ia��r� <br /> �ii�burse� v�rithi� 1�� d��s a�ter their r��eip� an� �rhi�l� L�nd�r h�� n�� �c�rrir�i�kt�d �a th� r���ir �r r��tar��ian �f <br /> t�� �ra�er�y sl��li b� U��d fir�t t� p�� �n� �m�u�t ❑vtirin� t� ��r�cl�r urr��r this ���� ��Tru��r tl�en �� �ay ��cru�d <br /> int�r�st, �r�d th� �-�maind�rr if ���r �hall k�� a�p�ie� t� tl�� �rin�i�al bal�n�� �f tl�� Ind����dr����, �f L�nder h�ld� <br /> �r�y �ra�e��s �ft�r ���rr��r�t in f�l� �f th� Ir��f�bt�dn���, ���h �r�c��ds �l�a�l �� �ai�f �� Trus��r a�s Tru�t�r's <br /> - in��r�s�� rr��y �p���r. . <br /> Tru���r'� R���rt �n In�Ur�n��. �p�� r��u�s� a� l��r���r, h�v'+����r n�� m�r� tha� �t��� a yearr �r��tar �I��II �urn��h <br /> t� L����r � re�or�t �n eac� �xistin� p�li�y �f insur��c� sh��nrin�: (�} tl�� name �f th� insUr�rr ��� th� risk� <br /> in��r��f ��} �t�� �maunt �� �f�� p�li��r; ��} th� �r�p�rt� ir��u��dr th� tf��n Gurr�r�t r�pl���m-�n�r �alu� af ��,�h� <br /> p�����f�r, �n� th� r�ann�� �� d�t�rrr��r�ir�� that valU�; �n� (�} �h� ��c�i��ti�n date �#�h� p�li��r. Trus��r�ha�lr +���n <br /> r�q�e�t�f L�n��r, �rav� �r� i���p�nd�rrt �p��-ai��r satisf��f���t� Ler�d�r��t�rm�r��th� ���h u�l�� r��l��emen� �ost <br /> �fi tl�� �ra��rt}r. <br /> L�N��F�'� ��p���ITI,JR��r I� �r�y a���a� �r �r�����lirr� is ��r�men��� th�t ,rva�l� rna��ri�ll�r �f���t L�r�d�r'� ir�t�r�st in <br /> th� �ro��rty �r if Tru�t�r ��ils �� ��m�l�r v+�ith ar��r pr��i��ar� �fi�f�is ���� ��F Tru�t �r �r�y I��lat�d ���u��r�tsr in�ludin� <br /> b�t n�t li�nit�d ta �Trust��'s f�ilur� ta di��h�r�� �r ��y ���n du� �n� am�un�s Tr�st�r is r���ir�d ta �li��h�r�� �r �ay <br /> �nd�r�I�i� ����1 �f T���� a�- ��y F��la�ed ���umer���r L�nd�r �r� Trust�r"� b�f��lfi m��r {k�ut sh�li r�v� �e �bli��t�cl to} ��k� <br /> ��y a�tiar-ti th�a� ��n�ier ��ems ���r��riater in�l��ir�� �u� na� �imit��i t� a1i��har�i�� �r ��yin� afl �ax��, liens, s���rit�r <br /> ir�ter����r �n��m�r�n��� a�d ��h�r �laimsr �t �n�+tim� I�ui�d �r �I���d �� th� Pr���rt�r �n� Ray�n� al� ���ts f�r in�u�#n�r <br /> maint�ir�ir�g �n�l pr�s��v�r�� th� �ro�er�y, A�I ���I� ����r3di��,r�� in��arr�� �r paFd by G�n��r f�r su�h pur�as�� v��lf ���n <br /> b�ar ir�t�r�st �� �f�� r��� �h�ar��� �r�d�r th� �1��� fr�m �h� d��� in�urr�� �r p�i� ��r L�r��er �a th� d��� �f r��ayrr�ent ka� <br /> Trustar. All �u�f� ��p�r���� v�rzll ����me a �ar� �� th� �n��bt��n��s �r�d, at L�n��r'� ��ti�r�, �rvill ��} �e ��y��l� �n <br /> ��man�r ��} b� a�d�d t� th� b���r��e �f ��� I��t� �rid �� aR�ar�i�r��� am�r�g and �� ���rabl� v�ri�h an�r �n�talJm�r�t <br /> ��ym�nt� t� �ec�me �u� durin� ��th�r {1� �l�� t�rm of any a��lic��l� ins�ran�� ��li��rr �r ��� th� r�rr��ir��r�� t�rm a� <br /> �h� N���f �r ��� �� tre at�� �s � ���I►��n �ay��r�� �r f�i�f� v�i I I �� du� �r�� �a��bl� �t �h� I����'s rr����,ri��. Th� I���d af <br /> Trust al�� v�ril� ���ur� ��ym�nt �# th��� ���ur�ts. ���h ri�ht sf��ll b� �n a���ti�n t� �II ��he� �-igh#s ar�� r�rr��dies t� <br /> v�hi�#� L�r���r rr�a�r�� �ntitled up�r� C��f�UN�, <br /> �Jlf�l�F�l�N�'1�: L�EFEN���F TIT��. Th� f��l�vviri� pr�vi�i�n� rel�tir�� t� o�nr��r�hi��f tl�e �r�p�rty�r� � ��rt����nis a��� <br /> �f T r�st; <br /> �"i#I�, Trust�r �var�ant� that: {�} T�ust�r k��lds ���� and marl��t�bl� tit�� �# r�c�rd t� th� Pr���rty �r� f�� s�m�l�� <br /> �r�� �n� �I�ar �f �II �i�n� �n� �r�cum�r�nc�s at��r t�ar� tl���� s�� farth in th� ��al �rap�rty �es�rip�ti�r� ar �n an� <br /> ��tl� ir�suran�� ��li�yr ��tl� ����rtr �r �in�l �itl� ��ir�i�n ��s�e� in �av�r �fi, �n� a����t�� by� L����r in ��nn��ti�n <br /> v�rith thf� �7ee� �f Trus�r �nd ��� �rust�r I��s��e full ri�ht, �av�rerr �n�i a�th�rity t� ��e�u�� �n� d��iver this ���� �f <br /> T�u�t t� ��n��r. <br /> a�f�n�� �f Ti�l�. �u�j��t t� th� ����pfii�� �n th� �ar��r�Rl� ����re f Tru���r v�r�rr�r�ts and �vil� �ar�u�r d�f�n� tf�� <br /> ti��� fa th� Pr���rt� ���ir�st�he I��ful �lair�� o� all p�rs�ns. ]rr th� �v�r�t �ny ��ti�r� �r �r�����in� is ���rr7�r���d <br /> �h�t ���sti�r�� Tru�t�r"� titl� �r tl�� int�r�s� ��Tr�st�� �r L�nd�r �r�d�r thi� ��ed �f Tr��t, Tru��a�- �ha#I d�f�r��l�I�� <br /> ��ti4n �� Tr�sfi�r"� ����n��. Trustar m��r b� tl�� r��Eninal p�rt�r in �u��n �r����din�r �r�t L�r���r shal� �� �ntitl�d t� <br /> ��r��cip�t� ir� �h� �r�c��dir�� an� �� �a� ���r�s�nted i� th� �r��e��lir�� t�y c��r�s�l o� L�n�er`s a�rur� �hai��r �n�l <br /> Tr�st�r v�rill ��li�err �r ����� t� �� d��ivere�� ta L����r�uch ins�rum�r�t� �s Len��r may r���,�st�r�r� tim��� t�rn� <br /> t� ��rr-r�it�u�h �arti�ip�ti��. <br /> � <br /> ��m�li�r��� 11�i�h �,a�v�. �rUst�r v�r a rra nts th�t �h� p��p�r��r �n� Tru��tar'� u�� �fi th� �r��e r�y ��mp Ik�s v�rit� �ll <br /> ��i�tin� ���li���l� I�v�s� or�ir�an��sr ��� r�gul�ti�n� �t��v�rr�r�en��l �����riti�s. <br /> �ur�ri�r�f �# ��p�r��e nt�t��r�� �n€� �If arr�n#i��. A II r��r��e r�t�ti�ns r �v a rr��ti��, �n� a�r��m�nt� m��� ��r Tru s��r i� <br /> t�i� a��d ��T��st�I��li survi�r� �h� ��c��uti�r� �n� d�li�r�r�r �f tl�i� a��d af Tr�st, �F�alt b� c�ntirruir�� �n r��t�r�r ar�d <br /> �h��l r�m�ir� ir��ull f�r�� ar�� �f���� u�ti� ���I�tirr�� �� �orr�vu�r'� �rr�f�k�t�dn��� �h��l I�e ��i� ir�f�ll. <br /> ���a�MNATI�N. T�e��Il�win� pro��si�ns r�l�ti��ta ��n�emna�t�� �ra����in�s �r� � p�rt�f��i� a��� ���r���: <br /> pr����d�n��. �� �r��r �r����din� i� �����mn�ti�ri i� fil��r '�r��t�r sha�l �r�r1�R���r n�ti�}� L�r��le� in �ritin�f �r�� <br /> Tr��t�� �h�l� pr�m��l�r �al�� s�,�h s���s �s rn��r �� n���ss�r� t� ��fen� th� acti�r� �r,� a���in �h� ���rd. Tr�star <br /> rr7��r f�e �f�� r��mir��l �ar�y in ���h �r�����i��r I��# �.�n��r sl��ll b� ��titl�d t� ��rti�i�at� in tl�� �ro���di�r� an� t� b� <br /> r��r�s�nt�� i� th� pr�����in� k��r �aurr��l �f it� �v�rr� �l��i�er �n� Tru�ta� v�ri�l ��I��r�r �r �au�� t� �� d�[iv�r�d t� <br /> L�n��r such ir�strum�rits �n� d���m�nt�ti�r� �� m�y �� requ�ste� �y L�r���r frorr� tirr�� ta tirr�� �a p�rm�t su�l� <br /> �a rt��i}��tr�t�. <br /> A�R�iGa#�o� �f N�t Pr�G��d�, If al� �r �r��r pa�� �f th� �'�ap�rty is ��n�er�n�d ��r �mi��nt���rr�air� pra����in�s ar l�y <br /> any �r�����ir�g ❑r p�r�l��se i� li�u o���r�d��n�ti�nr �en��r�ay�t its �I��ti�n r��uir� �hat all �r ar�� ��rtion �f th� <br /> �et �����eds �f tl�� a�r�rd �� ��pli�� t� tf�e In���t�dr�e�� ar th� re��ir �r r�sfiara#i�n �f t�� �rap�rt�. Th� r��t <br /> pr�����i� �f th� �v�r�rd �I��II m��rr #h� av�r�rd a�fter ���rm�nt af�11 r�as�r���l� ���ts, ��c��n�esr �n� a���rr��y�; f��s <br /> in�urre� by Tru�t�� �r L�r���r in ��nnec���r� �rtirith�th� ��r�d��r��ti�n. <br /> IMI�(��ITI�N �F TA�E�� FE�� �NL� �H�41���� �1� ��1l��I���NTAL AI.�T�-I�F�ITI��. Th� f�llav�ir�� �r�vi�i�n� ��I�tin� <br /> ta ���rerr�rrk�ntel �a�cesr f��s �n� �I�ar��� ar� � ��rt of thi� a��� �f Yrust; <br /> �urr�r�t T�x�es, Fe�� ar�d �h�r��e�. �p�n r���,��t ��r ��n�erf Trus�ar s�n��l exe�ut� ���� ����m��rts in a��i�i�n t� <br /> this C���d �f T��st �n� ta�� u�rhat���r a�h�r a�ti�r� is r��u����� ��r L�n��r t� p�r��ct �n� ��n�ir��� I��r�d�r's lien �n <br /> �h� I���I �r�p�rt}r. Tr�st�r �i��lE r�im���s� L�n��r ��r ��I t��c��, �s d���ri��� b�a�vxr, ta���h�r v�r�tl� a�l �xp����� <br /> ir��u�r�� in r�c�rdir��, P�rfeG�in� �r ��n�ir�uin� �hi� a��d �� Trustr i�cluding �rvi�h��t limitatian �II ���c$�, f��s, <br /> da��mer�t�ry stam��r a�� �th�r�har��5 f�r r���rdir�g ar r��i���ran� tl�is I��ed �f Tr+�s�t, <br /> T��€�s. TI�� f��la��n� sf�a�l �ans�it�te #�x�� t� vvhi�h thi� ��ctian a�plie�: {1� a ����ifi� ���c u��n th�i� ty�� �f <br /> �e�d �f Tr��t �r upon all �r ar�y ��rt a� th� Ind��t��nes� ���urr�d i�� thi� ���� �f Tru�tf (�} � �p�cifi� t�x �n <br /> ��rr�v��r whi�h� ��rr�v��� i� �uth�ri��d �r ���uire� �� ���f��t fr�m p��rm�n#� �r� th� lnd�k�te�l�ess ����red h�r th�s <br /> t�r�� a� ���d �f�rUsti ��) a t��c �r� thi� t�rp� vf ���� �#l'r�st �har����l� a�air��t th� L�r�d�r�r th� h�l�er �f th� <br /> N���f and ��} a s���ific ta�c �n �!I �r an� ��r�i�n af �h� Ir����t��n��5 �r �� ���rrt�nts ��F �rir��i�$I ar�d ir�t�r��� <br /> m�d� b�r B�rr��rv�r. <br /> ��,�s���uen� 7����. If an�r ta� t� v�rf�i�h tl�is ���ti�r� ���li�� is �na���� s������,�nt �� �kf�� �ate �f this I���� �� <br /> Tru�tr ��i� e�er�t st���l ha�r� th� sar�-�� eff��t a� ar� �v�n� �f ��f��lt� �r�d �en�er rr���r ��ce��is� an�r �r al! o� it� <br /> auail��l� r�medies f�r �n E��nt �f l���a��t �� pr�vi�l�d k��l�� unless Tr��t�r �ith�r ��� ��y� tf�� fia� b���r� i� <br /> ka��arr��� del�n���ntr ar (�� c��test� �h� t��c �� pr��id��l a�ove in th� T��c�� ar�d �,i��� s��tior� an� �1����it� v�i�h <br />�....i� I i. w��..�� �-........,. �.�.�.-1 �.�..v �--�i• rnrm a:x�. �i w�-��-��.--�w-.mse�ra rH,��....o�..,m� <br /> � n.��.���- � � i :�i�l�l��"�,��.,�„�,,, yT,��� ��,.,r,.._�:�r�.��.�. �_r�� �°;r �...�.-�.°zv_-�y � ,r, -,��,��-�,;--��.._,�..y_,..,_--_�y.r��--T------- <br />