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��15��1�1 <br /> ful� �f al� sums secured by �his Security �nstrumen�. �o�ve�er, �h�s �ptian sh���� not be exercised by Lender if <br /> exercise is prnh�b��ed by federal law a�.flf the date of�his Se�uri�y�nstrumen�. <br /> If Lender exercises th�s �p�ion, Lender shall give B�rrow�r n�tice of acc�le�a�i�n. The not�ce sha1� pra��de a <br /> p <br /> eriod �f nat less than the m�nimum�umber af days established by Applicable Lavv from �he date �he riatice �s <br /> de�i�ered or mailed vvi�h�n v�hich Borro�ver must pay all sums sec�ared by this Security �nstrument. If Borrawer <br /> fa�ls to a these sums pri�r t� �he e�:p�ration of th�s per�od, Lender may in�fl:i�e any remedies permitted by this <br /> � Y <br /> Secur�ty�ns�rument wi�h�u�further na��ce or demand on Borrt�wer. <br /> Borrower's l�ight to Re�n��ate. �f B�rrov�rer meets c�r���n cond�ti�ns, Borrc�wer shall ha�e �he r�ght �o ha�e <br /> enf�rcemen�tif�his Securi�y �nstrumen� d�scontinued at an�tim� priar�o the eE�r�ier af: �a� 5 days �or such�ther <br /> p <br /> er�od as Applicable Law may spec�fy for re�nstaterra.en��befare sale�f�he Pr��aerry pursuant�o any p�v�er�f sa�e <br /> �Qn�ained in this Security �nstrument; or �b} entr�y af a �u�.gment enf�rcin�; th�s Security rnstrument. Thase <br /> �ondi�ions are �ha� Borr��ver: (a� pays Lender al� sums w�ich �hen v�rould be ��ue under�h�s Security �nstrument <br /> and�he Contrac�as if no accelera��on had accurred;��}cures any defau��of any ather covenan�s�r agreements;�c} <br /> p <br /> ays al�exp�nses incurred in enforc�ng this Secur�ty�ns�rumen�, I17C�U�II7�,�ut r�ot�imited�a,reasanab�e attarne�s' <br /> fees�to the e��en�perm�t�ed by law; and�d3 takes such ac�ifln as Lender ma�reasanab��require�fl assure tha�the <br /> I�en of�his Security�nstrumen�,Lender's raghts in the Praperty and B�rro�er�s ob�igat�on ta pay the sums secured <br /> by �his Security �ns�rument shal� cantinue ur�changed. Upon�reinstatement�y I3orrower, ��a1s Securi�y Instrumen� <br /> and�he obl�ga�i�ns secured hereby sha�I remain �`u��y effec��ve as if na acce�e��a�i�n�iad accurred. H�we�er, �h�s <br /> right�o reins�ate shai�nat app�y�n the�ase�f accelerati�n under th�sect��n�zfi�ed Transfer of the P�-op�rty or a <br /> B�nefici�l Interes�in Bo�ro�v►�er. <br /> Hazardaus Suhs�an�es. Bor�'awer s�al�not caus��r per�nit the pres�nce,use, disposal, s�orage, flr re�ease of any <br /> Ha�ardous Subs�an�es on ar in t�e Pr�per�y. Borrower sha�l not do,nar a�low a��yone else t�do,anything affec�ing <br /> �he Proper�y tha� is in �ia�a��on of any Envirflnmental La�. The preced�ng �v��a senten�es shall not apply t� the <br /> presence,use,ar st�rage an the ProperCy�f sma�l auan�i�ies�f Ha�ardous Subsfances�ha�are generall�recogni2ed <br /> to be apprapriate to narmal residen�ial�ses and�o main�enan�e of�he Praperty. <br /> BQrrovver shall promptly g�ve Lender v�ritten na��ce of any inves�igat�on,claim,demand, lawsuit�r o�her action by <br /> an�r governmental or regula��ry agen�y or pri�ate party in�olving the Property and any Hazardous Substance or <br /> En�ir�nmen�al Law �f which Borrawer has actual knov��edge. If Borrov�rer learr�s, or is n�tif�ed �y any <br /> g�vernmental or r�gulatory authority,tha�any removal or o�her remediatian�f any�azardous Substance affeCting <br /> the Property �s necessar�, Borrow�r sha1� pr�mp��y take all n��essary ren�edial a�tions �n accardance wi�h <br /> En��ronmen�a�Lar�v. <br /> As used in this paragraph, "�a�a�rdous Subs�ances" are those su�stances defin��d as t�xic or hazardous subs�an�es <br /> by Env�ranmenta� Law and �he fa���wing substances: gasoiine, k�rosene, o�:her f��.mmabie or �oxic pe�ro�eum <br /> produc�s, to�.ic pestic�des and herbicid�s, vo�atiie sal�en�s, ma�erials c�ritain�ng asbestos or formaldehyde, and <br /> radioac�i�e ma�eria�s.As used in�his paragraph, "Env�ranmental Lav►r"m�ans i�ederai�av�s and�av�s of the s�a�e of <br /> Nebraska�ha�rela�e to health, safety or enWir�nmen�a�protection. <br /> Acce�erat�on; Remed�e�. Lend�r shal� gi�e n�tice t� Borr�vver prior to accelerat��n follawing I3orr�wer'S <br /> breach of any c��enant�r�greemen�in th�s Securify��r�s��-urnen�or th��ontract under which accel�rat}on <br /> is p�rm�tt�d �but n�� pr�or�o accelQration und�r thQ s�ctiar� �i�lec� 'T`ransf�er of the Praperty or a �enef�cial <br /> In�erest in �orrower, unle�� App�i�able Il��v pro����s ot�e�-wis�). �'he na�t�c� shail specify: �a} the defau�t; <br /> �b} �he ac�x�n required to cure �he defau�t; �c) � dat�, not less than �he mi��murn� nur�ber of days <br /> e�tablished by Applicab�e Lav�fram the da�e�he not�ce is gxv�� to Borrorver, by which the default must l�e <br /> cured; and �d� that fa�lure to cur� the d�fault on �r �efore the date specified in the not�ce may resul� in <br /> acceiera�i�n �f the sums secu�ed by this S�curity Ins�ru�m�nt and sa��: of the Proper�y. To the extent <br /> permitted hy law, the noti�e shal� fur�her inform �orrower of the righ� to reinstate after accelera��on and <br /> the right t�hr�ng a c�urt ac�i�n t�assert th� a�.on-ex��t�r�ce of a defau��or any ather defen5e�f Borrower to <br /> accelera��an and sale. If the def�ult is not cured on ❑r �befor� the da�e s���cified in the notice, Lender at its <br /> o ��on rnay require im media�� payment i� ����I of ��� sum5 s�cured by this Security �nstrument �vi�hout <br /> � <br /> further demand and xx�ay in�vke the power a�sale a�d any a�her rem�die5 permitted by Appli�able Law. <br /> To the exte�t p�rm�t�ed by �aw, Le��er sha�� be enti�l�c� �a �ul�ect al� e�penses �ncurred i� �ursuing the <br /> r�m�c��es pro�i�Qd irn this S�ction, inciuding, bu� nat lirr�it�d. to, reasanab'�e attorney5' fees and ca�ts af t�t�� <br /> �vid�nce. <br /> If i�lhe pawer of sale is in�o�ec�,'I`ru��ee sh�.�� rec�rd a nu�ice❑f default in each c�un�y in which any part of <br /> the Property �s l�ca�e� and shaii ma�l copies of such natice in th�manner�pres�ribed by App�ica��e Law to <br /> Barrower and to t�e other persons prescri�ed by �ppl�cabie Law. Afte�- the tim� requ�red by App�icab�e <br /> Law, Trustee shail gi�e public na�ice of sale to the p�rsons �nd in the �:nanner pr��cribed by Appli�ab�e <br /> I.,aw. Trustee,without demancl vn Borrov►rer,sha�l�e�i th�I'roperty at p�.�lblic auction to�he highest bidder <br /> at the��me and p�ace and under the terms d��ignated xn�he n�tice af sale�n one nr m�r��arce�s and�n any <br /> ❑rder Trustee deterx�a�n�s. "�C"rustee may po���one saie �f a�l or any ��arc�i of �he Property by publi� <br /> announcement at the time and pla��of any p�-e�i�u�iy s�hedu��d 5a1�.Le;nr�er or its designee may purchase <br /> the Proper�y at any sale. <br /> Upan reeeipt �f payment af the p�ic� bid, 'I'rust�e �hall clei���r t� the pu�rchaser Trustee's deed can�eying <br /> the Property.The recita�s �n the Trustee's d�e� s�al� lbe pr�rr�a fa��e���d�wnce of the truth of th�statements <br /> made therein. Trustee sh�li apply the pr�c�eds of �h� sa�e �n the fvll+awing order: (a� to all co5ts and <br /> expenses af exerc�sing the p�wer af�a�e, and #he s��e, i�cludi�ng the pay�nent of the Trus�e�'� fee5 actua�ly <br /> Q 204�-2a 14 Com�liance Systems,tnc.�'D5D-QD6I-2�l 3L2.1 D.1.895 <br /> Consumer Reai Estat�-Security I�stn�ment DL2�35 Pa�e 4 of 5 www.caFnpliancesystems.cor� <br />